Proof of Ron Paul Douchebaggery...


Really Really Experienced
Jun 6, 2005

Yeah, apparently SUCH a libertarian that instead of paying the market price for something offered to him he decides to go crying to the UN to demand control of the website domain.

Such sweet juicy tears from all the ron paul supporters who finally have to realize he's been full of shit all these years. Thank god he's no longer in congress. Now if only we could get rid of his son and Paul Ryan, it would be a good year.
Libertarians are only libertarian for as long as they get what they want.

Ron Paul's been a raving lunatic for years, but he's had the cuddly "defender of the Constitution" tag to deflect from it.
Yes, we have all heard this ridiculous argument from liberals that if you are a libertarian then you are a hypocrite to use the roads that your forced tax dollars paid for or collect social security that you were forced to pay in to 30 years...yes it makes perfect sense to let them just take it and you get nothing...however, its perfectly ok for their little voting blocks to collect a lifetime of welfare, have illegitimate children paid for and drink and party while driving on the roads and barely contribute a 10th of what they take all for free...
Yes, we have all heard this ridiculous argument from liberals that if you are a libertarian then you are a hypocrite to use the roads that your forced tax dollars paid for or collect social security that you were forced to pay in to 30 years...yes it makes perfect sense to let them just take it and you get nothing...however, its perfectly ok for their little voting blocks to collect a lifetime of welfare, have illegitimate children paid for and drink and party while driving on the roads and barely contribute a 10th of what they take all for free...

Let me help lessen your ignorance somewhat, by explaining the difference between libruls, conservatives and glibertarians.

  • LIBRULS: USE the infrastructure and RECOGNIZE AND ACKNOWLEDGE that the government had an integral role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges.
  • CONSERVATIVES: USE the infrastructure but GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO AVOID ACKNOWLEDGING that the government had an integral role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges
  • GLIBERTARIANS: USE the infrastructure but ACTIVELY DENY that the government had ANY role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges
Let me help lessen your ignorance somewhat, by explaining the difference between libruls, conservatives and glibertarians.

  • LIBRULS: USE the infrastructure and RECOGNIZE AND ACKNOWLEDGE that the government had an integral role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges.
  • CONSERVATIVES: USE the infrastructure but GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO AVOID ACKNOWLEDGING that the government had an integral role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges
  • GLIBERTARIANS: USE the infrastructure but ACTIVELY DENY that the government had ANY role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges
Let me help lessen your ignorance somewhat, by explaining the difference between libruls, conservatives and glibertarians.

  • LIBRULS: USE the infrastructure and RECOGNIZE AND ACKNOWLEDGE that the government had an integral role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges.
  • CONSERVATIVES: USE the infrastructure but GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO AVOID ACKNOWLEDGING that the government had an integral role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges
  • GLIBERTARIANS: USE the infrastructure but ACTIVELY DENY that the government had ANY role in establishing infrastructure essentials such as roads and bridges

So their are no moderate libertarians like me who want limited government balanced with as much personal liberty as possible including gay marriage, pro choice ect,,,with the exception of environmental laws and public access parks which benefit all. I even support a safety net but only temporary or for the elderly poor.
So their are no moderate libertarians like me who want limited government balanced with as much personal liberty as possible including gay marriage, pro choice ect,,,with the exception of environmental laws and public access parks which benefit all. I even support a safety net but only temporary or for the elderly poor.

There are many. But they had the courage to vote for Johnson and not "fear" the divide and conquer and throwaway vote stuff.

And, as you move closer to the "moderate libertarians like me (sic) who want limited government balanced with as much personal liberty as possible including gay marriage, pro choice etc" you will find fewer who refer to other Americans as "sheeple".
There are many. But they had the courage to vote for Johnson and not "fear" the divide and conquer and throwaway vote stuff.

And, as you move closer to the "moderate libertarians like me (sic) who want limited government balanced with as much personal liberty as possible including gay marriage, pro choice etc" you will find fewer who refer to other Americans as "sheeple".

The mass cultured sheeple get no pity from me...
Libertarians are only libertarian for as long as they get what they want.

Ron Paul's been a raving lunatic for years, but he's had the cuddly "defender of the Constitution" tag to deflect from it.

You're a pathetic asshole. Ron Paul has more honor in his small intestine than you have in your whole body and that of a 1,000 of your clones.

And, BTW, Paul is a Constitutionalist not a libertarian. His views are close enough to Libertarianism to run as their candidate but he was never a doctrinaire Libertarian. Few people are.
There are many. But they had the courage to vote for Johnson and not "fear" the divide and conquer and throwaway vote stuff.

And, as you move closer to the "moderate libertarians like me (sic) who want limited government balanced with as much personal liberty as possible including gay marriage, pro choice etc" you will find fewer who refer to other Americans as "sheeple".

In fact, there are very few of "you." The old myth of the "fiscal conservative, social [radical] liberal" sleeping giant is just that. A myth.

And sheeple is an awesomely descriptive term. :cool:
In fact, there are very few of "you." The old myth of the "fiscal conservative, social [radical] liberal" sleeping giant is just that. A myth.

And sheeple is an awesomely descriptive term. :cool:

There are more of us then you think and we are coming to get all the renarded we can ..... BOOO!