Post your prom picture here

i don't have a prom picture ... i didn't even have a prom ... but that pictures cute :)

Run for the freakin' hills before thsi thread is awash with feathered hair, bad dye jobs, ugly outfits and cheesy smiles.

Thats not even mentioning the women.

Ruby, you're sick for starting this thread. Soon to be the scourge of the GB.
Come on, mousey. This could be fun.

Okay, if you don't have a prom picture, post the pictue that most dates you. The one with the bad 80s hair or mousey's favorite, a blue, ruffled tux shirt.
I didn't go to my prom!!

I used the money to buy dope and a room at the beach.

It was worth it.
Oh I love this idea!

Oh damn I wanna do this! lol

Lemme hunt around and see if I managed to save any salvagable disks.
those are great pictures wiggles :)

i agree with mouse this thread is going to be really scary im glad i didn't have a picture to post :)

i bet ruby is the girl with the tall blonde guy :p
can't. didn't go. spend a load of dough to hang out with a bunch of idiots I couldn't wait to get away from, all while wearing a big cheesy dress and listening to crap music? fuck that. me and two girlfriends went to go see the Cramps at the old Ritz down on 8th St. a much better deal.
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Why do I feel that a lot of people are going to say they missed their prom? :)

BTW, I didn't go either.
It didn't make sense celebrating the train wreck that was my high school career. :(
Shit....I would do this too, if my scanner was hooked up.....When my mom passed earlier this year we found a bunch of stuff going through things and theres my prom pic with Bonnie, the best looking girl in the city, and me...lookin like a dork......Its way too funny.

And the freekin tuxes they were wearin in 78....gawd.....:eek:
You'd have to pay me. My hair was WAY too bright red, wasn't done the way I wanted it, and my date, while not looking too bad in real life, was the most unphotogenic person on earth. In every photo he ended up with this cross-eyed expression that made him look mentally deficient.
Killswitch said:
Shit....I would do this too, if my scanner was hooked up.....When my mom passed earlier this year we found a bunch of stuff going through things and theres my prom pic with Bonnie, the best looking girl in the city, and me...lookin like a dork......Its way too funny.

And the freekin tuxes they were wearin in 78....gawd.....:eek:

Class of 81, here.

Do you realize the pivotal moment at which the '78 Tux stood poised? Think about it. Ruffles or not, it was a great year.
I only went to one prom. It was ok.

The real fun started after we left!

We went to four kegers, than sneaked into my bedroom for some hot sex!
I got her home about fifteen minutes before her mother woke up!
Damn, what was I thinking to put my hair up that severely? Shoulda done graduation pics, Ruby. Mine's way cool. *grins*

Class of '88, btw.

Time's up. =)
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I don't have my prom picture scanned, but I will sacrifice a picture from when I was 16, for the good of the thread.

Ok Ok...I look like a total dweeeb....but check out Bonnie!

PS...the pic sux...I whipped out a copy with my digicam.....
Nora said:
Damn, what was I thinking to put my hair up that severely? Shoulda done graduation pics, Ruby. Mine's way cool. *grins*

Class of '88, btw. =)

For a limited time only...

nice. and your date's hair.. :D
amelia said:
nice. and your date's hair.. :D

hahahah! yeah, Kraig was a hoot. That hank o'hair in his eyes was usually purple. He went monochrome for the prom, though. *grins*

Shame you can't see the streaks in mine. I wonder if that's why I scraped mine back? I can't remember...
Rubyfruit said:
LOL - these are fun!

Hey Nora, I missed yours. :(

You snooze, you lose, my little nutella & banana filled crepe!
If I had a scanner, I'd love to post a photo. Unfortunately, there's no 80's hair in mine, as I graduated in '94.

I got dumped by my date the day before my senior prom, but ended up finding a really nice last-minute boy to take me. We ditched the dance almost as soon as we got there and ended up smoking pot at the beach, so it was a fun night after all.