Poll: American trust in public education plummets to second all-time low


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Only 28 percent of Americans have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the public education system according to a Gallup poll.

The sharp decline marks the second-lowest all time record for public education confidence in America — 26 percent in 2014. Twenty-eight percent, down from 41 percent in 2020, also shows a slight decline from 29 percent from 2019.

The partisan divide on the question, however, is stark and reveals a fundamental disagreement among Americans as to the worth of the system.

While Democrats clock in as having a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the system at 43 percent confidence — a drop from 48 percent in 2020 — Republican support plummeted from 34 percent to 14 percent in the same timeframe. Independents dropped nine points to 29 percent.
I was homeschooled from kindergarten through middle school, then I attended a public high school. I can tell you that my high school was a horrible place. Both students and teachers hate themselves.
Republicans don't like education
There is a difference between education the real learning not what the current woke-academics the push , or the other woke nonsense and linguistic gibberish which may make it sound like the people uttering these ridiculous words. This absurd babel did not just spontaneously emerge within the last few years, but is deeply rooted in an academic theory that has been applied to multiple disciplines since at least the 1960s, known as “postmodernism.” Along with the previous marxist reimagination of education from Horace Mann and Dewey, through the more recent fake historical "narratives" via CRT/SEL/DEI along with the national programs to undercut critical thinking, and hard sciences by implementing common core, race to the top colloquially outcome based education (which is just a marketing gimmickry to make it sound really good but in actuality is just to dumb-down standards)

Postmodernism was born out of the psychotic mind of radical French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who was the primary and original advocate for a line of thinking known as “deconstruction.” The goal of the Deconstructionists was to essentially blur or erase the lines between fact and fiction, reality and fantasy, and, from their perspective, there was no such thing as absolute truth, objective reality, or fundamental morality, it was all relative, subject to the interpretation of the individual and/or his social group or community. In a phrase, these lunatics spawned the idea of “living your truth.”

Gone are the days of teachers teaching the "Three R's", Critical Thinking, or even a Socratic/Plato educational method.

Surprise Surprise. You lower the standards and dumb down the children long enough and who's eventually left to teach the next generation?
The dumbed down, dumb dumb.
So long as Democrats are in control of public education in this country, there will be no place to go but down.

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The school district I lived in before I left CA was considered top notch. Test scores, graduation rates, college advancement, etc. Property values were way above the area norm and the schools were a big part of it. So were the nice houses, leafy streets, golf courses, hills, and country feel. The key to producing high performance schools is to place them in areas with high performing parents.
I was homeschooled from kindergarten through middle school, then I attended a public high school. I can tell you that my high school was a horrible place. Both students and teachers hate themselves.
First of all, I attended school with other people my age. I never noticed that students and teachers hated themselves.

Second, homeschooling is likely to isolate you from people your own age. This makes it difficult for you to learn appropriate kinds of behavior in various situations. You do not acquire social understanding and social skills.
There is a difference between education the real learning not what the current woke-academics the push , or the other woke nonsense and linguistic gibberish which may make it sound like the people uttering these ridiculous words. This absurd babel did not just spontaneously emerge within the last few years, but is deeply rooted in an academic theory that has been applied to multiple disciplines since at least the 1960s, known as “postmodernism.” Along with the previous marxist reimagination of education from Horace Mann and Dewey, through the more recent fake historical "narratives" via CRT/SEL/DEI along with the national programs to undercut critical thinking, and hard sciences by implementing common core, race to the top colloquially outcome based education (which is just a marketing gimmickry to make it sound really good but in actuality is just to dumb-down standards)

Postmodernism was born out of the psychotic mind of radical French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who was the primary and original advocate for a line of thinking known as “deconstruction.” The goal of the Deconstructionists was to essentially blur or erase the lines between fact and fiction, reality and fantasy, and, from their perspective, there was no such thing as absolute truth, objective reality, or fundamental morality, it was all relative, subject to the interpretation of the individual and/or his social group or community. In a phrase, these lunatics spawned the idea of “living your truth.”

Gone are the days of teachers teaching the "Three R's", Critical Thinking, or even a Socratic/Plato educational method.

Surprise Surprise. You lower the standards and dumb down the children long enough and who's eventually left to teach the next generation?
The dumbed down, dumb dumb.
So long as Democrats are in control of public education in this country, there will be no place to go but down.

Yes, Republicans don't like actual education. Thanks for confirming
The USA has very poor educational standards….need proof?

Turn on the tv or read what yanks post here.

Second, homeschooling is likely to isolate you from people your own age. This makes it difficult for you to learn appropriate kinds of behavior in various situations. You do not acquire social understanding and social skills.

In the places that my mother and I lived, there were plenty of other kids, in various ages, that I played with. And as I got into my early teens, I also experienced girls (and boys) and all the facets of pubescent intimacy.

High school (public) was the most isolating place I've ever known. I was always being called "fag" and "cock sucker" in ways meant to humiliate me. There were both boys and girls that shoved me for no other reason but because they saw me as gay (I am actually bisexual). I hated physical education classes because I would have to change clothes in the locker room and get yelled at if another boy thought I was looking at him. I had a biology teacher who responded to me in front of class that "your kind is biologically inert". I can go on and on.
The US Public school system is a bad joke. The teachers are inept.

Public schools are really just indoctrination camps/kill boxes for psychopaths.
First of all, I attended school with other people my age. I never noticed that students and teachers hated themselves.

Second, homeschooling is likely to isolate you from people your own age. This makes it difficult for you to learn appropriate kinds of behavior in various situations. You do not acquire social understanding and social skills.
Your second point is pure myth and hogwash... I know lots of kids that home schooled, and family as well... home schoolers have large communities of similar aged kids that meet up and do some "schooling" together and others that group/pod school as well. Plus many join extra curricular sports, music and arts programs, some from the public schools themselves
The US Public school system is a bad joke. The teachers are inept.

Public schools are really just indoctrination camps/kill boxes for psychopaths.

End school shootings, abolish schools!

That's one of the best takes yet.
or surveil kids in school to detect mental illness & actively treat their mental ilness, in order to prevent mass shootings.

Believe me or not, that was actually suggested on this Board.
I found it alarming, how Republicans are trying to link untreated mental illness to mass shootings.
"It's not guns& rugged individualism , it's the untreated mental illness of the carrier"
The making of a surveillance society