Private message to Laurel

It's too bad that Literotica doesn't provide some way to send private messages to individual members.

They should think about trying to add that feature.
sunstruck, how dare you interupt what is clearly labeled as a PRIVATE message.

However, as you did say hello, I'll be kind and say hello back.

Hello sunstruck.
RawHumor said:
It's too bad that Literotica doesn't provide some way to send private messages to individual members.

They should think about trying to add that feature.

That's a brilliant idea RH!
never !!! :)

nice to see you good luck with your exams ... missed you here
LOL Never's like a Lesbian Bug Light. As soon as she shows up, they all flock to her.

*BZZZZT* There goes another one.

RawHumor said:
LOL Never's like a Lesbian Bug Light. As soon as she shows up, they all flock to her.

*BZZZZT* There goes another one.


jealous :p