Poll for SRP writers & Moderators


Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
Poll for ORP & SRP writers & Moderators

:D I would like to hear all feedback on this, let the masses have their say so! Negative or positive, please give your opinion on this..

In Personal's there is a Sub Forum titled "The Playground" It is for ooc clubs, chatting areas between friends...

Laurel and I were talking and she gave the idea and I whole heartedly agree with this and hope you do as well :) I haven't ever visited many ooc clubs because they really aren't supposed to be in SRP but in another forum. I wasn't sure for many reasons if I should post in there and chat with others like I wanted to?

So here's the part you all can help with. Would a Sub Forum in ORP and in SRP be welcomed? A place for ooc's, general chatting and get together's. Not story discussions really, those are still app. to SRP and ORP. I have by Friday to get the numbers in
to and against the ideas. So make your voice heard and count! Please? Either way the ooc's stay in SRP and ORP, they aren't being moved, but this would be a place it is clearly ALRIGHT to post all the chit chat we want to without worrying about too many ooc threads clogging up the SRP and ORP Forums.
:) Ty and please respond, even if it is indifference!
Sweet P

Note: Forgot to mention IF the new sub forum is put into effect the clubs would be moved there. :) But only if it is wanted and agreed upon by the majority here.
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Sounds good to me.

A nice game plan, it would better organize things. Why not? Organization is our friend.
This is a debate that has ragged for a long time here and I have no clear answer.

I know there will be those that say ditch the OOC’s all together.

Some will sat “If it aint broke don’t fix it.”

I will only give my first hand experiences.

1. I have been posting here for a little over a year.. When I first came I could not get a thread started for love nor money. I felt shy, confused, and hadn’t a clue what to do. I was directed to an OOC club and it made all the difference. Some got to now me and it took off from there.

2. On the other hand some of the worst times I have had here at Lit are a direct result of the OOC’s, words taken out of context, posts missed , hurt feelings and on and on.

3. Cliques can develop. I think that can be a mute point for as in real life we socialize with people of like mind.

4. No Matter what is decided I will whole heartily support it. But my concern is always for that new writer, who lurks in the shadows wanting to write but fearing they are not good enough. They need a place to get their feet wet, to feel accepted, to build their confidence. It is hard being “ the new kid in town.” Been it must of my life. I started as a service brat.

Just some thoughts.

C G raven
Point taken..

ty Cg for replying, you too Gm..

Now I would like to point out that instead of these clubs being shipped to the playground, they would remain in SRP but in a sub forum. They would still be visible to those who desperately want to get their feet wet! And I agree with you cg whole heartedly on needing a confidence boost for new comers. IT was so hard to let go and just jump in feet first for me. granted I didn't use an ooc club to get my feet wet, i should have tho. Perhaps I would have known more people and made more friends?

The point is with this, done or not, the ooc clubs remain in srp for the srp writers. and orp I am thinking would be the same.. course I dont Mod in there and can't give my word. Its just a thought, and there are some out there who cant just into a 1,000 post ooc club, anymore than they can jump into a 200 post thread. Making their own could be easier?

:D again just my thoughts, please I need more '2 cents' in here! :)

and btw cg, your Inn's always made me feel welcomed even though I am a stranger to those places *hugs*

added note: cant promise forever on clubs remaining in the forums, I just realized there will come a day when there are too many of them on the board.
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I personaly think it's a good Idea it'll make things nice and neat.
If we're looking at the OOCs being gone forever at some point then I say move them to a sub forum if it will save them. Regardless it would mean things would be more organized and that actual story threads would be more visable and I assume that is a good thing. As long as they are still easy to find I am all for whatever makes Lit easier to navigate.

A side note: If it hadn't been for a welcome PM from CG and am invitation to visit his OOC I don't think I would have stuck around the forums long, I would have moved straight away into submitting stories and damn if I'm not having a great time here! Thanks CG. *wink*

Keep up the great work Sweetp. *hug*
I vote not to move the OOC’s!

I do agree with you though, SweetP – there are too many. I understand some were created initially with good intentions for writers to meet and create. But, if you noticed recently, they are nothing but a chatroom aka meat market. Writing topics aren’t being discussed. Issues aren’t being brought to the table. I think about 80% of the OOC’s resembles the Playground Forum. Sorry, if this hurts your feelings Ari and CG but, it’s true; they’re just filled with flirtation and giggles.

A few months ago, a poster created four OOC’s in one night, which many had flocked to immediately. If you noticed, they died quickly just like fads. Before that, a poster created another OOC just because he wasn’t the top dog. That one died too. That is the cycle of Literotica. If you leave the OOC’s alone, it will run its course.

Aside the so called charoom threads, there are some valid OOC's that are used for casting calls. They shouldn't be discounted because of a few. They are important for role playing and the purpose of being here. That is why I vote to let them stay.

But then again, that is my humble opinion. <grin>

I got lost in my own posts!!!

LOL my responce for SRP is in ORP's thread for you Chanaud.
I saw that. <grin> And thank you for responding.

I still say we should let them stay. Let the posters create them and fill it with junk. They will run its course. Just like others.

How many OOC's aka chatrooms are we talking about in SRP? Three?
Hmmmm, two Inn's. Rooftop, Angel's bedroom and Xmen is turning into a chat thread as well.
It isnt a problem NOW, but I was thinking of the future. A place it was alright for anyone to post an ooc thread at any time. Because eventually they will become more than a few and then they would be moved.. It isn't for spite or to be mean, but to keep new stories on the front page if possible. Seperating the stories from the general chat would leave more room for stories and the sub thread, which would be in SRP would be free space. Just a thought, I thought it would be an improvement :)
I duly noted your vote and thank you for your '2 cents' :)
*hugs* and thanks for taking time.

Everyone has valid points about this issue, including you. Moving them to a subforum would be the best idea. You have been very polite about this whole issue.
One vote for sub forum for all OOC's

1. The Inn's can be as they are, for good or Ill as each sees them.

2. It is a clear strait forth area for casting calls

3. It will allow serious writers who would like to post to the OOC verity of inn, but do not want to compromise the integrity of the SRP board an opportunity to do so.

4. It allows the SRP main forum to return to the reason that it was created for.

I think that after reviewing all the comments hear that is the most viable compromise for all.

But, SweetP had mentioned that only the OOC's aka chatrooms are being moved. So, we're only talking about 5 at the moment.

Just a note - The SRP Forum had 9 a few months ago, now we only have 5. So, I think my point is right. They will eventually die.
Chanaud I disagree I think the OOC's are here to stay.
SweetP I say make a sub forum for them.. It will make them more organized and I believe will work out for the better.
A sub forum for OOC and chat might encourage newcomers to jump in.

It would also give some of us who infrequently engage, an easier way to know what is going on and with whom on the SRP ;)

Give it a whirl, if it flops, there is nothing that can't be undone !

If it hadn't been for the Rooftop (which I actually read from start to finish) I would never have had the courage to have started Paradise Pension. And if Rooftop had been in a sub-section, I would have missed it completely. (I'm not so bright... *grin*)

There is a lot of very valuable information for srp-ers in some of the OOC threads, granted they do get flirty and chatty form time to time.... but they do belong to srp-ers, who are flirty and chatty by nature.... they do also get a bit nasty sometimes, but then that's life.
I have been to Playground, poked around and felt very reluctant to post as there seems to be a whole other group of ppl.....

I'd hate to see any change, but if there must be, then a sub-section would be the best answer....

Thanks so much for the huge amount of work you do for us grasshoppers who just fiddle around reaping the fruits of your labor... you guys deserve mention for the next Nobel Prize.

:rose: :rose: :rose: and applause
SP, I vote to leave them as they are. I think that they do give newbies a place to get to know other posters, to bounce around ideas, and to polish their writing style. Personally, it helped me to have a place like the Ricks Rooftop when I was just starting to write here.

My only complaints concern things other than the number of OOC threads on the SRP board. Those are not matters that can be addressed by location or by the moderators, so I'll not mention them furhter.

Just my two cents.

SP Give it a little more time, somethings do died after awhile. They really leave on their own. If you go back some of the OOC, the writings just stop. I know it could happen to even any of mine. People either get tired of them, not what they were looking for or just feel like posting anymore.

Plus, there is one saying I live by, *What's ever will be will be.*
I think you should let the OOC's stay here ..

But if you decide to move them you will have to make a clean sweep and move all OOC's including ... Casting calls, bday wishes, OOC's for writers in a particular thread as well as the OOC clubs. And that means rules, rules and even more rules .. :eek:

Thanks for trying to take care of us little :devil:s that visit SRP.:rose: :rose:
Well, I personally think it a good idea to make a sub forum for the OCC's so that the stories will be on the SRP thread. I have had complaints before that some people come here just to read the stories and they end up choosing one thinking it is a story and it ends up being a bunch of people just chatting.

It would make it more organized for one.

BUt then again, SP, we can't satisfy everyone so either way it goes, someone is going to be unhappy.

Thank you all for voting :) Encourage more friends..

Out of everything said, each has a valid point. I'd like to make two and hope you'll bear with me here..

1.. Why should they have to die?

2. ONLY chatting ooc's would be moved. ooc casting call's etc belong in SRP, they relate to the SRP board. And as for Birthday wishes and such. That is why I posted a sticky called Announcements at the top. I seen it work nicely in ORP for a long time now, thought we could give it a try in here.

I'm strange I know, I think the adults in here writing can easily communicate in one location ;) I just thought of this instead of just BOOM moving the clubs to playground.. That way the groups of friends who write in specific places had all the room in the world for clubs. Thought also it would give new comers room to post. "Hey I'm new here" threads and meet people. (because when those are posted on SRP, we're supposed to move them as well)

*ducks and hides from the tossed fruit*

*waves* Everyone's vote to this point has been written down and accounted for :) You were heard clearly! *grinz* Now to find something to pry my eyes open.. Ciao
Ty again for voting :) Have a great day!

Hiya AR! *hugs*

I know we can't make them all happy, there is always something to bitch about around here. Lol I know I hear alot of it! But I think it is an improvement and good for the SRP board, writers and Moderators. This way we aren't forced to have to move them complete 'across town', anyone can clutter a chat board and not get into trouble :D

Ty for your support Ar

I heard a comment last night that someone said to me, that I was trying to control the board and get my way. I want everyone to know that is not true. I have only one vote in this, the same as the rest of us. And if there aren't enough votes, it goes no where. It could happen or not, I will send the #'s to Laurel end of next week and she will decide. Communication and compromise :) I thought it would be a good idea. Not to mention me and Ar can get back up our little 'den' without worries of getting 'heat' for breaking rules. :D

OK someone shut me up! I need to go get more sleep, three hours is not enough!

Hugs & be well everyone.
My 2¢. . .

. . .being a regular user of Rick's Rooftop, I feel I must add my vote as well.

I think the OOC's should stay right here.

There is a different "tone" set here than at the Playground or even on the General Board. I've gone to those forums and dabbled when I didn't feel like exercising my creative writing skills. When I'm in the mood for writing or reading some good writing, SRP is where I go.

It's nice to be able to scan down the first page of the posts and see a place you can call "home". I think it also helps the newbie who is still learning their way around the SRP to be able to "drop in" on these clubs and ask any questions in regard to how to post, how to start a post, etc. Even if there is flirty, chatty talk going on, I know the regulars will always pause to greet and answer any newbie questions.

You're expecting too much for someone new here to not only navigate this board but then move to another one (even if it's only a sub-group) almost immediately to get their questions answered. I think it helps having all the "SRP writers" in one place.

Plus, all the OOC's are listed as such, correct? It's pretty easy to simply skip past them if you're not interested in popping in. I think as long as they are marked that way (as some do with "Closed" threads) it makes it easier to move around the board.

I do have to take issue with Chanaud comment though. Like Nightbird, I don't think the OOC's will die. The only thing that died was a tiny piece of my heart when she stopped coming up to the Roof. ::soft smile:: Miss ya, girl!

Ok this may sound harsh but it's not intended to be that way. I'm weary and tired but I will try to explain this a little better..

It isn't an issue now, the clubs. I thought this would be a nice addition and make room. Room for ooc clubs on one board and more room for the new stories to be on the story forum.

What I wanted when I posted this poll was to find out if a sub category in srp for chatting would be a good idea or bad. Done or not, there will come a day when the clubs clutter too much of the front page and will be moved. Nightbird was right, they won't die and shouldn't have to.

Star pointed out very good valid points as well. It is wonderful to have a place to go and ask questions. (question and answer sticky)

A sub thread for srp writers to have freedom to post as many clubs and circles as they like without cluttering up the story forum is the idea.

I know people do not like change and definately do not like authority figures (mod's being one) Unless we do nothing to upset their ideas. If we were silent, did not ask and did not do anything, everyone would be happy..

whats the point in having Moderators if we don't do anything? I thought it was nicer to ask opinions, Laurel's idea for a sub category (which I promote completely) was much better than just silently doing my 'secretarial' job. I dont need the writer's permission to organize the boards and put things where they belong. Its in the list of things for Moderators to do. Poetry thread in Poetry forum, etc etc. I dont exercise that job either, Ive move personals about it.

But in the future, those coming here in two months who like what they see, develope friendships with those 'outside' the exsisting ooc clubs whom would like a meeting point to keep in touch instead of pm's or emailing each other, wouldn't a sub thread listed in SRP for SRP writers be a good thing or would it be easier for them to find the 'playground'? Thats what I'm thinking.
Course do feel free to point out Im wrong :D its fun to debate.

myself personally, I dont fit into either ooc lounge, and don't know the people in there and I am unwilling to force my presence in places I shouldn't be in :D

Course you are reading my crap now, but you can choose to not to :D Just because I'm a mod doesnt mean you cant say "Hey you are full of shit!" ;)