Potions and Aphrodisiacs


Feb 20, 2002
Curiosity strikes!

There are many advertisement online, and junk mailing etc about female sexual stimulation cream/ liquid formulas, etc...
Even the liter shop have stuff like Liquid Explosion...etc.

My GF and I were in an experimenting mood. We want to see how high can we go... and was wondering anyone have experiences on pleasure enhancement effects of some of the stuff (on the ladies) in the market? and is there any particular recommendations or warnings that we should know?

Herbal, non herbal, real ones, fake ones, fear of terrible rash...etc


I read on the net that most aphrodisiacs are fake... so it's like taking a placebo and you're convincing yourself that it's true. The basic aphrodisiacs.. like chocolate.. have been said to only be considered aphrodisiacs because of the rarity they once had.. but hey.. I know one girl who would cum with chocolate and a fog machine alone... so.. I guess it could work. Just.. my thoughts
I think by these creams, gels etc. that you are referring to, You're talking about L-Arganine based substances (Viagel, Viafem etc.) the L-arganine works to stimulate blood flow by somehow working on the natural Nitrous oxide system for vaso-dilation. increased blood flow = increased sensitivity and arousal of the sexual organs. women can use the L-arganine topically because the tissues in the vaginal area are mucous membranes, and the L-arganine can pass easily through. Men MAY get simmilar (albeit more delayed and less intense) effects by taking the L-Arganine in pill form. I have experimented with a couple of marketed forms of L-Arganine gels and found that they work rather well for women. If you don't mind the awful taste it causes if engaging in cunnilingus, however, you can make a simmilar concotion yourself MUCH more cheaply. You can purchase capsules of L-Arganine at many chain department stores or supplement supply stores rather cheaply (think I got a bottle of 50 capsules for @ $4.00). Empty the contents of one capsule into a fair amount of water based lube (flavored helps to mask the awful taste a bit) You may try heating as well to aid in dissolving. Massage the substance liberally around clitoris and vaginal tissues ( undissolved granules may be a little abrasive). Allow to absorb for @ 15-20 minutes.

Note: These claims are anecdotal references, and have not been evaluated or substantiated by the FDA,
and as with any dietary (or sexual) supplement unknown or unnexpected side-effects may occur, such as allergic or hypersensitivity reactions. :D
I wouldn't even try some of these so called "aphrodisiacs".

Stick to "natural" ones such as:

dark chocolate
certain fruits

I know having mussels has had an effect on me for sure......
in a very good way...my pussy became warm and started
to get wet.....mmmmmmmmmm :devil:
