Power Failure


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
Everybody asks "Where were you when the lights went out?" but isn't the better question where were they when the lights went on?

Maybe it starts with a bump in the dark, or someone groping a body that isn't their partner....
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Or say you were having a party with a bunch of adult couples when the lights go out. You could have an adult game of flashlight hide and seek--guys vs girls--you get to bang whoever you find. . .
Or say you were having a party with a bunch of adult couples when the lights go out. You could have an adult game of flashlight hide and seek--guys vs girls--you get to bang whoever you find. . .

Sounds hot... But how did you go from, groping a stranger in the darkness, to hide and Fuck in darkness?
Hey no arguing with fuck you boots. :D

There is another one, suppose there is a man and a woman on an elevator. Lights go out, there is one emergency light and no telling when the power comes back. Alternately there is one woman and two or more men, suppose she gets horny, or they do and there's not much she can do about it.

Alternately and I wouldn't mind watching this, there's a few guys and one decides another looks good as a woman to fuck. So then they all do 'her' and well, does he enjoy enough to stay a 'her' or not? :cool:
Sounds hot... But how did you go from, groping a stranger in the darkness, to hide and Fuck in darkness?

I wasn't groping a stranger in the darkness--that was Sirhugs, who could come to my party any time he wanted to. I was throwing out an idea for what could happen during a power failure which was kind of the whole point of the thread right?

Hey no arguing with fuck you boots. :D

There is another one, suppose there is a man and a woman on an elevator. Lights go out, there is one emergency light and no telling when the power comes back. Alternately there is one woman and two or more men, suppose she gets horny, or they do and there's not much she can do about it.

Alternately and I wouldn't mind watching this, there's a few guys and one decides another looks good as a woman to fuck. So then they all do 'her' and well, does he enjoy enough to stay a 'her' or not? :cool:

:rose: Was actually thinking about you the other day E-- I was watching the Chronicles of Riddick. That scene where they have Vin Diesel all trussed up in the back of the ship? Yum yum yum.
I wasn't groping a stranger in the darkness--that was Sirhugs,

No, I meant, based on the original idea which was groper in darkness, what connection led you to Hide and Fuck?

To be honest, I think a Hide and Fuck party, would basically need to be a Hide and Fuck party, or something a long those lines, Before the lights went out.
Is there not a yum yum yum moment in that movie???

I swear to you the whole movie is a little bit porny to me. :D :eek:
No, I meant, based on the original idea which was groper in darkness, what connection led you to Hide and Fuck?

To be honest, I think a Hide and Fuck party, would basically need to be a Hide and Fuck party, or something a long those lines, Before the lights went out.
Actually the original idea was "Everybody asks "Where were you when the lights went out?" but isn't the better question where were they when the lights went on?Maybe it starts with a bump in the dark or someone groping a body that isn't their partner. That is what is always so lovely about threads started by Sirhugs. They leave room for people to be creative. The post wasn't "Someone gets groped in the dark" Go.

I didn't say what type of party I was having when the lights went out. Swingers parties are not unheard of particularly in this neighborhood. Sorry if your friends aren't quite as fun as mine. My idea fits in with the original idea of the thread--power outage--where am I when the lights go on? I'm going bump in the closet, groping someone who is not my normal partner. Where are you?
How about an unexpected guest at the flashlight party?

Let's say, a couple crooks are casing out a rich neighbourhood, and they notice that the biggest, most lavish house on the block has all it's lights out. So they assume that it's empty. The cut the power and phone lines, break in one of the upper windows, and begin looking around. They come around the corner, and their flashlight land upon a gorgeous young woman in an elegant cocktail dress. They freeze, surprised that the house isn't empty. She freezes, caught in their flashlight. Then she turns her back to them, and begins unzipping her dress. "How do you want me?" she asks. She puts her hands on the wall, bending over. "Like this?" She asks. One of the crooks wants to get out, but the other can't resist this young woman offering herself to him.

Of course, eventually they realize that there are actually a lot more people in the house, some with flashlights, some without, and most of them are having sex, or looking for someone to have sex with. They're smart enough to realize that they've stumbled into a sex party, but too dumb to get out right away. And then panic ensues when someone realizes that there's no electricity to the house, and the phone lines have been cut. Immediately there's speculation that an uninvited guest has broken into the party. Do our crooks get out before being discovered?
...or a high-rise office building, maybe late at night when most people had gone home, power goes out, trying to find your way down and...
I :heart: how a simple idea can morph in so many directions.... :D
for expected large storms, especially those with tornado warning ahead of them, I have been picking my grandmother up prior and bring her to our house.
in our area its pretty common to have power lines down from storms.
there have been some exciting times in the dark lightning filled living room during these failures.
Everybody asks "Where were you when the lights went out?" but isn't the better question where were they when the lights went on?

Maybe it starts with a bump in the dark, or someone groping a body that isn't their partner....

sounds yummy! Now, I can't get the experiences of going through hurricane charlie and not having power for that week....yuck. So many ways to spin this!