Proposed New Mexico law would incarcerate rape victims who have abortions


Non-Prophet Organization
Apr 16, 2006
"A rape victim could be charged with a felony and face up to three years in prison if she aborts a child conceived in that rape, according to a bill proposed by New Mexico state Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R-Carlsbad)." New Mexico House Bill 206 attempts to further dehumanize rape victims by criminalizing abortion as “Tampering with evidence."

New Mexico House Bill 206 states: “Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating an abortion, or compelling or coercing another to obtain an abortion, of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime.”

According to the proposed law, even the physician who performs the abortion could be charged with a crime.

Just when you think that the insane right can't get any fucking crazier...
I am not advocating abortion but that just doesn't make sense. They could preserve the aborted fetus remains if it is DNA they want. I am thinking this is not true.
I guess she didn't hear Bobby Jindel's speech about not being the stupid party going forward.

At least she is;
a) not a man, so it won't be seen as some old white guy making dumb-ass statements about 'legitimate rape', and
b) not proposing this legislation going into a major election.

And she did admit the proposed legislation was "poorly worded". Not that is going to get her much slack.

If the GOP really wants to re-brand as the big-tent party of small, limited, Constitutional gov't, it needs to leave off pushing it's social agenda and actually focus on working towards a small, limited, Constitutional gov't.
Which probably still won't work but it wouldn't be the suicide dive they are currently all about.
I am not advocating abortion but that just doesn't make sense. They could preserve the aborted fetus remains if it is DNA they want. I am thinking this is not true.

Oh it's true alright.

There are only a few mentally challenged individuals here that would be pulled in by a hoax, those same few (one really) that thought an article in "the Onion" was factual in any way.

The .pdf copy of the bill is from Definitely legit, and the moronic legislator who proposed the law is trying desperately to walk it back.
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If this is not a hoax, if this piece of shit legislation is passed, if the governor is stupid enough to sign it, I believe it will be found unconstitutional in accordance of Roe v. Wade.
The police state is out of control. No criminal government ~ mafia has the right to go around abusing children like this.
I highly doubt it will pass...even with a repub gov, she is in a mostly dem state and has to tread carefully. Except for the far eastern part of the state (near TX) the rest of the state probably won't support this at all.
Wait a minute, I thought it was determined that if a woman is raped she can't get pregnant. :confused:
So, wait. I thought women were somehow able to shut their body down in a case of legitimate rape. If so, wouldn't any child conceived be proof therein that it wasn't a rape? /sarcasm
The "intent to destroy evidence" section would make it hard to actually prosecute anyone. But it is a horrible thing to try and criminalize. They want to further scare women away from abortion.

Renard do you actually have something to say on the topic? No not Renaud.
"A rape victim could be charged with a felony and face up to three years in prison if she aborts a child conceived in that rape, according to a bill proposed by New Mexico state Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R-Carlsbad)." New Mexico House Bill 206 attempts to further dehumanize rape victims by criminalizing abortion as “Tampering with evidence."

New Mexico House Bill 206 states: “Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating an abortion, or compelling or coercing another to obtain an abortion, of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime.”

According to the proposed law, even the physician who performs the abortion could be charged with a crime.

Just when you think that the insane right can't get any fucking crazier...

Todd akin moved to NM eh?
This won't pass. The women's rights groups are all over it. The legislator is already backing down and whimping out over it. Although she's an attorney, she's using I'm just a dumbass and didn't mean it excuse. I'm sure all the taxpayers in NM really appreciate how they their tax money is hard at work paying the salary and benefits for a legislator who is a moron.