Pornstar Cousin returns the favour. Loyalty


May 19, 2011
Bombshell, beautiful female Cousin Lily 5ft 9 long dark brown hair medium bust. Lily reveals to our religious family that she’s not a typical model, but an adult model. Telling them that’s she’s been doing hardcore porn for over a year. She has a rift with her parents and the rest of the family. (Two year’s older than her, her male cousin), your understanding of her decision.

You always have been. You were the first family member she told. Your fiancé sides with your family, calling Lily a whore and forcing you to stay away from her. You visit Lily anyways letting you fiancé no it standing your ground. She’s still family and you too have always been close.

Lily moved from Texas to LA a few years ago, originally traveling between Texas and LA, every couple of weeks. She now permanently resides in L.A. You live just outside of L.A in Burbank, working as a Software Engineer. You originally moved to San-Francisco from Texas for your dream job. Then you met you’re eventual fiancé whose a talent agent for TV actor’s.

You moved from San-Francisco to Burbank, to please her, so she could keep her job. You break off the engagement, after you catch your Fiancé cheating with her boss. She begs you to reconsider, saying she loves you and it’ll never happen again. However you’re resolute. This happens just before Christmas. You don't head home to Texas for Christmas. You isolate yourself calling off work, for a week.

Lilly comes over to your house and is there for you, just like you’ve always been there for her. She gets your spirits up, laughing jogging playing basketball. She reminds you of when she was a tomboy, when you would do stupid things together as kids.

One night she finally pulls you out of the house, at night to go clubbing. Sitting there drinking screw drivers your still reserved, but she pulls you unto the dance floor. You’re buzzing and her grinding turns leads to a kiss, you move your lips away at first, hers simply brush yours. Your hands roam her sculpted hourglass body. You start looking into her deep brown eyes. Your lips meet hers once more this time like magnets, your tongues tango.

Her endless legs drive you wild. Her hair her perfume it’s driving your senses crazy. She's wearing a sparkling tight black mini dress that hugs everything. Making her perfect medium sized breasts just pop.

Right there on the dance floor, you surprise her and yourself, your senses have been hijacked by the moment. Your better nature regrets doing it right away. Your middle finger slips into her readily accessible hot vagina she’s wet. Her eyelids widen slightly, she doesn’t stop you. She lets out a moan when you add another, her muscles rock on your fingers rhythmically. You look into her brown eyes she looks into yours. “Let’s go home!” She whispers her long tongue licking your ear.

Your stirring, your cock pulsing and so is her trimmed pussy.

In the morning you wake up next to Lilly. Your head is banging and you can’t remember a thing. The fluids all around and the two spent condoms, leave no mystery to what happened last night.

Worst of all there is a camera in front of the bed. One of you taped it all.
Maybe it could work, the story that your describing to me sounds one of three things. Too long for a quick wank read, too short for a series with character development, to complicated to blend the two since you'd have to tell the sex and the rest at the same time flashing back and forth like one of those stories like The Hangover.
Maybe it could work, the story that your describing to me sounds one of three things. Too long for a quick wank read, too short for a series with character development, to complicated to blend the two since you'd have to tell the sex and the rest at the same time flashing back and forth like one of those stories like The Hangover.

Hey I don't want people wanking to my stories! LOL!

Series no time for that shit. Don't even know if there's time for 1 chapter.

I don't see flashing. I see third person omniscient.

I just added the tape thing in the end. The story would be from top to beginning as written here.
The second chapter would be her waking up. Her telling him how she feels about him. Him telling her it was just the alcohol.

She seducing him the tape of them fucking from last night plays in the foreground, as she slowly sucks his cock to the root. her brown eyes staring up at him, as she swallows all his seed.
Sounds a bit complicated in synopsis, but the only way of really knowing is to get it written and put it out there. Let me know when you do!
Your stories hot. I will write it with a few changes. It will be my first story.

I think it would be hot if we made the pornstar cuz a transsexual. The male cousin become her boy toy.

When touching her he finds a 14 inch cock.
Note: I'm not saying the story can't be done, especially if you either cut the end off, or take it and put it at the beginning and the entire rest of the story is told relatively straight forward.

It's still gonna be a bit long working in all the relationship information though.
So I messaged you. You didn't respond. I''l l do the story as a transsexual pornstar story?

You down??
Why not? I'll need your help. You need to be open minded.

I am open minded. Transexualism just don't fit the theme. Do write your version though. PM me for help, if you want.
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Note: I'm not saying the story can't be done, especially if you either cut the end off, or take it and put it at the beginning and the entire rest of the story is told relatively straight forward.

It's still gonna be a bit long working in all the relationship information though.

The end from the original post leaving out the second post? Which end. Cut from where and put in the begining?

1.-->Clubbing, grinding fingering kissing?

2.-->The sex in bed?

3.-->Wakeing up in the morning, seeing the markers of the night before?

4.-->His cousin going down on him the morning after, while the tape of the night before plays on?
The end from the original post leaving out the second post? Which end. Cut from where and put in the begining?

1.-->Clubbing, grinding fingering kissing?

2.-->The sex in bed?

3.-->Wakeing up in the morning, seeing the markers of the night before?

4.-->His cousin going down on him the morning after, while the tape of the night before plays on?

I think he means start from her pulling him to the club. It looks like the end.
Hey I don't want people wanking to my stories! LOL!

Series no time for that shit. Don't even know if there's time for 1 chapter.

I don't see flashing. I see third person omniscient.

I just added the tape thing in the end. The story would be from top to beginning as written here.
The second chapter would be her waking up. Her telling him how she feels about him. Him telling her it was just the alcohol.

She seducing him the tape of them fucking from last night plays in the foreground, as she slowly sucks his cock to the root. her brown eyes staring up at him, as she swallows all his seed.

You have all this time for ideas? Actualy write something. This was fucking awesome!
Chapter 2 I guess.

I think that the Fiance should come crawling back begging to be forgiven, for cheating on him.

Her emails texts and phone calls being ignored, for a week. He having changed the locks. He leaves his house a day before christmass, for the office christmass party. His fiance is waiting for him, he ignores her to get into his car.

Untill she yells out i'm pregnant. He asks her, "how am I sure it's mine?" She shows him a sonogram that says the fetus is exactly eight weeks developed.

He stops in his tracks, they had been on a 12 day cruise 2 months back. They never left the cabin suite. Meaning that the TWINS are his. Still mad at her he's torn as he hugs her monetarily forgetting that she cheated on him.

He tells her that he'll be there for the baby but he can't see himself marrying her. She asks if he still loves her. He says kind off then looks at the sonogram and says yes.

She stops him teeling him she quite her job and has aranged for him to get his Sanfranscico job back. (that job netting more than they did combined either way)

She gives in to all his demands refusing to see her boss again, spicing up sex in the bedroom., everything.

Lilly his cousin is broken when she finds the wedding is back on.
So the fiance fullfils his darkest fantasies in the bedroom. Oh yeah she agrees to a prenup.
The end from the original post leaving out the second post? Which end. Cut from where and put in the begining?

1.-->Clubbing, grinding fingering kissing?

2.-->The sex in bed?

3.-->Wakeing up in the morning, seeing the markers of the night before?

4.-->His cousin going down on him the morning after, while the tape of the night before plays on?

I'd probably cut 4 entirely or start with three and end with 4.

So it goes.

1. Wakes up, sees the markers of the night before. He turns on the tape.
2. Clubbing etc
2a. (she wakes up)
3. Sex in bed
4. She's now giving him head and just because it's a story he finishes at the smae time as she does.
The hangover backwords flashback will take too long to write. The top to bottum works better.

If im going write this myself. it will be more realistic to enhance the overall from my long description.

The emotional build needs to be described. It cant just be a drunken indescretion. His cousin loves him, and his predicament needs to be clear.

His fiance coming back pregant with what he is sure is his kids by the date on the sonagram. I chapter 2. Which focuses the tangled emotions of his supressed love for his cousin and that of his to be born kid.