Pray For My Kittie Please


School Bus Slut!
Sep 9, 2001
She went in this mornin to get fixed and when I went to pick her up they said she'd have to stay overnite there were complications:( that kitty was the last thing my beloved aunt gave to me before she passed I MISS MY KITTY:(
I know how it feels to worry about a pet...she'll probably be just fine and back at home soon.

Pets like to cause us concern over the holidays.

I just got back from the emergency vet cause my dog ate 21 pieces of chocolate.

The whole sampler!

You and your kitty are in our thoughts.
InnocentAngel81 said:
aww now i am afraid to get gabe fixed

so sorry to hear, i remember when my terrier(sp?) dies she was 17 years old, hurt like hell, Gabe will be ok, just like a human male little snip snip, and no heavy lifting etc,