Professor Fired For Faking Data On Lynching


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Professor fired for ‘faking data to prove lynching makes whites want longer sentences for blacks,’ 6 studies retracted​

Rikki Schlott
August 4, 2023

Florida State University criminology professor Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that “systemic racism” infests America’s police and American society.

Now he’s out of a job on account of “extreme negligence” in his research.

The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.

College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”

More here:

It continues to be proven that most of the race hustlers in Academia are full of shit.
We all know what the state of education is in Flori-duh.

We don't need reminders. 😎

DeSantis appointee to Disney board taught seminar using discredited research claiming White people were slaves in America​

Peri, an Orlando-based pastor and CEO of a Christian ministry group called The Gathering, made the comments in an hourlong class for his group posted on YouTube about critical race theory called “Cunningly Devised Fables.”

In other comments Peri spread false claims that Irish slaves were forcibly bred with enslaved Africans. He also said a “significant” number of free Blacks in the antebellum era owned slaves, claims disputed by reputable historians who say the number was minimal. CNN archived Peri’s comments from 2021, which he deleted from YouTube following his appointment to the Disney oversight board
It's good that someone who fakes their studies is fired.

So does that mean universities don't indoctrinate or...?
The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.
Plagiarism is common among the token minorities that White people seem to delight in.
Blacks ARE criminals , per % of population vs WHITES
There are proportionately more Black perps and victims who make it into the system, yes. The FBI stats have been consistent on this for decades.

However, most victims are of the same race and ethnic group as the perp, so this means they also suffer disproportionately.
Blacks ARE criminals , per % of population vs WHITES

Black people who commit crimes are criminals. Black people who don’t commit crimes aren’t criminals. Simple concept.

What does your comment have to do with lynching? Are you having a stroke?