Pop Quiz! True or False?


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
1. A person who wears a fanny pack loves science fiction, and vice versa.

2. A person who wears a belt with shorts is probably religious.

3. If the video box shows a beautiful woman pointing a gun, the movie is shit.

4. If the flyer shows the band standing on the railroad tracks, the band is shit.

5. If a guy has cords on his sunglasses, he's a dick. If the sunglasses are mirrored, he's probably dangerous.

6. All golfers like women.

7. If she smokes, she fucks.
I knew it wouldn't last.

(Though I would like to switch that smoking one around and say that ah, never mind.)
Don't worry Lance, Bon Jovi is coming your way on their latest tour.
7 - an oral fixation? Shame I don't like the smell.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Is "Too True" an accepatable answer?

I grabbed those while googling, but I have one of my own to run by you:

"Anyone wearing a hat while driving should be given extra room, because they are dangerous to be behind."

True or False?
Lancecastor said:
"Anyone wearing a hat while driving should be given extra room, because they are dangerous to be behind."

True or False?

Good grief, this is one of my sister's maxims (and I quote):

"Never drive behind an old man with a hat. They are the most dangerous critter on the road."
Damn, My band, The Engineers, posed on railroad tracks, for our album, Dangerous Woman (sold 237 albums).

The lead guitarists was wearing shorts with a belt and fanny pack. (He's now an evangelical scientologist), the bassist had mirrored sunglasses with cords (in prison of embezzeling from a bunch of widows).

I was holding a golf club (I'm not gay). While a beautiful woman was walking away from us smoking a cigarette and holding a Beretta at arms ready (I fucked her, and she did some bad soft-core porn)

What are the odds?
1. A person who wears a fanny pack loves science fiction, and vice versa. True.

2. A person who wears a belt with shorts is probably religious.False.

3. If the video box shows a beautiful woman pointing a gun, the movie is shit. True.

4. If the flyer shows the band standing on the railroad tracks, the band is shit. True.

5. If a guy has cords on his sunglasses, he's a dick. If the sunglasses are mirrored, he's probably dangerous. True.

6. All golfers like women. False. Surely there's at least one gay golfer, and one heterosexual on the LPGA tour.

7. If she smokes, she fucks. True.
SeaGriffin said:
Good grief, this is one of my sister's maxims (and I quote):

"Never drive behind an old man with a hat. They are the most dangerous critter on the road."

My theory exactly.

Add to this from your own experience:

Old ladies in hats? (vacant, slow)

Young guys with ball caps backwards? (aggressive)

Anyone in a ball cap? (cut you off)

Re: Re: Pop Quiz! True or False?

kotori said:

6. All golfers like women. False. Surely there's at least one gay golfer, and one heterosexual on the LPGA tour.

Can you name one of each?
