Post-apocalypse America and liberals hollow victory


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
America is over.

All one has to do is drive through any of our major cities and see the teeming masses of poor, many not even born here, lingering in the streets waiting for their next welfare check to arrive so they can get some 8-ball at the corner liquor store or convenience station. Our once great manufacturing base, the envy of the world, was shipped overseas decades ago. Our schools are filled with gangs, drugs, and misbehavior. Our shrinking productive class is taxed beyond the breaking point and more is constantly demanded to feed and clothe the welfare class and fuel the bloated government sector. Children from broken homes and never were homes roam the streets at all hours causing trouble. Fewer and fewer American youth can get into college because of our dumbed down educational system, while those that do have no realistic expectation of a career or future in an increasingly impovrished, overpopulated third world country.

The is the America that the now unchallenged ruling political ideology of liberalism will inherit as its own. What sort of victory is controlling such a worsening hopeless wasteland as this? What is there for them to celebrate?

America's best days are not only behind her, hell on earth is only just beginning in the post-apocalyse craphole of the New America. Enjoy liberals, you own it now.
So many logical fallacies I don't even know where to start.

Did no one here take an English class beyond basic punctuation?
America is over.

All one has to do is drive through any of our major cities and see the teeming masses of poor, many not even born here, lingering in the streets waiting for their next welfare check to arrive so they can get some 8-ball at the corner liquor store or convenience station. Our once great manufacturing base, the envy of the world, was shipped overseas decades ago. Our schools are filled with gangs, drugs, and misbehavior. Our shrinking productive class is taxed beyond the breaking point and more is constantly demanded to feed and clothe the welfare class and fuel the bloated government sector. Children from broken homes and never were homes roam the streets at all hours causing trouble. Fewer and fewer American youth can get into college because of our dumbed down educational system, while those that do have no realistic expectation of a career or future in an increasingly impovrished, overpopulated third world country.

The is the America that the now unchallenged ruling political ideology of liberalism will inherit as its own. What sort of victory is controlling such a worsening hopeless wasteland as this? What is there for them to celebrate?

America's best days are not only behind her, hell on earth is only just beginning in the post-apocalyse craphole of the New America. Enjoy liberals, you own it now.

You're an idiot.
this isn't true!

once people start to wake up to Hitler obamaized....

Yes WE can, fix America. Yes we can undo everything the obama has done and start to Make America Great!

Sadly, we have to turn all these obama people around and get them to realize they have to work and the free ride is coming to an end!!!!
Small town America has been dying for 25 years, school consolidations, crumbling infrastructure, boarded-up main streets.
This country was in worse shape a time or two.

I will admit climbing up the slope back into the sunshine is going to be tough.
America is over.

All one has to do is drive through any of our major cities and see the teeming masses of poor, many not even born here, lingering in the streets waiting for their next welfare check to arrive so they can get some 8-ball at the corner liquor store or convenience station. Our once great manufacturing base, the envy of the world, was shipped overseas decades ago. Our schools are filled with gangs, drugs, and misbehavior. Our shrinking productive class is taxed beyond the breaking point and more is constantly demanded to feed and clothe the welfare class and fuel the bloated government sector. Children from broken homes and never were homes roam the streets at all hours causing trouble. Fewer and fewer American youth can get into college because of our dumbed down educational system, while those that do have no realistic expectation of a career or future in an increasingly impovrished, overpopulated third world country.

The is the America that the now unchallenged ruling political ideology of liberalism will inherit as its own. What sort of victory is controlling such a worsening hopeless wasteland as this? What is there for them to celebrate?

America's best days are not only behind her, hell on earth is only just beginning in the post-apocalyse craphole of the New America. Enjoy liberals, you own it now.

Another most excellent observation, ruse... know it's jacked-up when the potheads are begging to be taxed just so they can get high.

The republic is, indeed, lost...
cap·i·tal·ism /ˈkapətlˌizəm/
An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
This country was in worse shape a time or two.

I will admit climbing up the slope back into the sunshine is going to be tough.

Too many poor people have been allowed to flood into the country in too short a time for recovery to be possible.
The self-reliant will be better placed to survive in the post-apocalyse landscape than the sheeple. :cool:
Too many poor people have been allowed to flood into the country in too short a time for recovery to be possible.

Except they're trying to work and not be poor. And they're young. And if they get legal jobs they can pay into Medicare and Social Security to help the cost of the giant baby boomer cohort sucking up the nation's resources.
Except they're trying to work and not be poor. And they're young. And if they get legal jobs they can pay into Medicare and Social Security to help the cost of the giant baby boomer cohort sucking up the nation's resources.

..but what if they don't...what if they just prefer to be here illegally and just keep taking from the system (yes, even as they work, but pay no taxes)......and keep driving this country down further.

As many people as you say want it legally......I bet there are just as many who do not.

(much like the split with the dems and republicans.......dems like the free stuff and prefer other's paying their way....republicans don't want to shoulder the burden of everyone else....... it is split down the middle in this country and all we have is a country that is suffering).
..but what if they don't...what if they just prefer to be here illegally and just keep taking from the system (yes, even as they work, but pay no taxes)......and keep driving this country down further.

As many people as you say want it legally......I bet there are just as many who do not.

(much like the split with the dems and republicans.......dems like the free stuff and prefer other's paying their way....republicans don't want to shoulder the burden of everyone else....... it is split down the middle in this country and all we have is a country that is suffering).

There you go again!

First it's gays wanting to get married to "get government money", now it's Hispanics coming to America illegally to "take something from the system".

You seem to get some sort of perverse enjoyment out of demonizing people who are not like you.
This country was in worse shape a time or two.

I will admit climbing up the slope back into the sunshine is going to be tough.

And, there are enough moderate voices to effect that climb.

Polemics to the contrary, The Great Republic is a timeless idea... gridlock and polarization are, in the end, contrary to that. There continue to be many of us outside your Borders that live in hope that that Spirit will prevail. :cool:
Freedom is another word for 'don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of this great country you have given up on.'

..but what if they don't...what if they just prefer to be here illegally and just keep taking from the system (yes, even as they work, but pay no taxes)......and keep driving this country down further.

As many people as you say want it legally......I bet there are just as many who do not.

Why would someone want to be here illegally if they could get what they want legally?

(much like the split with the dems and republicans.......dems like the free stuff and prefer other's paying their way....republicans don't want to shoulder the burden of everyone else....... it is split down the middle in this country and all we have is a country that is suffering).

Wrong. Republicans want shitloads of free stuff. They just don't want to pay for it (see: unfunded Medicare Part-D). And if something needs to be paid for they believe it should be paid for by the middle class and families just barely getting by (see: flax tax).
Why would someone want to be here illegally if they could get what they want legally?

Because taxes take 25% of even low wage earner's pay and by remaining illegal they get 100% of their earnings, often in cash which is untraceable.

If legal they need a lot more than just documents and a job, they then must comply with all of our insurance mandates (driving, business liability, health, unemployment taxes, worker's comp, etc. . . ) and tax mandates - which can take the dream and turn it into nothing but bills.
The ruling elites of the nation despite superficial differences actually agree on the main points. They are cosmopolitan, "socially liberal", and economically neo-liberal. If you want to see where they stand, and where the country will be heading, look at Romney, Obama or Mike Bloomberg, all representatives of the class.

If you oppose gay marriage or immigration, you're on the wrong side of history because the nation's leaders on both sides of the partisan line are against you.
Because taxes take 25% of even low wage earner's pay and by remaining illegal they get 100% of their earnings, often in cash which is untraceable.

If legal they need a lot more than just documents and a job, they then must comply with all of our insurance mandates (driving, business liability, health, unemployment taxes, worker's comp, etc. . . ) and tax mandates - which can take the dream and turn it into nothing but bills.

But they might work for $7.25/hr instead of $5.
The truth is, it’s hard to find any political movement that’s really against neoliberalism today, the closest I can come is the Tea Party. The Tea Party represents in my view, not actually a serious, because it’s so inchoate and it’s so in a certain sense diluted, but nonetheless a real reaction against neoliberalism that is not simply a reaction against neoliberalism from the old racist Right. It’s a striking fact that what the American Left mainly wants to do is reduce the Tea Party to racists as quickly as humanly possible. They’re thrilled when some Nazis come out and say “Yeah, we support the Tea Party” or some member of the Tea Party says something racist, which is frequently enough. But you can’t understand the real politics of the Tea Party unless you understand how important their opposition to illegal immigration is. Because who’s for illegal immigration? As far as I know only one set of people is for illegal immigration, I mean you may be [as a Marxist], but as far as I know the only people who are openly for illegal immigration are neoliberal economists.

"Let Them Eat Diversity: An Interview With Walter Benn Michaels"
Jacobin Magazine
even Glenn Beck will say “immigration good, illegal immigration bad” and, what he’s reacting against is not, as he thinks, socialism but currently existing capitalism, but he has no clue.

In fact, he’s become obsessed in an interesting way with communism though as far as I can tell we have zero communists not only in the U.S., but almost anywhere else in the world. But you can sort of see it, because they recognize in illegal immigration a form of capitalism that has finally begun to emerge as a threat to the middle class and even a little bit to the upper middle class, but the only way that they can conceptualize it is as “communism.” They are so committed to a kind of capitalism, which neoliberalism is in fact destroying, that when they see neoliberalism in action they just identify it as “communism.”

Nailed it.
"...What I’m saying is that people in the Tea Party movement have a problem that is realer than “White male status anxiety,” that the economic shifts that are taking place, the more and more extreme inequality, the more and more going to the top, no doubt some people may be unhappy because of loss of status, but many millions more are going to be unhappy because of the loss of actual money. So my point isn’t really to deny the phenomenon of status anxiety, it’s just to point out the extraordinaire eagerness of American liberals to identify racism as the problem, so that anti-racism (rather than anti-capitalism) can be the solution.,,,"