Police Chief Mark Kessler and his "Constitution Seciuity Force"


Literotica Guru
Jul 27, 2008
The police chief of Gilberton, Pennsylvania, whom you may remember from last month, is in the news again.

What is happening in Gilberton should be a warning to all those who value our basic, inalienable rights to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The story there centers around Police Chief Mark Kessler, who drew attention by posting a series of profanity-laced videos to YouTube in which he attacks "libtards," fires fully automatic assault weapons, and threatens, "If you f***ing maniacs want to turn this into an armed revolt, knock yourselves out."

This is no idle threat the chief is making. Kessler is the head of a private militia called the Constitution Security Force (CSF) whose members swear an oath to "respond to the call if... needed to resist tyranny that seeks to destroy our republic." Kessler recruits CSF members at his website ChiefKessler.com, combining his personal and professional identities in one neat little package.

CSF openly affiliates with anti-government extremist groups like Oath Keepers and the "Three Percent" movement, which was founded by former Alabama militia leader Mike Vanderboegh. Vanderboegh made his own headlines in 2010 when he urged supporters to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide following Congress' passage of health care reform. Many offices were vandalized in response, including that of then-Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.


On Wednesday, during a meeting of the Gilberton Borough Council to consider disciplinary actions against Kessler, his supporters answered his call. While a State Police helicopter circle overhead, more than 100 people gathered outside the borough hall, many of them armed. CSF members patrolled the area with AR-15 assault rifles, telling one reporter they were there to provide "security." As John Luciew described it, "When it came time to open the small borough building for the public meeting, these armed men blocked the doors and prevented people from going inside."

They also angrily confronted Michael Morrill of Keystone Progress, who delivered petition signatures from 20,000 Americans who want Kessler fired. In an email Morrill told me, "I have been organizing for four decades. I have faced Klansmen in Kentucky, Ustase in Bosnia and police indiscriminately beating demonstrators in Italy. [Wednesday] night in Gilberton was more frightening than any of those situations."

Well, apparently, the borough council has finally decided to suspend Kessler without pay. His response (from his/CSF's website):

I am about to embark on a battle for which I will only meet head on, regardless of THE out come I refuse to be a political victim, a coward lead by tyrants, dictators or political hacks!


I would like to thank everyone who has shown support during these troubled times,

as many of you know I was unjustly suspended by Gilberton Borough Officials , they tried to use any excuse possible, fact is I violated NO BOROUGH POLICY!

these dictators took it upon themselves to punish an AMERICAN exercising their constitutional rights!

leading the CHARGE FOR FULL TERMINATION during this unjust 30 day suspension is

( Vice President) Councilman Eric Boxer ( Democrat )

( President ) Councilman Daniel Malloy ( Democrat )

They all took an oath to their country, our CONSTITUTION, NOT TO ANY TITLE, OR OFFICE!


I will sacrifice all I have defending my country, our constitution, OUR FREEDOMS


For I am jus one man who stood against many and said, NO MORE!

And, yes, that is verbatim.
And now Kessler's lawyer joins in the crazy:

The attorney for suspended Pennsylvania police chief Mark Kessler after a series of profane rants involving machine guns accused a local city council member on Tuesday of trying to stack the deck against his client the day he was sanctioned.

“We were under the full assumption and belief that Chief Kessler had the support of his mayor and that he would have a fair hearing that day when they met in executive session,” attorney Joseph P. Nahas told the Pottsville Republican Herald. “We didn’t know it was going to be a kangaroo court.”
Kessler's one more nut who thinks he'a patriot. I signed a petition a few days ago for giving him and his militia the boot.
Not even the Freepers are entirely comfortable with Kessler; some support him, some think he gives responsible gun owners a bad name.
Um, we kind of have a law; if you're a law enforcement officer, you're not allowed to belong to batshit crazy societies.

Pa. Town Council Votes to Fire Foul-Mouthed Police Chief
By Michael Rubinkam | Thursday, Sep 19, 2013 | Updated 8:05 PM EDT

An eastern Pennsylvania town says it intends to fire a police chief previously suspended after he posted online videos of himself shooting automatic weapons and going on profanity-laced tirades about liberals and the Second Amendment.

The announcement of Gilberton's plan to fire police chief Mark Kessler was made Thursday. It came after a closed-door disciplinary hearing his lawyer says concerned unrelated and trumped-up allegations town officials were using to conceal their intent to fire him over the videos.

Kessler's pro-gun videos have garnered hundreds of thousands of views online. He acknowledges they are inflammatory but says they're designed to draw attention to what he views as the erosion of Second Amendment and other constitutional rights.

"It's not easy. It's stressful, it's really stressful," said Kessler, who has solicited donations to help keep his family afloat financially during his unpaid suspension. "But I feel in my heart I'm doing the right thing. Yeah, I made some videos with some choice language, but that's my right. That's my freedom."

A handful of members of Kessler's "Constitution Security Force," a pro-gun group that critics have likened to a private militia, showed up in support Thursday, openly carrying assault weapons and handguns. Some of Kessler's supporters got into a heated argument with an opponent.
How did this guy pass a psych exam?

I'm not concerned about his profanity or even political beliefs if it doesn't affect his job. However, the actions and videos are conduct unbecoming not just of a Chief of Police but of anybody reasonably adjusted. This is some kind of crazy.
Um, we kind of have a law; if you're a law enforcement officer, you're not allowed to belong to batshit crazy societies.

In a democracy there's no such thing as "batsh*t crazy societies." One person's "batsh*t crazy" is another person's valid rational viewpoint. Ergo, Britain is not a democracy, but we knew that already what with the speech codes and all. Britain makes 21st century US look like a free country.
How did this guy pass a psych exam?

I'm not concerned about his profanity or even political beliefs if it doesn't affect his job. However, the actions and videos are conduct unbecoming not just of a Chief of Police but of anybody reasonably adjusted. This is some kind of crazy.

I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall during this guy's job interviews. Either he acted reasonably sane during the interviews, or the interviewers knew what kind of person they were hiring. Someone like this doesn't go over the deep-end overnight and post the videos he did, especially a police chief.
No difference between him and Obama and his platitudes during the campaign, then going full blown Communist on us.:D

Wait just one fucking minute.

Is Obama a fascist, communist or a socialist?

You guys please get your act together so we can pick on this Muslim correctly. :rolleyes:
It looks to me like he is exercising his First Amendment rights and defending the Second Amendment. He may be more outspoken than most, but he doesn't seem to be breaking any laws. :confused: