Pornography vs Erotica


seduce the mind
Oct 10, 2002
Do you distinguish between pornography and erotica, and if so, what's the distinction based upon? And which do you write?

Erotica is pornography for the cerebral....
Pornography is for the masses. Erotica takes one to the next level of ecstasy, whereas porn deals mainly with the base matter at hand. (pun intended)
Pornography is any work where the primary focus is sexual, the sex is the point of the work.

Erotica is any work where the primary focus is the character's relationship with others/self highlighted by sexual situations, the person is the point of the work.

I do not think one is better than the other, simply different in a very hazy way.

That's my working definition and I think I write erotica because my pornography well and truly sucks.
I look at "pornography" a bit different I guess.

To me, "porn" is anything you feel is "wrong" (its a label to me, nothing more though), while erotica is something that just makes you blush.

So if the literature somehow sparks a negative reaction, the reader might label it "porn" because it is clearly "bad" sex. While anything that is merely "oooh I wish I could do that" oriented, is likely going to get mentally labelled "erotica".

Now I am not even remotely interested in debates of "right" sex vs "wrong" sex.
Because I know there are idiots out there that will immediately expect me to quantify "right" sex.
Just as there are people that will automatically assume, that by my saying all this, I have the attitude, that I have magically discovered how to tell the difference.

We all know what I am saying. It's the ole guilt trip scenario. Some actually think sex in itself is "wrong". Some have bought into this and some have not. And both groups "know" they are "right".
I think there is a fine line between the two - and a lot of that distinction will be individual. This reminds me of a quote from an author I know:

"Pornography is failed erotica." - Morgana Baron

I find it interesting to contemplate how much dogma is wrapped around the word 'pornography'. The very sound of the word comes with overtones of nastiness.

And yet when considering the word 'erotica' you can almost feel the sensuality, the art of sex exuding from the word.

The dictionary tends to suggest that pornography is the explicit presentation of sexual activity in literature, and that erotica has a basis in sexual love.


Pornography is lust

Erotica is love.

How far apart can two acts possibly get?

And what a great topic to contemplate. Thanks dr_mabeuse for making me think it through. :)

Now I understand the differences, I know there are times when I write both. At least, the intention tends to differ, hmm what my stories turn out to be is probably a blended mixture of both.
Porn v Erotica

I tend to think that pornography is anything that is meant specifically and only to sexually arouse, while erotica is more an exploration of sexual feelings. But, to me, porn does have negative connotations, so I'd rather be an eroticist (erotician?) than a pornographer.

The dictionary tends to suggest that pornography is the explicit presentation of sexual activity in literature, and that erotica has a basis in sexual love.


Pornography is lust

Erotica is love.

Erotic, to me, pertains to 'sexual feelings' - not necessarily 'love'. Sometimes 'love' can complicate your plot (depending on the story) - sometimes our readers just want a few moments of committment-free lust.

Though it is the common usage definition, "pornography" need to refer only to sexually explicit material. The word can also be attributed to lurid or sensationalistic material; opponents of violence in American culture sometimes cite Action movies as having pornographic elements in relation to violence. Erotica, on the other hand, can only be applied to material of a sexual nature.

For me, the only appreciable difference between the two words (when applied to sexual material) is that "pornography" has a pejorative connotation. Beyond that, the words mean exactly the same thing. It seems that those who wish to distinguish between the two are merely making arbitrary divisions; whether such divisions are useful or valid is left up to the individual to decide.
My opinion is that Pornography is obscene and has no merit other than the sexual gratification it provides while Erotica would have merit as a story in addition to the sexual gratification it provides.

In this context I would say that I write Pornography and, say, KillerMuffin writes Erotica.

But I strive to write Erotica.

Pornography is cheap 'n' nasty. Erotica is something more involved and cerebral.

Alternatively, erotica has a plot, pornography doesn't.

The Earl
My personal take is that the distinction is made by those people who have a hang-up about the word PORNOGRAPHY.

Enquirer: Oh you are a writer, what do you write?

Writer of Erotica: Oh I write stories that explore relationships.

Enquirer: You write romances!

Writer of Erotica: Well sort of but my stories sort of ahem explore the sexual side of relationships they are erotic stories.

Enquirer: Oh! I see! (thinks to self what they mean is they write pornography)

Now try this - and I repeat conversation with Budhist chaplain to local hospitals.

Budhist: What do you write?

Self: I'm a pornographer.

Budhist: Do you like Anias Nin? I have got a complete collection of her work.


What does a writer of erotica call themselves - because I have never heard of an eroticographer.

There can be bad pornography - tastless in other words: and good pornography - I try to write the latter.

Have a read at my essay on the subject "Possibly the Oldest Profession"

I love this debate.

jon :devil: :devil: :devil:
I tend to agree with the above line of argument that the difference is primarily one of the author's intent AND the reader's interpretation, not quality or effort. Not to get legalistic, but pornography in my view is a work which is intended only to evoke sexual arousal and nothing more...what I think is called 'prurient interests.' Erotica tends to be more artistic, in the sense that the author is trying to evoke sexual arousal in a more sophisticated and creative context.

After all, isn't one man's erotica another man's pornography?

(Pardon the anachronistic gender usage)

Porn vs Erotica.......

When I began writing here, I'd have to say I wrote porn...mainly because it seemed the 'top' stories were just that. Not the stories I actually preferred reading...but as they say, when in Rome.

Like anything...I grew tired of jerking off to my own stories. Same ole' same ole' so to speak.

I finally decided I preferred reading "erotica", therefore why not try and write a little more erotic's (BTW is that a word? LOL) and less porn. Now I'd have to say I combine a little bit of both in most everything I write. Sort of like a well blended tossed salad. A little of this...a little of that. Careful with the spices, not too much salt...or pepper. Toss carefully and then serve.

So far...seems to be doing well for me anyway.

I remain,
I would put myself in the "plot" camp...that the difference is that porn has no plot and erotica does. One isn't better than the other...I've written both and when I'm in the mood either might appeal to me. Just my 2 cents
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Before distinguishing between the two, you have to realise that someone, somewhere, at some point in time attempted to distinguish between the two. Odds are that it was in Victorian England in the dawning age of modern puritanism.

Giving what is basically the same thing two different terms allowed those who sought to influence society at large with their own moral views to create "dirty" and "acceptable".

We don't think too much about that these days because we've bought into someone else's morals and accept them.

Much like Senators wives et al who have decided that CDs should have warning labels for "foul" language. Much like the film censorship system in place in America and England.

Others have dictated to us what they deem to be "right" and "wrong", removing the need or ability for us to decide for ourselves. Not a good thing.

The very word "pornography" means "depiction of prostitutes", from the greek for prostitute - pĂłrne.

"Erotic" is also from the greek - Ă©ros - meaning sexual love.

It's easy to see how pornography, for many, is dirty, whereas erotica is more poetic and appealing and acceptable. Which was the intention when these words began appearing in their judgemental form in the late 1800's.

In Denmark, where attitudes towards such matters have been relaxed since the 1960's (DK was the first country to legalise pornography), there is little distinguishment between the terms. Both words are freely used to describe the same thing. In fact, in slang usage, "porno" is a compliment. "You look really porno tonight!" (for man or woman). Or "I saw a really porno car yesterday".

Liberalising the mind and allowing individuals to decide for themselves removes the need for distinguishing between things.
Coolville said:
In Denmark, where attitudes towards such matters have been relaxed since the 1960's (DK was the first country to legalise pornography), there is little distinguishment between the terms. Both words are freely used to describe the same thing. In fact, in slang usage, "porno" is a compliment. "You look really porno tonight!" (for man or woman). Or "I saw a really porno car yesterday".

I would love to use that compliment for some women here in the U.S., but I fear for the consequences...

Other porns

I've run into other types of porn lately too.
There's "food porn", like on the Food network, and the WordSpy site lists "debt porn". which refers to television infomercials that feature stories of people getting out of debt by subscribing to some service.
Then there's "lifestyle porn" (Martha Stewart and high-end "consumer porn": Hammecher Schlemmer and other dream catalogs.

But through it all, "porn" is a word used derogatorily, while erotica is not.

Therefore, regardless of the application, it would appear, that "porn" is used with a negative conotation.
Erotica is better because you can visualize your own vision of the characters. It's better thatn porn because you have your own custom made charcaters in your head. It will fit you instead of the few people in a porno that actually look good.
Perhaps another title for the erotic author, combining the science and art of writing well in this genre:


Nah, I like Eroticist better.
Erosmosis, verb :confused:


Erostalagmite, noun. An upward growing, phallic-like erection, usually found in a moist, cave-like home. :D

From one of the guys who put the 'rot' in Erotica! :eek:

Or, we could stick to the word 'porn' but differentiate.

For example:

Positive: horn porn.

Negative: corn porn.
Quasimodem said:
Erostalagmite, noun. An upward growing, phallic-like erection, usually found in a moist, cave-like home. :D

grief Quasi, you know, all i can visualise is a penis made from ice. *shivering* brrrrr somehow, getting wet takes on a whole new meaning...
I would just describe myself a an erotic writer rather than an eroticist.

grief Quasi, you know, all i can visualise is a penis made from ice. *shivering* brrrrr somehow, getting wet takes on a whole new meaning...

That is apparently quite entertaining. Using only a mould, water and a freezer. Unfortunately none of my girlfriends have ever let me try it.

The Earl