Post your big, pig, fat, fuck photos on this thread...

Purple Haze said:
C'mon, let's see 'em!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

Re: Re: Post your big, pig, fat, fuck photos on this thread...

sterlingclay said:

Gawd, sterling,

now that you've posted that pig pic first I 'd like to recommend to reread Purple's request.

#1 please post in that given order,
that is a) big, b) pic, etc etc

#2 please notice the possessive pronoun "your" in the above mentioned request

that somehow forces any post-willing volunteer to look for pics that show that specific post willing volunteer himself.

Any further attempt to post pics that show a certain individuum formerly known as Purple Haze - happened to you sterling hopefully somehow accidentially - will be regarded as a personal insult towards that certain individiuum formerly known as Purp.... FUCK - like anybody cares
wow Heavy

that somehow matches #1 it's really big
but what about #2 YOUR

Now I really have to think it over what your Handle was meant to be

Big, pig, fat, fuck, farm, floosies with flappin' fuck mudflaps.

Slap that slab, slop that flubberfuck!

I wanna see a fat-slab sloppy-suck blow fuck with flappin' gums, baby!
lol - yeah

and those high heels somehow levelled down from her permant tap dancing. The strawhat gave it away.
<gag> :rolleyes: guysszzzz !:eek: not funny :eek:

hmmm .it's this suppose to be funny ??

:rolleyes: gEEs..