...prepare for anal sesx

Simple washing the area of the anus is normally all that is required. However, if the "receiver" believes the inside might not be as clean as they feel comfortable with, they can always use an enema. Some eroticize this, but you don't have to. There are many commercial products on the market, or there are enema bags and syringes available for thoe folks who like to "do their own".
use enemas, they are wonderful for keeping the anal area clean. And you want to be as clean as possible. Bathe and scrub yourself as much as possible. And if you want the ultimate experience try shaving eveything. It will give you a great experience.

Also remember to use a lot of lube especially the first time. It will help you enjoy the first time more and you won't worry as much of is it going to hurt. And it will a little but relaxing and using lube always helps.
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Showering or bathing together before hand (if possible) can also help as both partners know they are clean.

I have to agree with skitten about shaving before hand it does add to the experience.

Always wash after to prevent infections.

Use lots of lube.

Condoms, even thin rubber gloves can be fun if your unsure about cleanliness.

Most importantly have fun.
Hiya ifits

G'day mate, LB mentioned your thread so I thought I'd check it out, and now I'm gonna give my five cents worth as well (maybe we can help you to catch up to LB - 30 pages)

I agree with Cherrylips - bathing before hand is the best method. It gives both partners a sense of being clean, which is then a good basis for getting dirty!

If you can't bathe and the anal sex is a bit more spontaneous, just go for it. If you are comfortable with your partner, even though it is not exactly a turn-on, having anal sex on the spur of the moment because one partner or the other decides they want it - cleanliness isn't the most pressing concern.

Having said that, I always like to be clean, and the same goes for my partner.
Had one lover once, where she wanted it anally, and we had no lube. I wandered down to the kitchen and procured the Wesson oil - it worked like a charm.

Too much alcohol was involved, however.
With all the wonderful suggestions..

about lube and cleanliness I'll add:

A pregame speech from the coach is also recommended.

Oh, and have all agreements notarized and signed before a witness.
Abandoning your posts!

Don't RUN!

Abandoning your posts in Fort Anal Sex is an act of cowardice!

You'll be brought up on charges of dissertion. If found guilty you'll be forced to give a deep body massage to yayati.
Re: Abandoning your posts!

hogjack said:
If found guilty you'll be forced to give a deep body massage to yayati.

Heh...he wouldnt let me.

Besides,he is occasionally funny and sweet.

Showering together befor ehand can be very sexual. It can also double as some foreplay before actually getting to the good stuff.

By the time you are done, you should both be extremely clean back there AND be primed for sex.


you revived a thread that's been dormant for 3 years just to say that? when there's not 1, not 2, but 3 anal sex-related threads that are currently active?

i think someone's a mite obsessed.

silverwhisper said:
you revived a thread that's been dormant for 3 years just to say that? when there's not 1, not 2, but 3 anal sex-related threads that are currently active?
Well, this thread is about anal sesx, not anal sex. :D