Post Your B&W Pix Here . . . (ver 2)

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Just B&Ws of my sock monkey

even took him to the Vet to get x-ray'd, Ha! :D


Love the sock monkey.

Now, get him out of the way!

Hey! You would tell me the same thing. ;)

You say that like you've won.. I am the one who should be cheering because I'm the lucky one that has ... ;) have I told you how sexy beautiful i think you are?? :eek: so yay for me! :D Now where do you want my furry self to start with you??? :devil:

Love curvyNKnotty's stockings, totally...and, Kat's sock monkey is perfect, and perfectly placed...;)
Elphie69... what can I say... they speak for themselves, beautifully.
Inspirinious... You're a devilish one, huh? Good job, there... all y'all on this page.
For a little while...
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