Post a pic of your slave

Yeah, I can have one of my American friends hold a sign written in Chinese if you'd like.
I'm just giving him shit for being an asshole. I don't care whether he has a maid or not.

And you're just a 'nice' guy.

Believe it or not, a lot of us get it. Because if you didn't care, why bother?

You bothered, you care. End of discussion.

And you're just a 'nice' guy.

Believe it or not, a lot of us get it. Because if you didn't care, why bother?

You bothered, you care. End of discussion.


I never claimed to be a 'nice' guy. However, your interest in me proves that you care, so thanks for that.
Oh we got lucky!

We got us some possum on the half-shell while out driving last night!

Best thing about dillah is that its even better the second day!

I've been saving. One has to work hard toward their goal. This is what I want.:D

Your slave missed the apostrophe on her sign. Punish her!:)

She is illiterate. Handles money well though and hasn't been cheated when going to the market.
We docked her 100RMB for breaking a crystal wine glass once. The glass cost far more but a point had to be made. Don't fuck things up in our home! There have been no other problems with her.
i like to think that, in your situation, i would have a few scruples.
like at least getting the girl some sort of a basic education.
...and not posting pictures of her online to entertain.
i like to think that, in your situation, i would have a few scruples.
like at least getting the girl some sort of a basic education.
...and not posting pictures of her online to entertain.

To be fair, if she weren't employed by a dickface like ChinaBandit, she'd probably be breaking her back making unbreakable combs for fifteen cents an hour. China is developing, and it'll take time for them to reach our standards of living. We can't juxtapose our comfortable lives and advanced society with a nation that has just recently advanced beyond rice paper houses and is still recovering from the atrocities of Chairman Mao's "Cultural Revolution". All blobfish dickery aside, his "slave" is probably pretty lucky (if this is all true). That doesn't mean he's not a crotchgoblin, though. I hope all his crystal turns out to be Chinese knockoffs.
being the best of a bad lot isn't much of a moral aspiration.
being the best of a bad lot isn't much of a moral aspiration.

My point being that I'd prefer dicks like ChinaBandit over whip-cracking straw bosses. There really is no good option, sadly.
your point being the point i made yesterday,
my point still stands.