Problems viewing a story on Lit Android App

Jun 29, 2012
Greetings! I just had a submission ("Love, Be-Were!") post, but seem to be unable to view it on the literotica android app on my cellphone. It only shows the first sentence when I click on the story. I don't have a problem loading the other new stories. Suggestions?
Drop a link to the story into your sig line and we'll check it out.

Lazy bunch around here.
And you're right; it doesn't show up in the android app. You might want to PM Laurel about the problem.

I thought the split was that Laurel handles the dirty story stuff and Manu handles the geek end of Lit.
When you say "First sentence", exactly where does it cut off?

I'm guessing that this is the problem that's preventing display in the app:

(<3 u Jaz!)

That angle bracket is showing up as an angle bracket in the source code, rather than the html special character equivalent. No clue how the Lit app works, but any time you have something displaying HTML, angle brackets can present a problem.

It may be that Laurel can do a quick edit of your text to replace < with 〈 to resolve the problem.

After that, Manu may need to tweak either the app or the text processor to deal with angle brackets in this way to prevent future issues.
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And as another data point, could someone who has the app check out this?

That uses angle brackets in the scene separators, so if I'm correct, the app should cut it off at the first one after my author's notes.
Nope, it doesn't cut it off but shows *D<~>D*********** as *DD***********. I suppose the OP's trouble is from having only one angle bracket and not the closing one.
Odd. Not even remotely the behavior I expected.

I don't have anything with a single angle bracket to use for another data point, and there's no way to search for that sort of thing. Lit and Google both ignore the angle bracket when searching.

I still think that substitution of the special character code will fix the OPs problem, and it's certainly the easiest thing for Laurel to try as far as restoring that story to viewable form on the app.