Politico Discovers What We Already Know

Rubio et al are thinking of jumping ship to the Democrats. You wait! Back when Reagan was elected herds of Democrats switched to GOP.
Don't worry, I'm sure someday there will be a wave of aging white socially backward males escaping from persecution overseas and things will even out again.
What the fuck happened today?

There's like, 75% more White Tears® Threads today from the shitstains and derpers than usual.
What the fuck happened today?

There's like, 75% more White Tears® Threads today from the shitstains and derpers than usual.
I noticed too. Same thread over and over, same three guys posting them. It's ugly out there.
Simple questions most Americans are probably ready to ask, Why confer citizenship on anyone who entered the country illegally? How does this benefit American citizens?

Look at the broader context. Are Americans helped more by the status quo or by legalizing folks that are here and having them pay taxes and things? You value your party over America's well-being though so you will oppose immigration reform in fear of having more LW voters around.

In view of recent history, can we trust the government to secure the border?

We could trust them but it would take a whole lot of money if we're serious about it. And you attack Obama all the time for Homeland Security spending so you don't want border security spending
Simple questions most Americans are probably ready to ask, Why confer citizenship on anyone who entered the country illegally? How does this benefit American citizens? In view of recent history, can we trust the government to secure the border?

I smell a deal. Sign up all the new Democrats (including Rubio & Friends) and nominate Marco for President in 2016 as a Democrat. Wilkie did the same in 1940.
I smell a deal. Sign up all the new Democrats (including Rubio & Friends) and nominate Marco for President in 2016 as a Democrat. Wilkie did the same in 1940.

If a Tea Party Republican compromises on one thing you guys immediately brand him a Democrat. You realize how fucked up that is right?
That doesn't cover the fact that part of the allure of hiring illegals is that they are illegal and work below the table for sub-minimum wage. Once they are in a position to demand fair wages it solves some of the problems they solve. In addition to the paying taxes thing.

As far as securing the border it's a fools errand. Just punish employers left right and center until it becomes unthinkable to hire illegals to do labor. The problem will solve itself when we start seeing major business owners put in jail.
I posted this in another thread, but suddenly it seems appropriate here:

It's become very popular to speak of eroding liberties and adopt faux-libertarianism roughly since the office of president was filled with an uppity neggra. Because most of those doing the faux-libertarianing have never libertarianed before, they're a bit slapdash about it. They know it has SOMETHING to do with the Constitution and unalienable rights and the like, but they're never quite sure how, say, a school dress code fits in to all this. So they wait to see what the blogosphere lights up with, and then noisily tag along for the ride, wrapped in an American flag and fitted with a handy pull-tab that makes prepackaged streams of verbal outrage spill from their slack jaws with stunning consistency and regularity.

However, listen closely to those Handy Patriotic Fun PhrasesTM, and you'll hear something else. Lean way in. Listen close. Yup, there it is:

"Ain't no goddamned dirty nigger [Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, furrner] gonna tell me what to do."
One good cut-n-paste deserves another!

Vettebigot, call your handlers for talking points ASAP!!

Rubio’s Office Attacks Politico ‘Myth’ That Immigration Reform Will Elect Democrats

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is pushing back hard against suggestions that his immigration bill will be an electoral boon for Democratic candidates, arguing that Republicans can win back Latinos with improved messaging and that long term predictions to the contrary are idle speculation.

Today’s target is an article in Politico gaming out how the immigration bill could be a “bonanza” for Democrats if the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country today gain citizenship and follow the same voting pattern as Latinos in 2012.

While the author cautioned that the exercise was “inherently speculative” and not meant to be a solid prediction, the report noted that President Obama’s winning margin would have been substantially larger if the entire undocumented population had citizenship and voted in 2012, nearly putting Arizona in his column and padding his margin in several swing states.

Rubio’s office, which has been fending off attacks from conservatives over immigration reform’s political implications for months, responded in force with a debunker of the story Tuesday afternoon. It was one of a series of “Myths vs. Facts” press releases they’ve put out since the “Gang of 8” debuted the bipartisan immigration bill last week.

Among the holes the fact sheet noted: the analysis assumed all undocumented immigrants were Hispanic (according to a 2009 Pew study, only 76 percent are) and that all undocumented immigrants today would receive citizenship (there’s no way to tell how many will choose to apply for citizenship, which will require a number of steps to achieve).

“FACT: Not all 11 million illegal immigrants here today will qualify to become citizens, and not all of the 11 million illegal immigrants are Hispanic,” the Rubio release read. “Historically, many green card holders choose not to become citizens. And, unfortunately, not all eligible voters - regardless of their backgrounds - turn out to vote. Under the immigration legislation, not all illegal immigrants currently in this country will be eligible for temporary status and, as a result, will be subject to deportation.”

Rubio’s office wasn’t the only one to take issue with the Politico piece. New York Times forecaster Nate Silver, who feuded with Politico throughout the election over his ultimately accurate prediction of an Obama victory, raised similar points as the Rubio release on Twitter — with a little trash talk thrown in.

POLITICO “analysis”: no way to know how many illegal immigrants would get citizenship and vote, so let’s assume 100%.
— Nate Silver (@fivethirtyeight) April 23, 2013

Politico attempting to use statistics is like Taco Bell attempting to cook French food.
— Nate Silver (@fivethirtyeight) April 23, 2013

Also love how Politico’s “analysis” assumes that all illegal immigrants are Hispanic.
— Nate Silver (@fivethirtyeight) April 23, 2013

The New Republic’s Nate Cohn, another prominent polling reporter in the 2012 election, took a deeper dive into Politico’s analysis and excoriated it for largely the same reasons, concluding it “exaggerates and mischaracterizes” the GOP’s dilemma.

“In effect, this ‘analysis’ assumes that every undocumented worker will become a citizen, and that every new citizen will vote in the 2028 election,” he wrote. “This is ludicrous.”

Cohn added that the Politico post didn’t take into account overall population growth, which would dilute the impact of the new citizens in 2028 when the bulk would be eligible to vote for the first time — and that’s assuming the bill is implemented on schedule, which is another open question given its border trigger mechanisms and the potential for bureaucratic delays.

Rubio’s response, however, is indicative of how dangerous pro-reform Republicans consider the meme that immigration reform inherently boosts Democrats. Rubio himself sparred with Rush Limbaugh last week over the conservative radio host’s suggestion that the GOP was “committing suicide” with his bill because newly legalized Hispanic immigrants were hostile to the free market and would never vote for Republicans.

“I’m not prepared to admit that there’s this entire population of people who, because of their heritage, are not willing to listen to our pitch about why limited government is better,” Rubio told Limbaugh.
If we give these illegals citizenship and they can get real jobs who the fuck is going to work our fields and jobs white people are far to good to do. We are so fucked.
Simple questions most Americans are probably ready to ask, Why confer citizenship on anyone who entered the country illegally? How does this benefit American citizens? In view of recent history, can we trust the government to secure the border?

The GOP standard for citizenship is now "What have you done for me lately?"
The TeaOP is now tasting the bitterness that Democrats have known for decades. Your party is directly fucking you on a major issue and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. What are you going to do, vote for Hillary?
Itchy Vettebigot is spamming Michelle Malkin and CNS AJ-style today.

Becoming informed on a bill doesn't require sitting down and reading every word and page, committing them to memory. I just looked at it and I bet I could read it in an afternoon and become fairly familiar with it. If I had an entire staff helping me I could do it in less.

The thing about these OMFG LONG bills is that the pages are double-spaced and printed with like five words per line.
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Itchy Vettebigot is spamming Michelle Malkin and CNS AJ-style today.

Becoming informed on a bill doesn't require sitting down and reading every word and page, committing them to memory. I just looked at it and I bet I could read it in an afternoon and become fairly familiar with it. If I had an entire staff helping me I could do it in less.

The thing about these OMFG LONG bills is that the pages are double-spaced and printed with like five words per line.

The Michelle Malkin whose parents were Filipinos here on immigrant student visas when she was born? That one?