Poodle Hat


Literotica Guru
Apr 13, 2002
You know who you are. Do I get a prize? I have a friend in that picture, by the way
No prize. All one had to do was click on the link. Not hard.

Where was your friend?

Oh.... I totally didn't see the Link *LOL*

My friend is the guy in the VEEEERY back. He's the half face between the white hardhat and the tall blond... wo/man thing
Dantetier said:
Oh.... I totally didn't see the Link *LOL*

My friend is the guy in the VEEEERY back. He's the half face between the white hardhat and the tall blond... wo/man thing
Let's see it larger:

I can't wait for the CD. When i went to his concert in OC last year, he played a song about a leper colony, it was so damned funny
sweet soft kiss said:
Thats Wierd Al???

TB when I saw the av I was thinking Tiny Tim...
Have you ever noticed you don't see Al and Tiny at the same time - ever?

sweet soft kiss said:
Yes... or so they want us to believe that he is...

It could be a consipriracy though...;)

what about this?;)

Body double. What, you thought Hussein was the first person to think that up?
Re: but...but..

Tatiana0706 said:
what about this?;)


What about Ms. Vicki? You look an awful lot like Ms. Vicki to me.

If I posted this twice - I apologize because it wasn't really worth saying once.
Well, not the glasses, or the outfit, or the face so much, but other than that there's a certain resemblance.

LukkyKnight said:
Well, not the glasses, or the outfit, or the face so much, but other than that there's a certain resemblance.

Re: you think I look like this???????

Tatiana0706 said:

Tatiana why is it that you are such a fount of Tiny Timisms? Awfully suspicious to me - are you the long lost daughter, that is to say the issue, of Tiny Tim and Ms. Vicki (rumours had it that Michael Jackson was involved - no one knows how).
Next you will show us your collection of Disco Tex and the Sexolettes.
Re: Re: you think I look like this???????

shhhh....all I will say is...they don't call me Miss Tiny Tatiana Tim for nothing...;)
Re: Re: Re: you think I look like this???????

Tatiana0706 said:
shhhh....all I will say is...they don't call me Miss Tiny Tatiana Tim for nothing...;)

Does that make you a triple T T T threat?:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Re: you think I look like this???????

cocktail42 said:
Does that make you a triple T T T threat?:rolleyes:

nah...I am a threat to no one...Just sweet and innocent Miss Tat:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you think I look like this???????

Tatiana0706 said:
nah...I am a threat to no one...Just sweet and innocent Miss Tat:rolleyes:

So that makes you thriple Sweet - what flavors and may I have a lick? :p :p :p