Prince Of Darkness (open)


Literotica Guru
Dec 29, 2002
I need someone to play the Prince of Darkness. Tall, Dark, Handsome, And very seductive. If your interested you can just begin posting. Any other parts, if you think of them.. are welcome to be played.


She was living a normal life, but still she felt something more. She felt that somebody was always watching her, always making sure no harm came to her. But shouldn't that feeling bring of good? And not of darkness?

Her name was Indigo, and she shined with her beautiful curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was 21 years now, living in her own one bedroom apartment in the Bronx of New York.

Her friends thought she was crazy, living in a place like New York all by herself.. but she felt always safe, always protected....

And now, she was walking down Central Park with her little poodle Vanilla in tow. Vanilla barked at nothing.. and everything. But most importantly Vanilla was always barking at the shadows...

.. The same shadows that seemed to pull her in..
Posted As Prince of Darkness.

He moved through the shadows with ease, always on the prowl for new blood. His domain was clear and few came within his territory to bother him. Those who did, did not bother him for long.

New York had been his hunting grounds for the past twenty years and the urge to find a new playtoy was coming on once again. He licked his lips for a moment as he set out through the park for just such a playtoy.
Indigo didn't realize it had gotten dark so soon, it sent strange shivers down her spine. Vanilla was unusually quiet as they both walked home....

People seemed to be scattering in a rush to go back to their houses, leaving her walking amongst the pathways of Central Park by herself...

Definately not a place a beautiful young woman should of been.
He chose a simple name, but it was still well known among the people of New York, Zion.

Tonight he had choosen simple attire, a white t-shirt and a pair of loose but well fitted jeans. He stood from a few moments chuckling softly as he watched the people rushing out of the park. Soon there were very few in the park, mostly bums. Those he had no taste for because the alcohol they usually drank to drown out their miseries and the blood from them always made his head spin.

But one in particular did catch his eye, the young woman walking alone with her dog. He soon parted from the shadows a little ways down the path in front of her and began walking towards her. The black bandanna kept his black hair out of his dark blue eyes as they took their time to examine her as the distance closed between them.
-It was at that moment that Vanilla began barking loudly, yapping and growling low, its beady black eyes looked like they were going to pop out its head. Indigo was definately worried, pulling franctically on the dogs' leash to calm him down-

"Vanilla, whats wrong boy? What's wrong?"

-As Indigo bent down to try and calm her little dog down, the dog whipped out of Indigo's grip and took off running down the park-


-Indigo ran against the pavement, but Vanilla was no where to be seen. Something had spooked him... bad-
Zion shook his head softly seeing the dog's reaction. He always seemed to spook dogs, and a few other animals as well. It didn't really matter to him, he was more interested in the humans than animals anyways.

He watched the woman for a few moments and then cleared his throat. Time to get to work.

"Do you need some help finding your dog miss?"

He stood a few feet away from her, his hands in his pockets. His presence seemed to fit perfectly with the shadows around them.
- Indigo jumped and screamed out in shock, her head turned slowly to look at Zion -

"You.. startled me..."

- She looked back towards the road, Vanilla was probabulary miles away by now. -

"I am sure Vanilla would of just run home, I should really go back there and wait for her"

- With one final glance at him she smiled -

"Thank you, though"

- Turning back she began on her walk home, she felt a strange shiver down her spine as wrapped her arms around herself...

... That man sent chills down her spine ... -
"Sorry for scaring you like that."

He smiled and nodded softly.

"Yes, dogs are man's best friends I am sure she will be waiting there for you."

He looked around for a moment and then began walking in the same direction as if they had the same way to go.

"Perhaps you would like an escort home? I hear tales that there some bad creatures around New York at night. One of them could even you if you aren't careful."

His words carried a soft and seductive undertone to them.
"An escort home? Well I.."

- It seemed she had no choice, she would be safe walking home with him.. wouldn't she?-


- She smiled warmly, looking ahead of her for a moment -

"Its not that far, just in the bronx. Could you possibly, let me know your name?"
He didn't speak till he was walking beside her now.

"Yes, the Bronx aren't very far from here. Though there are quite a few hiding places for baddies, but I am sure they won't bother you with me around."

He glanced over at her for a moment and gave a soft smile.

"My name is Zion. And what would yours be beautiful?"
- Beautiful... he called her beautiful..

She blushed, she couldn't help it. And as she looked at him, she found herself inticed by his presence. -

"My name is.. Indigo... "

- As they neared her apartment she felt more comfortable with him, she glanced at him for one more moment, then finally approached the doors -

"Did you.. want to come up.. Zion?"
He licked his lips softly for a moment as he watched her blushed. From the way she acted, he figured she hadn't been around men often. Oh how sweet the taste of virgins were.

He grinned softly. Of course though she was asking if he wanted to come in was fine, she had to invite before he could even pass her theshold.

"Well that depends. Are you inviting me in for a bit of tea? Despite my appearences, I am a man of fine tastes."

And a fine taste she would be.

Daniel was sitting under the bridge playing sweet, heavenly music on his guitar. His long golden hair fell in front of his boyish face. His clothes were shabby, but miraculously clean, and barely hid an athletic body a greek statue would envy. When Vanilla ran under the bridge and stopped at Daniel's feet, he stopped playing. Daniel scratched behind Vanilla's ear and locked his intense blue eyes with the dogs soft brown ones. He held the dog's gaze for a moment, and then stood up, slinging the guitar over his shoulder. Vanilla was visibly calmed.

Daniel knew Indigo well. He had been watching her all her life. Sure, she could have been happier, but Daniel made sure she was safe, and had never had a reason to reveal himself before now.

Zion. He wasn't all bad, not as his type went. Daniel shook his head. What was he thinking? Of course Zion was all bad. There was a chance he was just going to show Indigo a good time, which she did deserve. But it was a chance Daniel couldn't take. He had to make sure she was alright.

"Come on, Vanilla," he said, his voice as soft as feathered wings. And they left the bridge for Indigo's apartment.
"I have tea, I don't really have much to offer"

- Indigo sighed softly and looked up at the moon, it was beautiful tonight, it made her feel warm. -

"I am sure Vanilla should of been at the door waiting for me though"

- She looked almost saddened for a moment, her eyes soft and wide -

"I am worried about her, something really spooked her.."
He gave a soft smile.

"I am sure she will be back soon. Animals always return to their owners, even if it's day or many days. I am sure she will be back."

He waited with a foot on the step, the theshold yet to be able to be crossed by him as he waited patiently for the magic words.
"But Vanilla is a poodle, she is use to being pampered, if someone picks her up they might not ever bring her back to me"

- Indigo's stepped away from the steps for a moment, and began to call out for her -

"Vanilla, come here girl.. Vanilla!"
Zion chuckled softly as he just stuffed his hands in his pockets. He had time to wait as he had been around long enough to know not to ruch things. He just leaned back against the door frame as he looked her over, listening to her.

"Such a sweet voice..."

Vanilla ran to geet her mistress, skirting the tall, dark stranger to paw at Indigo's legs and bark happily.

A few seconds later, a beatiful blond man emerges from the shadows in a tan coat and faded jeans. He has a guitar slung over one shoulder and seems almost to glow softly under the moonlight.

"Vanilla's a sweet name. She's very friendly too. And she knew the way home, she just needed some company for the walk. Hi, I'm Daniel." He extended a hand to Indigo, smiling warmly at both her and Zion. The glint of flame in his blue eyes was meant only for Zion, however.

- Indigo bent down and scooped up the poodle in her arms, pulling her close to her body. However she noticed the little dog was shaking, and she couldn't figure out why.

She saw the golden haired stranger, and her heart jumped in her throat. .. What was this feeling? Like she knew him...

She reached out her hand to shake his, just as he said his name was Daniel -

"I ... I am Indigo. Thank you for bringing Vanilla back to me... I was so worried"

- Her eyes softened as she petted her gently -

"I should get her inside right away, it has been a rough night for her. But I must thank you, would you like to join me in my apartment, I have already invited Zion"
He took the firey glint in Daniel's eyes all in stride.

"That was rather nice of you to bring her back Daniel. My name's Zion, though I am certain you already knew that."

He had the feeling that he would see Daniel again sometime. But then, he never got into much of a fight with Daniel before. He grinned and pointed towards the door.

"After you, my man."

He was a careful planner, taking everything that came his way into consideration.

"Thank you, both of you." He stepped inside, resting his instrument on the hallway floor. "I really like your place, Indigo. It says a lot about you." He could smell her, and feel the warmth from her hand and her smile. Being this close to her felt strange. He was meant to protect her, not to notice how beautiful she was. He wondered . . . could Zion be having some sort of influence over him. He would have to be extra careful, and place Indigo's happiness above all else.
- Indigo held Vanilla tightly as the three of them walked to her apartment. She stood infront of the door, inserted her key in the door, and once the door was open Vanilla jumped out of her arms and ran into bedroom -

"Vanilla... "

- She sighed softly and turned on all the lights, bright flurosent lights which almost made it look like daytime in her little apartment. Indigo liked the light, the darkness frightened her.

She turned towards Daniel and Zion with a soft smile on her face -

"Please, make yourselves at home"

- She felt more comfortable with Daniel around, Zion had a certain aura of darkness around him that she couldn't quite explain.

She disappeared into the kitchen and put some coffee on, as well as a pot of hot water. She looked around the kitchen door to address the guys.. -

"Coffee or tea?"
Zion shielded his eyes for a moment as Indigo turned on the bright lights. It didn't bnother him that it was almost bright as day, he just wasn't expecting to have it quite so bright. After a few moments he pulled his hand away to take a look around the living room. He smiled for a moment when indigo asked for the drink.

"Tea will be fine."

He moved and sat down on the couch, studying Daniel for a few moments. He glanced at the instrument and then back at him.

"How long has it been, Daniel, since we last met?"

"Coffee, please, Indigo. Black and sweet. Are you don't need a hand in there?"

Daniel sat on the sofa, folding his hands in front of him. He looked warily at Zion.

"1979. Our interests clashed over a young schoolteacher named Katherine. She's fine, by the way. You've been away from New York for a while, Zion. But let's not focus on the past. I'm more interested in tonight. Just what did you have planned, getting yourself invited to Indigo's apartment?"
- Indigo worked in the kitchen getting the coffee and the tea ready. Moments later, she came out with a platter filled with bite sized goodies. She laid the tray on the coffee table in front of them, then laid their drinks infront of them -

"I am going to see if Vanilla is ok"

- With a soft smile Indigo went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of doggie treats, then she went into the bedroom with Vanilla.

Vanilla was sleeping soundly on her bed, right ontop of her pillow.

Indigo smiled softly, walking over to Vanilla but glancing at a familar object sticking out of the pillow...

Her bright green vibrator... she reached for it and sideglanced the opened door of her bedroom. She wondered if the men would notice, it would be rude of her to do that...

She walked to the door and peeked outside -

"Guys, I'm just going to change ok?"

- She closed the door, but didn't lock it as she walked over to the bed and eased ontop of it.

She eased her knees up , letting her skirt fall loosely above her knees... She reached the vibrator with her free hand and stifled out a moan as she pressed to vibrator to her moiston slit.....

... she was more turned on that she thought.... -