postmodern metalnonfiction

Alvin Brickrock

Literotica Guru
Feb 18, 2003
Like this bleeping show?
Metanonfiction would be those works which don't systematically draw attention to their nature to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality, right?

Postmodernist writing tends to often use irony to mock modernist "pretensions" regarding order through language, and
shows (or attempts to show) instead the "inevitable" breakdown of the language, signalling a belief that it and the world are beyond repair.

Got it?

Good, 'cause I don't, so please don't quote me.
ChilledVodka said:
Metanonfiction would be those works which don't systematically draw attention to their nature to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality, right?

Postmodernist writing tends to often use irony to mock modernist "pretensions" regarding order through language, and
shows (or attempts to show) instead the "inevitable" breakdown of the language, signalling a belief that it and the world are beyond repair.

Got it?

Good, 'cause I don't, so please don't quote me.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

metal fiction

more my mood...





a D thing...;)
sidney328 said: that a pic of a postmodern meta...anything?
meta-art? Is there such a thing?
*hiding my shame over my lack of knowledge in anything to do with the arts)

It's the first metal sculpture that came to mind. I honestly have no idea if it is considered postmodern. It is a Picasso sculpture located in Daley plaza in Chicago. And my poor attempt at humor
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