Pressure cooker sales soar.


Literotica Guru
Jan 2, 2002
Right-wingers are clearing the shelves of pressure cookers to cling to, in anticipation of a nationwide ban and confiscation.

Hamilton Beach and Oster have unveiled plans to close their USA operations.
Right-wingers are clearing the shelves of pressure cookers to cling to, in anticipation of a nationwide ban and confiscation.

Hamilton Beach and Oster have unveiled plans to close their USA operations.

The Fagor units are great.
Right-wingers are clearing the shelves of pressure cookers to cling to, in anticipation of a nationwide ban and confiscation.

Hamilton Beach and Oster have unveiled plans to close their USA operations.

You're joking, right?

I swear that my Martha Stewart Living pressure cookers are absolutely safe when used in the manner they were designed for.



They are on sale now at your local K-Mart store (except for the city of Boston) and if you purchase them online, free shipping is included.


Why am I being taken in for questioning?

Hello, my name is Kate Smith. I am the FBI public affairs officer. Do you have any questions for me?

"Yes, why was Martha Stewart taken into custody today?"

Martha Stewart was taken into custody and questioned about selling pressure cookers without a background check.

"How long will be sitting a jail cell this time?"

No, you got it all wrong. She is free to leave after making of her favorite pot roast in our kitchen.

"Excuse me, but doesn't make a tender pot roast involve using a pressure cooker?"

Sorry, but this interview is over. No further questions please.

"So, it's true that Martha Stewart is the Boston Bomber!"

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Pressure cookers continue to be allowed on airplanes, both as checked baggage and as carry-on.

What is the TSA thinking?
I put my pressure cooker on ebay, so far the bids are above $1000.00.
I figure I'll be able to get rid of one pressure cooker in a "private sale" to finance a college trust for my grandchildren.