Poll source touted by Lit Deplorables says Biden would kick Trump's ass in 2024

They have whiplash.

The polls were bullshit when Hillary was trouncing the deplorable.

Now, they only believe in the polls that favor their fascist leaders.
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On Zero Hedge which was heavily for trump the sentiment has drastically changed. It just takes some people longer to learn than others. I predict trump will be a bigger loser if he is the nominee in the next election.
This is not about winning the Presidency. It is about expanding the Senate beyond Manchin and Sinema. It is about winning the House. Focus in the real battles. My dog can beat Trump. Fuck...even Biden can beat Trump...and that's pretty sad
Sample size: 910 out of a population of 340 million. No information about why or how these people were contacted. Pretty thin material. How can either of these candidates be considered as capable?
The big challenge for the GOP is how to get Trump to concede after he loses the primary.