Possible Cuckold/Voyeur Idea - Any Co-Authors?


Really Experienced
Apr 4, 2011
I'd like to leave this one open-ended. Hopefully this is the right forum...I apologize if not (and mods please feel free to move it). I'd been tossing around some basic theme ideas with a non-writer friend - not from Lit - and it seemed like a decent concept, so I figured I'd put it out here.

Ideally the concept would be loosely based on a cuckold or husband-voyeur type of arrangement with back-and-forth POV switching. Husband (POV #1) and wife (potential POV?) arrange to meet with other man (POV #2). The story could go in a myriad of directions - guy likes being cuckolded, guy wants to watch without "humiliation", guy wants to watch and join in, wife doesn't know she's being watched, etc. I think it'd be particularly good if the different POVs were written by different authors...it'd give the story a little more authenticity, I think.

Would anyone be interested in hashing out these ideas, adding some new storyboard material, or perhaps collaborating? Please feel free to send me a PM or post here. FWIW, I have written on here before under an old account, but I no longer remember the name - so I am not a new Lit writer, though I have no stories (IIRC) under this username - in case that might deter you. Sorry to leave this so open-ended but it's a very, very raw concept at this point.
Stories that try to change the POV between male and female often end up too repetitive. I attempted something similar in one of my stories and although I was able to relay each of the people's emotions and thoughts--completely different from each other--the actual scenes themselves and what they observed began to become cumbersome.

As such, I've yet read a good POV1 and POV2 story that didn't just sound rehashed...even my own, hehehe.

Interesting concept, just difficult to implement and be readable IMO...
I disagree that they get repetitive, what I have found in the past is that they get extremely confusising both for the writer and the reader.

I like the concept though.
Hmm, thanks for the replies, both of you.

Doc>which story of yours are you referring to? I will give it a read.
Doc>which story of yours are you referring to? I will give it a read.

It was one Chapter 04 of my Lapdancing Girlfriend chapters...several comments were made about the readers feeling they were reading the same story 3-4 times (although it wasn't that much, LOL).

As SR mentioned, it does get confusing to keep it all straight...
Repetition - I'm torn on this but there is a way I think

I've read stories offering different points of views ... and often it does get too repetitive to hold my attention. But I like the idea here and do see a possible solution...

First, I think you should forget the idea of the wife's POV. And the idea of two writers doing POVs of the Cuck and the Bull (or whatever terms you'd like to use)is an excellent one. The wife's POV would be duplicitous and come out from the two men ... but of course would be slanted by her interactions with each of the two ... for example, she may tell the husband one thing and tell the lover something completely different.

And the sex scenes may or may not be related by the husband, depending of whether he was unaware, being told by the wife, viewing, or actually taking part in the scene. The other thing that I think would help is using two writers who have experienced and have their heart in the side that they are taking on.