Proof evill aliens have hatched a plot to take over Lit

I've seen this coming. Just a few days ago Hanns was actually nice to a few people for a little bit. he must have been fighting off the aliens control of him. Is there anything we can do to stop this?:)
I'm not seeing how Ishmael posting fluff and Hanns being nice is cause for alarm. Suspicion, perhaps, but not full-blown panic. Perhaps these aliens are benevolent and would like to help us. Hopefully they'll bring us that insta-transporter, and maybe some potency pills . . . ;)

teddybear4play said:
I'm not seeing how Ishmael posting fluff and Hanns being nice is cause for alarm. Suspicion, perhaps, but not full-blown panic. Perhaps these aliens are benevolent and would like to help us. Hopefully they'll bring us that insta-transporter, and maybe some potency pills . . . ;)


RUN RUN TB4P is one of them...RUN RUN!
Irrelevant. As Dantetier said, you have the IQ of a egg-and-oil emulsion that goes on what you refer to as a "BLT."

He's one of us, too.

He's re-inventing himself...

The Democratic Presidential Field seems to be WIDE open.

ok if all you aliens are this cute....this may not be such a bad thang
teddybear4play said:
Not totally.

My antennae are surgically enhanced. *gasp* :eek:


I thought so but I was too polite to say anything...You are the sexiest colour green...mmm yummy :D Must be hard to find a hat that fits though huh?

roxanne69 said:
Is that you in your AV? mmm you are handsome! :kiss: :D

est-ce que Toi?? au plage. En tout cas - je t'adore, déjà nu... pour ton homme? :kiss: :p
Re: D'accord...

Jimi6996 said:
est-ce que Toi?? au plage. En tout cas - je t'adore, déjà nu... pour ton homme? :kiss: :p

merci, c'est un av que j'ai trouver pour un membre ici que je veut exciter. Il me rends folle avec ses offres de me manger...

Je t'adore aussi jimi! Ravie de te voir ce matin!
*goddess*emi* said:
Ishmael has started a "fluff" thread!!!!!

What devious schemes do these aliens have in store for us next??
Laurel hating cats?
Hanns joining a commune and professing "free love"?
Lance and killermuffin setting a wedding date??

Be afraid people!!! Be VERY afraid!!!!!!!


Debbiexxx may turn mean, so mean? ;)

Chey will start a thread in Amateur Pics?
Re: Re: D'accord...

roxanne69 said:
merci, c'est un av que j'ai trouver pour un membre ici que je veut exciter. Il me rends folle avec ses offres de me manger...

Je t'adore aussi jimi! Ravie de te voir ce matin!

Thank you, Sweetie! :rose: :kiss:

WOOO-HOOOO!"Ravi" back atcha! :p

I am glad that I'm safely attached - I might just make the same kind of offers...:devil:
Re: Re: Proof evill aliens have hatched a plot to take over Lit

MissTaken said:
Debbiexxx may turn mean, so mean? ;)

Chey will start a thread in Amateur Pics?

Lavey will leave the Law, and join the Peace Corps? And what of me, 'tit soeur? ;)

Turn your flaming Yahoo! on, Please!
Re: Re: Re: Proof evill aliens have hatched a plot to take over Lit

Jimi6996 said:
Lavey will leave the Law, and join the Peace Corps? And what of me, 'tit soeur? ;)

Turn your flaming Yahoo! on, Please!

Jimmi is growing hair!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Proof evill aliens have hatched a plot to take over Lit

MissTaken said:
Jimmi is growing hair!


Oh, Goody! But where? I have more than enough BELOW my shiny brow. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Proof evill aliens have hatched a plot to take over Lit

Jimi6996 said:
Oh, Goody! But where? I have more than enough BELOW my shiny brow. :D

Where would you like it, dear?

Nothig to see here, folks. Nothing to see here.

Move along. No crowding. Move along.

<whistling innocently>

(You know, Chey does have a Boobie Pic up on the site....)