Proclamation ~~ Original art as AV



On Monday Jan 27th 2003 "Original art AVs" begins.

You're all artists, you doodle and sketch so use it for you AV the week of 27 to Feb 3rd. Photography is allowed only if it has "artistic merit" and is unusual in some way....... There's no competition, no judges and no shame. Be brave, jusy do it!
plasticman33 said:
Does this mean I have to change my av daily??

No, yours is quite artistic ~ but i If you want to paint a picture with that particilar "brush" ` I certainly won't stop you.
interesting idea

As long as we dont have 500 stick figure Spinaroonie lookalikes runnin round here...

my better artistic qualities are not within my drawing hand...
superlittlegirl said:
Since art is subjective, how will we ever agree on who is actually participating?

Let's just see what appears....does it matter if what one person sees as art isn't quite what another does. As you's subjective.

I just thought it'd be a fun challenge. :)
Re: interesting idea

JerseyBoy said:
As long as we dont have 500 stick figure Spinaroonie lookalikes runnin round here...

my better artistic qualities are not within my drawing hand...

Even stick figures are accepted....... :D
Tungwagger said:
My definition of art is coating my wife's belly........:D

That's art......include it. A photo will do if her belly's unavailable.
I am expressing one of my more dark moods with this piece I like to call...

Me with sharp thingie.
guilty pleasure said:
You guys are a bit early but that's fine. Nice AVs - both. :)
Why thank you.

And speaking of AVs...

Not all of it is in your jeans anymore ;)

guilty pleasure said:
You guys are a bit early but that's fine. Nice AVs - both. :)

Actually, this is Indigo Rose's original art using my photo, so she should get the credit. I have a painting of mine that I'd like to use for next week. :)
Hey GP...I got a problem...

I can't draw for shit and can't do much on this computer anyways. :(
Not a bad idea.

I've got a couple really quick sketches already scanned that I pm'd to another member awhile back. They were just quickies, but most likely av-worthy.

I'll have to get someone to resize one for me, since I'm ignorant. lol
gp? this is a great idea! I love it! count me in!

but remind me cuz otherwise i'll forget.
Vilac said:
Not a bad idea.

I've got a couple really quick sketches already scanned that I pm'd to another member awhile back. They were just quickies, but most likely av-worthy.

I'll have to get someone to resize one for me, since I'm ignorant. lol

Scan and resample --- no excuses now..... :)