Private Eyeful [Closed to MotherofTears24]


RP Enjoyment
Oct 23, 2006
-It was another one of those years. Rape, Murder what else was new in this stinking city. For Ex-Officer and new reformed private eye 26 year old James Gallop has been taken to the streets as long as he could finding clues to these murders and rapes lately. The year 1949. James was relaxing in his Office as he was putting together clues for the recent cases. James rubbed his eyes it was late and he needed to get a drink to think this all over.-"FDR I wish i had your intelligence."-He said at the bar as a Bartender began serving him drinks. James had a Burger as well to help soak the Alcohol. It was late apparently there was a lot of ruckus some where by his office as he herd a lot of talk in the bar. He sighed heavily hoping not to find anything on his door.-"Great."-he said to him self as James paid and left to head towards his office.-
Name: Jeanette Lamont
Age: 24
Appearance: (not a lilly munster pic)

I regretted ever working for Ciro’s Nightclub. I was a dancer. I thought it would be fun and good pay. I lost my husband in 1944 during World War II. I missed him greatly. We started out as friends when we were younger and we married when I was 18. Things were very tough considering I was a housewife when my husband was alive. My parents died and I did not know very much about my family, so I had no support or someone whose shoulder I could cry on. I had to work in order to survive.

During the war, I worked at a factory which made weapons until the men came home. Then, it was on to something else. I worked many odd jobs, but they did not work out until I got the job at Ciro’s Nightclub. I worked there three years without incident up until I was raped by a corrupt officer and his friends who were out for a good time. That consisted of grabbing me as I was leaving and pulling me into an abandoned building and raping me. I awakened in an alleyway completely nude. Luckily my long coat I was wearing was still intact. I put my coat on covering myself. I could not go to the police considering the guy was one of their favorite officers. I decided that I would go to James Gallop’s detective agency to get help.

I heard a lot about him from friends of mine who got services from him finding lost family members as well as taking down murderers, rapists, and corrupt cops. I waited at the door very much shaken, bruised, and cut a bit. Tears slid down my face. I hoped that he would be able to help me. I noticed that he had a help wanted sign for a secretary, but that could wait until I took care of this matter.
-James walked up to his office and found a young girl in tears and naked wrapped in a trench coat.-"Hmm...I guess it would be better if you came in side to talk."-he said with out any questions as he open the door and they walked up to his office where he took off his coat and put it on the rack. His office was below his apartment which was the next floor up. He was the only one who had two places in this building. Putting his hat up on the rack he sat down offering her a shot of whiskey he had in his drawer something for people to calm there nerves or for casual drinking. James looked to the young lady offering her the small glass to sip.-"So please speak your mind."
I took a sip of the whiskey. I definitely needed it. "I am Jeanette Lamont." I said, "I was raped after leaving Ciro's Nightclub. I know the guys that did it. They are regulars to the club. The name of the guys are Officer Timothy Lane and his friends are: Jim Brandt, Victor Dean, and Henry Trask. They pulled me into a nightclub and forced me to suck them off. They beat me and they were taking turns raping all of my holes...". It was so painful to tell him all the details, but it was going to help make sure these jerks did not do it to another girl. I showed him the bruises and cuts. I had a really good feeling about him and could trust him. I described the men to him.
"I know them quiet well....The officer is a fellow co- worker of mine gone crooked after his wife passed. I will set him straight."-he said as had to go to the cops and let them know what was going on. That was procedure.-"Other then me bringing these 4 in is there anything else i can help you you want a escort home."
"Yes, please..." I added, "I know this is going to be very strange of me to ask, but I noticed the sign on the door about you needing a secretary. After tonight, I cannot work for Ciro's anymore. I have secretarial experience.". I worked for a law firm as a secretary, but it did not last due to the fact the place was shut down due to the lawyer moving to another city. I told him where I lived so that he could help me get home.
-James bit his lip and looked to her.-"Your not staying in the office you will be out there with me....almost a Watson to my Holmes."-he said as he agreed they left shortly after there drink and walked towards her home.-"How do you feel?"
I was very intrigued with the idea of working with him more directly than just in the office. "I would love to help you." I said, "Thank you for everything.". I felt a little better though I was sore from the pain from the rape.
-Once to her door he smiled.-"Go on i will see you tomorrow at 10 am."-he said and winked before he walked away back towards his office. He smiled to him self interested in what was going to happen in the next few weeks or so.-
"I will see you then." I said as I got into my apartment. I locked the doors and took a shower before tending to my wounds. I put on a black lace nightgown and went to bed. The next morning, I ate a quick breakfast and got ready for work. I wore a long black tight skirt and a button up white blouse. I knocked on the door to let James know I was there.
-James had done quiet a few things in the morning his head killing him slightly as he had all the clears to work on the following case. James smiled and let her come in.-"Morning Jeanette."-he said and sipped a glass of whiskey.-
"Good morning." I said with a smile, "Thank you for helping me out last night.". We were going to be dealing with the guys that raped me the night before. He knew them so this was going to be a very easy case.
-James looked and nodded finishing his whiskey.-"Right then let us go, and we may be able to fix this."-he said and got up and just grabbed his hat to shade his eyes.-"OK first we go talk to the Officer."-he said.-"Were they drunk when they raped you."
"They had a couple of drinks." I said, "I noticed the waitress go to their table twice. I noticed how they were staring at me and they lowered their voices when they saw me walk by. The one word I heard was 'whore'.". We went to Officer Lane's apartment.
-James nods and knocked on the door and he answered the door looking.-"James what is going on."-James looked him.-"You and your two buddies Raped this young lady....I have to take you in."-Lane looked worried as James handcuffed him.-"Hand over your two buddies and i will let you anything like this again....and being friends won't save you."
Much to my surprise, Officer Lane did not put up too much of a fight. He told him who was involved cooperating. I did not say too much considering I was still upset with what had happened. He stared at me, but did not say anything to me.
-Lane co-operated since he be put to jail for rape and swore to him not to again. We began tracking the other two guys involved.-
Lane was a little nervous about the other three men considering he was working with criminals. He helped them get away with a heist before going to the club and raping me. He gave us enough information to go after them. However, we had to be very careful considering they were armed.
-James walked on towards the first thug he sighed as they had to stop at the police station for cuffs so he could lock each one up and then call for back up. James looked around and ran a hand over his brow removing the thin layer fo sweat.-"Doing this stuff all day you run in to interesting characters."-he said to Janette.-"Don't worry we will find these scumbags."
I was a little nervous, but knew we were going to nail the guys. From what Lane said, they were at a warehouse at Pier 3. "I know we will." I said.
-getting to the first mans house he came to the door and opened it when he saw James he closed the door with out locking it as he went to hide in the house James kicked the door open looking around.-"I promise you....your sentence will be easy if you confess....come on out."-he motioned for her to lock the door incase he came back this way looking around the house.-
In this case, I had to wait out in the car. I locked the door. Things were about to get dangerous. It was never a good thing when a crook left the door open like that. I hoped that James would be careful for fear the guy had a gun. James had his drawn just in case so he was prepared.
-20 minutes passed and in that time James came out looking pleased as he cuffed the man to the railing as they left to the next house.-"That was easy enough the next two should be harder....I may need you for this part."
The other two were back at their hideout at the pier. "How do you want me to help?" I asked wondering what was going to be the best way to take the two down.
-James looked to her.-"I am not going to force you ge there guard may have to seduce them and drop there guard."-he said.-