Porn Watch Party- March 4th 2023 10:30ish EST- Be there or be not there I guess- I'm not your boss


Literotica Guru
Oct 5, 2016
I've gotten some messages that people want to do this again so I am giving some advanced notice. I'm supposed to get like 7 inches of snow and zero inches of dick and I'm not going to leave the house tomorrow. So the plan is to drink too much caffine, get a work out in and then be ready to get sloppy with some hard seltzers and watch dirty porn with my best internet friends.

So get that wife of yours who's more fridged then the storm into bed by 10 and come watch porn with me by 10:30 EST. I promise to be as gross as I can handle.

Also feel free to PM me search terms you would like to see me try to incorporate.

Save up your fun sauce and I will chat with you tonight!

Kisses- Soma
I’m in! We are gettin hit with snow here too, sound like a good time lol
Fuck me, how I hate these time differences. Call me undedicated, but 4.30 in the morning... that is not going to work for me.... hope you all have fun!

I've gotten some messages that people want to do this again so I am giving some advanced notice. I'm supposed to get like 7 inches of snow and zero inches of dick and I'm not going to leave the house tomorrow. So the plan is to drink too much caffine, get a work out in and then be ready to get sloppy with some hard seltzers and watch dirty porn with my best internet friends.

So get that wife of yours who's more fridged then the storm into bed by 10 and come watch porn with me by 10:30 EST. I promise to be as gross as I can handle.

Also feel free to PM me search terms you would like to see me try to incorporate.

Save up your fun sauce and I will chat with you tonight!

Kisses- Soma
I'm in. Just finished 12 inches of snow. Getting prepped and will be ready
How much fun would it be to try and organize a world wide record attempt at the worlds biggest mutual masturbation session. We could do it for charity - i can see the sponsor forms now!!
Passing sponsorship forms: “are we sponsoring per orgasm, per minute, or for the amount of clean up?”

I have gotten some GREAT search requests so there may be ALOT of videos tonight. Keep them coming!!!
A U.K. based sponsored wankathon. Note to self: do not confuse freshly boiled kettle with hand lotion.