Poker Pals (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Lance grinned sadisticlly as he raked another pile of chips over to his prdiguous horde, he wa on a streak, adn his friends were not. hell at this point he would be able to kick these guys out within the hour, having successfully scored the pot, and taken all their money. but itwas jst then that Brock walked backin from the kitchen, his short 5'8 figure was almost as wide as the doorway,thick slabs of muscles stretching is t-shirrt almost to bursting. The guy ran his hands through his short blond hair

"Well I hate to tell you Lance, but as the host, well....your outta beer" he siad with a slightly saddened smile, "So I guess as host you gotta make a run for more" he said as he walked over to the chair, glancing at the Tv

"Well shit...I guess tis only fair of me to get you drunk if I am gonna take all your money" Lance replied glancing down at his watch, there was a half hour ill they stopped selling beer so he should be able to make it just fine, "Just know that Ihave counted my stack so don't even think about trying any stupid shit" he said with a grin.

Lance loved poker nights, and with is daughter out for the night he didn't have to worry about his friends ogglig his daughter, that was always a little disturbing, but he had to admit she had turned into quite a nice piece. She was short and curvy, cute and fun, smart and sociable. Something to be proud of,even if half the time he had to worry about the asses that she seemed to date. He got up, grabbed his keys and was soon headed to the store.

Sam looked up at the sound fo the glassware clinking. He and Brock had just been killing a little time, the game on hold while Lance went out and got more beer. He had a well stocked liquour cabinet, but for poker night it was alwaysa little dangerous to startin with liquor. He rose form the table, stretching his lithe 6 foot frame, stretching the thin tshirt over his whip like torso with well toned muscles, then he headed down the hall. He left Brock at the table, watching highlights of the football games from earlier today. And headed for the kitchen
Abby looked back over her shoulder at Lindsey's house, and as she walked away, she already felt bad about the way she had stormed out. She knew that she had overreacted, but she couldn't control how she felt. She had left so abruptly that she hadn't thought to grab her jacket, and the thin, light pink material of her tank top grew damp from the light rain. A cool autumn evening breeze sent a chill through her body, raising goose bumps over her skin. Luckily the walk was short since she lived right next door.

She heard the bang of a car door and the whine of a motor turning over and was hoping that her father's poker buddies had just called it an early night, but cringed when she saw that it was her father driving down the road, to the liquor store no doubt. He certainly hadn't expected her home this early. He always extended her curfew on poker night, even though it was a school night. She could tell that he hated the way his friends molested her with their eyes, and especially after a few drinks, they would become more aggressive in their comments and stares. She was always happy to oblige her father and stay out. They creeped her out as well.

She could feel her tank top clinging to her body and drooping a bit in the front revealing more cleavage than she had hoped. With her father gone the boys would probably be in the living room watching football and she turned to head to the back door, careful not to lose her footing on the slick grass and leaves. She would go in through the kitchen, so she could head straight upstairs to her room undetected. She just wanted to curl up in a ball and let the day come to an end.

She thought tonight was going to set up perfectly. After her last boyfriend had dumped her a couple weeks ago, Lindsey had agreed to set her up. Abby had heard stories from Lindsey about how great Derek was for years and it seemed like he and Abby would be pretty compatible. Lindsey had always joked that he was Abby with a cock and she had been excited all day about finally getting to meet him. But he was supposed to show at 7:00, and he wasn't there, still not there at 7:30 or 8:00 or 9:00. When Lindsey called him he had an excuse about getting called into work, but Abby knew that he had stood her up and couldn't help but feel rejected. Lindsey tried to console her but she really didn't want to hear it, so she stormed out. She thought about turning around and going back to apologize, but she had too much pride. Instead, she was going to sneak past the drunks and forget about everything until tomorrow.

As she reached the back door, she could hear Brock yelling at the TV and was relieved that she had guessed right. She pushed a wet strand of her blonde hair from her eyes and opened the door. She jumped, startled to see Sam in the kitchen, and she immediately felt his eyes on her chest. His stare felt oddly reassuring. She was creeped out, but at the same time after feeling so rejected, it did feel good to be appreciated, even if it was one of her father's friends. Instead of passing by quickly, she stopped and smiled, "Hi Sam, are you taking all of Daddy's money tonight?"
Sam froze, completely dumbstruck at the sight that confronted him

Abby was just coming in the back door and apparently the night had grown damp and cool. His eyes couldn't seem to pull away

Full, round, young breasts stretched a low cut tank top tight. The thin material wrapping around the full curves to show that far sweeping curve of a full rack. It also cling to her own skin like a second skin, and her nipples called to him

"Oh hey Abby. I didn't know you we're here" he said as he sheepishly yanked his eyes up to hers

"Yeah we are really taking it to him" he said with a smile if his own as he tried to remember why he was in te kitchen

"You just getting in? Or we're you planning on stepping into the game to see of your any better then your da at losing money" he asked with a smirk, his eyes flickering back down to the blonds bodacious rack
Abby's bright blue eyes finally made contact with Sam's as he started to speak but they quickly sank back down to her breasts. His words seemed a little slow, but not slurred, and she breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't too drunk yet. "Oh, I'm ready to get out of these wet clothes and call it a night," she answered before realizing that her response could be a bit suggestive, and quickly added, "I mean some nice warm pajamas feel great." She blushed, and began to fidget nervously with her tank top, pulling the front away from her stomach, unaware that with each tug, she exposed more of her soft, cream colored cleavage.

Sam's stare made her uncomfortable, but there was a part of her that relished his attention. She reminded herself that he was drunk and creepy. She urged her lips to politely say good night and head up the stairs, but something about the look in his eyes was intoxicating and held her in place. Her mind raced in the awkward silence. "Well I hope you don't take too much, otherwise I might have to call you Daddy." She cringed immediately when she heard the words escape her lips, and wondered how she could have flubbed a joke about her father's seeming willingness to bet the house so badly.

Her eyes dropped to the floor in embarrassment and she could feel her face turning a bright shade of red. She tugged more forcefully on her shirt, anxious to get away. She raised her eyes, finally prepared to remove herself from the situation. "I will have to pass on sitting in for," her voice trailed off when she caught sight of her reflection in the stainless steel refrigerator and her jaw hung open. She had pulled on her shirt so much that her left nipple was completely exposed along with most of her breast.
It was cute watch the blond fidget, being so nervous for some reason. But he loved making her sweat. Especially tonight

Her hands had gone to the bottom onher shirt, rolling and tugging at the material. Her own eyes roamed about the room and down at the floor. But her little joke about calling him daddy was cute. He was just about to say something, but as he watched her shirt slipped lower and lower. The scooping neckline slowly pulled taught over her full sweeping breast, the material growing tighter and tighter, a deep full line of cleavage growing before his eyes

He watched as one light brown nipple slipped free of the neckline, the hard bud calling to him. When she suddenly froze he jerked his eyes up to hers

"That shirt is a little stretched out" he said with a wink, and he gestured at her tit. The full round creamy orb made him lick his lips and he couldn't help but stare now. Damn she was hot, but he was able to pull his eyes up to hers, barely

"We'll now. Don't go calling it a night. Why don't you come and hang out. That way we can keep the game going" he said with a smile as her face turned dark red, but he pretended not to see

"If you don't come play I can't promise that you won't be calling me daddy" he said with a wink as he stepped closer to her

"But you look just fine in this" he said as his eyes dipped to her neckline and he smiled as he turned away

"I won't take no for an answer tonight" he said as he walked away. He could have stayed and stared and pushed. But he had seen too much. His cock had started to swell at the sight of that full creamy orb. God damn she had a pretty titty

"Deal Brock, we got ourselves a little lady willing to step in and play for daddy" he called out loud enough to make sure Abby heard
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Abby pulled at the neck line of her shirt quickly, but she had stretched out the damp material and it sagged down, so while her nipple was now concealed most of her breast remained exposed. She was embarrassed at how she had behaved in front of Sam and wondered what was going on with her brain tonight. He had picked up on every misspoken phrase, and his responses made sure that she knew it. She knew that she should just go upstairs and leave the men to their game, but something was drawing her to the living room. There was something exhilarating about seeing the look in his eyes as he stared at her cleavage and then exposed breast, or the tone in his voice whenever he said the word "Daddy". As he took his eyes off her and walked out of the room, she craved his attention. She needed more.

After taking a couple deep breaths to shake her nerves, her slender legs strode down the hall, forcing her hips to swing just a bit as she walked in her cutoff jean shorts. She smiled a playful smile at the two men sitting at the poker table. Their eyes were on her again. "You boys seem to have pretty short stacks there," she mocked playfully as she placed her hands on the table and leaned over a bit to give them both a clear view of her cleavage. She barely recognized the sound of her own voice, as she words came out with a purr. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but the expressions on their faces built her confidence. She no longer fumbled for words or seemed awkward, and every second felt more in command of her own actions. "You boys wouldn't try to take advantage of Daddy's little girl, would you?"
Sam smiled at Abby as she strode into the room, her hips swayed and dipped with every strut. This was new, and this was delightful. The pretty blond stepped up to the table and leaned down

Her nervous habit had made the neckline alot looser, a lot. As she leaned forward the scoop cut swung out, her pert young flesh heaved forward and the shirt just barely covered her nipples. But the full swell of two creamy orbs filled the neckline, practically spilling out. Sam had already been exposed to this, and more. So he wasn't as shocked. Not to say he wasn't speechless, but he recovered quicker then Brock

"Oh we would never dream of taking advantage of you. But I am interested in my short stack growing big and tall" he said with a smile, then he nudged Brock

Brock snapped out of it and began to deal, then he spoke, "So Abby you know how to play right. We are playing five card draw and it's twenty to get in" Brock said as he glanced over at Sam. Brock ha needed to look somewhere. Anywheres. Abby's sweet tits were practically falling out of that tank top and he could hardly control himself. They all knew Abby was a good kid, but they had never seen her behave like this, he'll they had never seen he like this at all

"So you gonna just stand there or play!" Brock said with a wink, making sauté to look at her eyes this time, even though she stills told there, practically falling out of her top
Abby arched her back just a bit, freeing even more of her soft breasts from her shirt. She could feel the damp neckline straining to maintain its grasp and she wondered whether she may be asking too much of the thin fabric, while four greedy eyes begged for more. For a moment, Abby fantasized about the shirt slowly ripping down the front from the strain and subconsciously arched her back a little bit more. Brock's eyes were glued to the mounds of cleavage that spilled over the fabric, barely concealing her nipples. Her ass swayed as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Adrenaline rushed through her body, making her crave the attention that she usually avoided, but all the while her legs trembled, a last outward sign of her nerves. She thought about standing up straight, but wasn't sure if her wobbly legs would hold her without the table for support. The feeling was just so new to her.

Abby looked into Sam's eyes as he spoke, but when he mentioned making his short stack growing tall, she blushed and diverted her eyes to the floor. She had been able to dish it, but she was not yet used to taking it. Her legs started to feel weak, and her confidence faded a bit. She looked back towards Sam's eyes, and was disappointed that they met hers and were not focused lower, she held contact with his eyes and forced a mischievous little smile across her lips, but before she could speak, Brock chimed in, suggesting that she sit down for the game. He had seemed to regain his cool as well, and Abby hoped that her father would get home and get her out of this.

She moved one hand from the table and began to slowly slide her finger tips up and down one of the large stacks of chips her father had and licked her lips. "I think I remember the rules to that one, boys, but I'm out of practice. Why don't we play a friendly hand or two so that I can warm up?" She sat down in the chair, never taking her hand from the table for support. It felt good to sit and she leaned back in the chair, pulling her long blonde hair in a pony tail. "I'm ready when you are Brock, if you think you can handle me."
The way she stretched, each breath heaving against her shirt, was almost painful for Sam to watch. He found himself praying for her short to slip, to give, to tear. Anything. The stiff buds onher nipples seemed to he the only thing stopping her tits from spilling out. But then he sat, and his cock could calm

He smiled as he spoke, her hand slowly working the stack of chips. God why was she such a tease, had they never noticed before

"A friendly hand or two?" Brock asked as he dealt te cards, his eyes glued to her body

"Where's the fun in that. We have to put something in the table. Even if its not chips" Brock said. He grunted as one card went spinning too far, it slid right if the edge
Of the table on her side

"Sorry about that. Would you e a dear and get it" Brock asked as his eyes slid from hers onher chest

Sam couldn't think straight. Even though she was sitting back, that neckline was still dangerously low, and her tits were dangerously firm and full. And he was stiffening again as he watched her breath. He snapped out omit as a card went skittering to the floor
Abby felt more relaxed leaning back in the chair. The aggressive posture she had taken leaning over the table, stressing the limits of her shirt while pushing more and more of her soft fleshy breasts into view were not at all like her. She felt herself settling back into her own skin and glanced towards the window as she watched a pair of headlights slowly approach and then drive by. She wondered how long her father had been gone. It felt like it had been an hour since she had seen his car drive off, but figured it had been more like five minutes. The look of uncontrollable hunger had seemed to fade from Brock's eyes and now they looked strong and confident as they pierced hers, as though he could see right through her act.

She turned her head to look at Sam, a desperate attempt to hide her vulnerability from Brock, and found that his eyes had drifted back down to her breasts. "These boys are harmless," she told herself, feeling emboldened, knowing that her father would be home soon and would quickly put an end to the game. Her right hand reached up to adjust the spaghetti strap of her top, inching it towards her left shoulder before letting her fingers ride the edge of the neckline, until they paused at the middle of her chest, toying with the material, before letting her hand run over her breast and back down to her side. Sam seemed mesmerized and the look on his face made her feel sexy and her confidence surged back.

She turned her body just a bit in the chair to face Brock, causing the strap of her tank to slide off her shoulder and down her arm. She looked into his with a pout, "Oh Brock, you're so greedy. What shall we put on the table to make these games interesting?" Once again, she barely recognized the voice that was escaping her lips, particularly when she emphasized the word "interesting". The look in her eyes reminding him that she was untouchable with her father's imminent return. As he dealt the cards, one came at Abby with greater force than the others and hit her breast before falling to the floor. She looked at him suspiciously as he asked her to pick it up for him. She could tell he was looking for another little show, and she thought carefully about how best to oblige.

"Of course I will, Brock," she said as she pushed the chair back and stood up, slowly walking towards him before turning around with her legs spread shoulder width apart, bending over at the waist and picking up the card. She paused for a moment, giving him a nice long look at her tight little ass in the cutoffs that rode just a bit up her slender legs as she bent, and peered back up at him past the smooth curves of her thigh with a little smile, before standing up, walking back to her chair, sitting down and placing the card with the four others. She saw another set of headlights out the window, and for a moment thought that it was her father returning, but they passed by.

She put her elbows on the table and leaned forward, letting her cleavage spill from her top once more, looking from one to the other. She knew her father would be back any minute and she would escape to her room, and have a good laugh. "So what is it boys? Is there something that you'd like to see on the table to make this friendly game more interesting?"
The two men watched her small hand glide over her body. The way she toyed with the strap, teasing them. The way her hand slipped along that diminishing neckline, drawing their eyes to her full firm chest. God she as a tease.

The trance as broken for Sam when a card slipped off the table. She smiled at Brock then went and got it. Sam was a little off to the side, the view he got was one of her fully curved body in a delicious profile. She bent down and her cute little ass curved out, her shorts slipping higher to show that first supple inner curve. Her heavy chest heaved against her top, the one shoulder strap had come loose and he watched her flesh billow to the neckline

Brock groaned as she bent over at the waist, her plump ass staring at him as her shorts rode high, her the mound of her sex was visible to him. He was almost groaning aloud by the time she slowly sat down, and asked what was at steak

"We'll if we win, we can help you with that shirt of yours, it's all disheveled" Sam said as he stared at the full mound of flesh exposed by the loose strap and stretched shirt

"I mean we wouldn't want that thing falling off, and if you win. Well you can ask a favor of either of us" Sam said with a grin as he picked up his cards. He smiled as he laid two down, he had three of a kinds already
The dumbfounded look on Brock's face was so, well, pathetic that Abby couldn't help but smile, as he sat in stunned silence as though he hadn't even heard her question. His wide, muscular shoulders seemed to dip to the side as though me might fall out of his stair, before he straightened himself up. She felt her confidence soar again, as her every move seemed to stoke their desires. No matter who won the game of poker, she had won the night. She wondered whether they would each go home and jerk off thinking about her. "These old, sorry bastards don't even know what hit them," she thought gloating to herself.

Her eyes shot over to Sam, who looked calm and collected again, as he spoke. He responded to her more quickly than she expected and couldn't help but feel like her expression gave away her surprise. The two of them almost seemed to be working as a team, building her confidence until she made her next move, only to have the other come back and take control, making her feel very vulnerable again. She convinced herself that she was over thinking their reactions. Surely they could not know how her emotions swung with each look or word. She glanced down at the five cards in front of her, still laying face down while she regained her composure and let his suggestion of betting a chance to help her with her shirt against a favor run through her mind. She was breathing heavily again and could feel her breasts rise and fall, as she tried to think of a favor that would be worth the risk. She didn't want to walk away, at least not yet and if she played the hand slowly enough, she knew her father would be home to intervene before either side would get to collect on the bet.

She glanced down at her shirt, staring at her heaving chest before returning her eyes to Sam. "God, it does look like it is hanging by a thread doesn't it, Sam?" Her voice was confident but there was a fear in her eyes that betrayed her. Part of her just wanted to retreat to her room, but they had called her bluff and now all she could was double down. "It could just split right down the middle at any moment. Wouldn't be the first shirt I've ripped." She desperately wanted to look at her cards before committing to the bet, but knew that she wouldn't get away with that. "I'm in, and for the sake of my shirt, I hope Brock didn't deal me a very good hand."

Abby picked up her cards and chuckled. She was one card away from a straight flush, only needing either the 3 or 8 of diamonds. Only one card separated her from a sure win, but on the flip side, if she didn't draw well, she had almost no shot. The wind and rain were beginning to pick up outside and she could hear the chimes by the front door. "What the fuck could be taking Daddy so long," she wondered. She fiddled with her cards, nervously, knowing the card that she had to throw, trying to read both Sam and Brock's eyes. She put her one card down on the table and took a deep breath.
Sam watched her hungrily.

"Really. So many shorts lost? Perhaps you should buy something that fits better" he said with a grin

Brock dealt

And Sam smiled as he picked up his cards, he was sitting on a full house. He looked at the cute little blond with a smile, then laid down his hand

"Let's see yours" he said with a grin as he looked at her tits hungrily, those full swollen orbs and the one he had seen, made his cock throb and he felt himself growing bolder

Brock was going nuts. This was I sane, but lance was gone and maybe she should learn that a little teasi g could get you in big trouble.

Brock tossed his ha d down, " you got me" then he looked over at her. Her tits, she was engrossed with Sam and Brock could only wonder about teari g that top off of her and watching her tits jiggle free

"well?" They both asked
Brock passed her a card and she placed her hand over it on the table. She looked up a Sam who was beaming having already shown his full house. Brock was happy to concede defeat having seen his friend's hand, and now everything hung on that one card. The two men had the look of sharks that could smell blood in the water and were ready to pounce upon their prey. Abby glanced out the window, hoping to see her father's car as she stalled. She looked back at Sam, "I'll tell you a secret." His eyes seemed to widen with anticipation, but she wasn't sure how long she could test his patience. She ran her tongue along her upper lip. "I love to feel my shirt rip."

She saw Sam shift in his chair, but words alone wouldn't be enough to distract him for long. He clearly had his eyes on the inevitable prize that waited for him once her hand was revealed. Both men prodded her to show her hand, their voices sounding agitated. She lifted the card and peaked at the red 8, but when she saw the heart beside it, hers sank, but her face was expressionless. She flipped the 4 of diamonds over, then the 5, slowly revealing each card, buying time. By the time she got to the 7 of diamonds, Brock looked like he might get sick and Sam's eyes showed their disbelief. When she flipped the 8, both men groaned, until they each realized that it was the wrong suit. She had the straight, but no flush. Her eyes flashed nervously to the darkness outside the window again.

"We'll Sam, it appears you'll be helping me with my shirt." She flashed a nervous smile at Sam before her eyes looked out the window again. "Since I beat you, Brock, I suppose you'll just have to sit there and watch." She got up from her seat and stood tall. Her legs felt weak while she waited.
SAMs heart had skipped an best at the last card. But he smiled at her statement. He ha seen her glancing out the window, and he knew that her dad could be home any minute, so he didn't want to waste anytime. But he didn't want to rush rather

"You like it torn huh?" He asked as he watched her rise. Her breath was coming quick and deep. Her tits were heaving in that tight top, and her nipples made tiny tents

He slowly walked around to her. His tall muscular frame stood well above her as he stepped up to her

"We'll I'm supposed to fix it" he said Ashe looked at the top half of one full breast exposed, the strap on that side hanging down by her arm, "not tear it"

He sai as he looked into her eyes, he lifted a hand to her other shoulder, and his finger slid down along the strap, to the soft tops of her breasts, edging back and forth over the neckline

"The real question is how to fix it" he slid his fi get back up that strap and his eyes left hers to gaze down at her expansive rack, his finger slid the strap off her shoulder, but the short stayed on, her chest holding it taught, bug the amount of flesh was delicious. And it only barely covered her nipples

"Now it's even" he said a she looked at her flesh, dying to plant his face there and his cock was growing thicker by the second. He stepped around her so Brock could see

"What do you think better?" Sam aske his buddy with a smile, but before he could answer, "or this" he asked as he grabbed the shirt at the back and pulled it taught. Her tits came filled the material near to bursting as te shirt stretched taught and tight, a massive swell I her breasts spilled out of the top as he pulled it tight

"Hmmm that is nice" he said as he leaned over her shoulder to oggle her tits, her plump little ass barely grazing his groin

"Or", he said and he let go of the tension, and with that extra stretch in the shirt as he eased back. Her top fell free. Her full firm tits made
Brock's eyes bulge and where Sam wa, his cock throbbed against her ass, hard.

" but that's not what you wanted" s said as he lofted the straps
Back up to her shoulders, the neckline dipped
Under her tits an made then swell together. His hads swung down, scooping
Each warm full breast up for a
Moment, a moment that made him groan hungrily into her ear. Then they were tucked away. He glanced to the window, nothing

His hands slid back over her breasts, and he pressed his stiffening cock into her ass as each full breast spilled out of his big strong hands

"There we go all better" he said in a husky voicr "Of course it's all stretched out now. Should I go and tear it" he asked as his hands groped at her tits

"Let me just adjust your breasts some more"

Brock could t believe it, but he was hard as steal. Then his phone vibrated and he red aloud

Lance is on his way back
Abby's body tensed as Sam approached her, her breathing sped up and she wondered if she closed her eyes, all of this would just go away. Sam's words sounded muffled to her and drifted in one ear and out the other. Her legs were trembling again and this time, she had nothing to lean on. Her head was spinning and she wondered how far Sam could possibly take this with the threat of her father returning. Both Sam & Brock had surely been friends with her father long enough to learn that if he ever caught them touching his daughter, the results wouldn't be pleasant for them.

Sam seemed to move so slowly and deliberately, his finger toying with the strap before sliding it down along her neckline and causing her to flinch as he brushed against the tops of her breasts. He towered above her and she looked straight forward into his chest. All of the delusions of control that she had held just a few minutes before, had faded away and seemed only like a distant memory. His finger proceeded up the other shoulder as he guided that strap down her arm, the tight material clinging to her large breasts trying not fall.

She felt relieved as she moved around behind her, putting her on full display for Brock. She thought that this was finally over, but gasped as Sam pulled her shirt tight from behind, her large breasts bulging from the shirt as he pulled it tighter and tighter. Brock's eyes looked as though they might pop from their sockets, and she felt Sam's warm, beer scented breath on her neck as he peaked around for a glimpse of his work and he pulled it even tighter still. His body had moved close behind hers and she could feel his hard cock pressing against her. Then all of the tension disappeared, the stretched neckline sagged below her breasts giving Brock a full view of them. Sam must have realized that his time was running short and replaced the straps on her shoulders and fondled her breasts for a moment before covering them with the shirt again. She could feel his eyes looking towards the window as his big paws continued to squeeze her through the shirt. She ignored his comment about ripping the shirt. Surely, he would not go that far.

Sam only stopped when Brock interrupted him to say that Lance was on his way back. Abby silently cursed her father for taking so long. She should have known that he would surely have run into someone he knows and strike up a long conversation, but now he was on his way. She wanted revenge on Sam for how he had treated her, but just needed a plan. "So, are you boys interested in playing another hand." She tried to sound sweet but she caught an edge to her voice. "You have to at least give me a chance to win back some dignity or at least take away some of yours." She was going after something big, so she knew she would have to make the stakes high on her side as well, but her father was only a couple minutes away. She wouldn't have to deliver on her end of the bargain. "Whoever beats my hand," she paused for a moment part for dramatic effect, partly because she was having a hard time forcing the words from her lips. "Gets to out their dick in my mouth. But, if I win, both of you need to drop your pants and stroke each other." She would at least get a good laugh when she was well out of sight and her dad walked in on his two friends jerking each other off, and she had a feeling that this time, she wouldn't lose.
Sam could not believe what he was hearing. She was still pushing her luck. Surely his hands all over her should have told her she was playing with fire. But now Lance could be back any minute

He strode back to his seat running his hand through his hair as he looked from her to him

"So it's Brock's hands or your mouth? That seems like quite a bad pot if we lose. I know Brock's hands are as rough as mine. And no lotion" he sows with a gin as he turned to look over at her. The blond had her confidence building again. And her shirt

The material was so stretche d is that it hung loose. The neckline scooped so low that the full curve of her cleavage could be seen, the way they swept apart in slow rounding curves. But it his her nipples. Those swollen dark buds had felt so rigid in his palms, and her skin had been a fiery silk

"How long?" He asked as he looked over at Brock.

"I mean if I gotta have Brock jerk me off and you only sick my cock for 3 seconds, well that's no fun at all" he told her as e eyes her. Swing how she reacted to him telling her she would be sucking his cock. Such coarse words for a demure beauty like her

"I say it's a finish for a finish, or a stroke for a stroke" he said looking her over as Brock began to shuffle, quickly dealing out the cards, and if course this time her entire pile was on his side, far from her on the other side of the table. Brock was always good for getting the little cheap thrills, but Sam had to agree, he sat down, but he slid the other way, wanting to get a view of that ass of hers. It was obvious, it was shameless, it was fun. And besides it would all be over soon since Lance was coming

"What's it gonna be then, since your naming te bet"
Abby took great pleasure in the discomfort that her wager seemed to give the two older men sitting across from them. They each glanced towards the other but turned away, as though neither of them wanted to fully acknowledge what they were signing up for should they both lose, but the mere fact that they didn't reject her out of hand, made her realize that she had enticed them to the point that they'd accept the risk. With each passing moment, Brock looked less and less comfortable. He refused to look at her confident, mischievous smirk or her blue eyes that remained focused on him. His stare moved from the deck of cards that he shuffled nervously to the empty bottle of beer on the table in front of him, occasionally looking up just enough to sneak a peak of her cleavage. His face seemed to lose color as Sam began to speak, as though the hearing his friend say the words only made the stakes more real.

Abby shifted her attention back to Sam. "I think we all have an equally bad pot, should we lose, and technically, I've given you odds since I have to beat both of you to avoid having at least one of your old cocks in my mouth, where if either of you beat me you're both spared." She looked at Sam eyes, trying to read him, but he seemed surprisingly calm. "So since I'm giving you odds, lets say one minute of me sucking for two minutes of you boys tugging on each other. If you both beat me, you each get a minute."

Brock had already dealt the cards, assuming that another hand was a foregone conclusion and Abby stretched across the table, paused to give him a good long view of her breasts before pulling her cards towards her. "So, are you in?"
Brock couldn't believe hit he was hearing. This was fucking crazy, he thought as he dealt the cards, trying to pretend like he wasn't a part of this. Occasionally he would even think to speak up and put this madnes to an end. He would look up, and stop

Her full breasts were not on display like before. Her shirt was no longer tight an snug. But the neckline dipped so low now that he could see the full sweep o her chest, and the image of Sam groping at those full orbs, letting them spill free, then tucking them away. That brief moment had made his cock harder then steel. Her body was young and pert and perfect. He would stare at her tits, and then he would realize what he was doing, forget why he had even begun to try an speak, and look back to his cards

Sam heard what she said, but he didn't care, the soft weight of her tits filled his mind, his hands still tingling with the feel of their weight. Their soft heat, and their full ripeness

She leaned down to get the cards and her heavy tits threatened to spill free

"That's fine " Sam said as he looke at his cards

"Stud though right?" He asked and he flipped his cards over. He had two pair. He looked up at her and smiled
Abby tried to play back what had just happened and how the tables had just turned so wildly that it made the room spin. Her blood was boiled with rage at Sam for changing the rules after looking at his hand. She was a teenage girl and even she knew that was a pussy move. She thought about backing out. His hand was strong, but certainly not unbeatable. She glanced out the window, hoping to see headlights illuminating the front lawn, but the only light came from the dim bulb outside the garage, that flickered occasionally seemingly on the verge of burning out. "Karma's a bitch," she thought to herself, deciding to let it ride now craving revenge even more.

With her cards still face down on the table and her eyes locked on Sam's she leaned back and pulled the neckline of her tank top down below her breasts, letting the material lift them and squeeze them together. "I don't want you boys to have to waste too much time getting each other hard when I win." She let her fingertips tease her nipples, as they extended further from her chest, before she reached forward and peaked at her cards. Her fingernail dragged across the table as she took the cards in her hand before laying them down her three twos. "Guess it's all up to Brock," she purred. "If he beats my hand, I suck his dick. Sorry Sam, best you can get now is an opportunity to watch." She shot Sam a look, obviously gloating. "If he can't beat me, well," she paused with a wide smile across her full pink lips, "you boys are gonna have a grand ole time together."
Sam grinned as he watched Abby slowly pull her tank top down. Her full tits slid into view with such slow sultry ess that Sam felt himself stiffen. He watched as the material slid beneath her full creamy tits. Then they were pulle together, twin peaks with a darkening nipple at its peak, h wanted nothing more en to slip his cock in there. He watched hungrily as her fingers slid over her flesh, reason her nipple into an aching bud of flesh

"That is mighty kind of you" he said with a wink, but he cursed as she flipped her cards over. The three of a kind beating his two pair. The smile on her far alone was enough to make him regret all te boasting. But he couldn't help it, friends daughter or not, this little girl needed to learn what happened when he teased, and she didn't please

Brock swallowed as her full firm young tits were lifted by her tank top. The was so wrong, but she was so hot!!! He had no idea what ha come over we, and he knew Sam didn't care, but Brock was so worried. But his cock was hard, watching her silky flesh simple slightly as her fingers caressed it. Her nipples stiffening as she toyed with them, and that look in her eyes. Brock had known her for awhile and never imagined this, but now he wanted nothing more

He pulled his ees low as Sam lost. God e better bit have to jerk that adshole off, he thought to himself as he slowly flipped his cards, not bothering to look at then before, and his face was torn between horror and joy, as a full house spilled out, three of a kind and a pair

"Oh shit" he whispered as he looked up at Abby, he was the only one sitting now, and he ha no idea what to do, he was deer caught in the headlights, and those tits of hers were awful impressive headlights. He stared at her fit a moment before looking up in her eyes. His cock was throbbing, and his conscience was quickly fading

Abby's body tingled with excitement as she waited for Brock to reveal his hand and without even realizing it, she had risen to her feet in anticipation, leaning over the table with a huge smile on her face, staring at the cards as though she could already see what was on the other side. She was a moment away from her revenge and watching both Brock and Sam squirm was in itself priceless. Brock seemed to not even want to see what lie on the other side of those five cards, sitting in a scattered pile on the table, and shot Sam a look that could kill.

In one quick motion, he flipped the cards and spread them. Abby's eyes jumped from one to the next, seeing two pair and exclaimed, "Ye....." which turned into a gasp as she did a double take at the last card. "A fucking full house," she thought to herself, quickly trying to figure out if he had cheated, but his expression did not reflect that of a man with the confidence of a cheater. He actually seemed a bit confused, as though he was still unsure if he had won. Abby felt sick to her stomach in disbelief that her plan had backfired.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of light, but it was only that damned flickering light by the garage. There were no headlights. By changing the game from draw to stud, Sam had succeeded in accelerating the game and now Abby had little chance of being rescued unless she could stall. She felt helpless and exposed, so she pulled her top back up to cover her breasts, figuring that even if the men protested, it would waste a valuable minute with back and forth. She felt so nervous that she could barely stand. It certainly wasn't going to be the first time she had sucked a cock and wouldn't even be the first time that she sucked a guy that she didn't even like, but it would be the first time that she had an audience and would be the first time that it felt completely out of her own control.

Brock's expression had changed from one of confusion to amazement, but something seemed to be holding him back as he remained seated still staring at the cards. There was something in the look in Sam's eye that scared her a little, a sinister look that went well beyond his normal ogling, and she was thankful that she had at least beat his hand. She walked slowly over to Brock, fixing her pony tail to keep the strands of her blonde hair out of her face.
Brock was frozen as he watched Abby. Her felt his heart fade a little a one quick sweep of her hands had her full tits tucked away. But as et hips swayed and she sauntered over to stand in front of him, his heart rate made a thunderous come back. It was roaring in his ears as he watched te young gorgeous girl approach him, he sat there frozen and stunned as she came to stand in front o him. He had no idea what to do. This was sooooooo wrong, but his cock was as hard as steal an he couldn't even begin to speak. He sat and he stared, afraid that if he spoke this fantasy would come crashing to the ground. But he did speak

"You don't have to", he said in a quiet glib voice as he stared at her full breasts. Her round sweeping cleavage well exposed by the tormented tank top, stretche well beyond an easy fix

Sam almost objected as Abby leaned back up, her hands deftly tucking those amazing tits of hers away. Her hardened nipples were still easily noticeable as she strode over to Brock

Sam found himself sliding around the table following her. His phone suddenly vibrated and he pulled it out, checking a text. It was Lance, Abby's dad

'Sam I got called into work. Could you guys make sure abbey gets in ok before you leave, thanks'

Sam smiled down at his phone as he responded

'Sure thing buddy. Have a good night. You working all night?' And Lance quickly response that he was. After the quick exchange he tucked his phone away and saw Abby standing before Brock, her plump ass looking exquisite in her tight shorts

He walked up behind her just as Brock spoke. And before she could say anything he spoke up

"Now a deals a deal. Unless, well we could give it another shot. Double or nothing? Just a round of high card. Brock gives you a chance to win your way out, but you run the chance of losing to both of us again. But the double will cost you this" he said as he reached up and tugged at her shirt

"If you play, you play without it. Or you can just go ahead as is" he told her asshe looke Dover her shoulder at him, he winked back.
Abby stood nervously in front of Brock, watching his eyes stare up at her breasts before letting them run back down her body. He breathed heavily, didn't speak nor move a muscle. She expected him to be full of confidence, having her in a compromised position but he seemed almost as hesitant as she did. The look on his face showed that he thought this had gone too far and now she realized that his discomfort with this entire bet had not simply been about the stakes if he lost. He stammered, telling her that she didn't have to do it, and was unwilling to look her in the eye. His reluctance was working in her favor killing time before her father would come home.

She felt Sam move behind her, which made her feel more anxious. He obviously realized that this was taking too long and he wouldn't be as patient as Brock. He almost seemed annoyed that his friend would be so willing to squander the opportunity that he had orchestrated and was quick to offer a double or nothing bet, but indicated that she would have to give up her shirt for the chance. Something in his tone had seemed to change but she couldn't place it and it surprised her that he would put him in such a dangerous position to get caught with her father only moments away. She knew that time was still on her side and even if it was only a few seconds, it helped her and he surely wouldn't be so bold as to continue to push her.

"Well Sam, I'll take double or nothing," peaking back over her shoulder, "but if you want my shirt, you'll have to take it yourself." She felt his hands wrap around her slender body and grab the loose neckline of the shirt giving it a tug. She didn't flinch, sure that he was bluffing. She could hear the material start to rip slowly, but knew that it was only a matter of time before he relented. Brock seemed to be holding his breath and grew wide as more of her soft flesh became exposed, but she couldn't tell if he was hoping that the shirt would give or that Sam would stop.
Sam could have jumped for joy as she asked for double or nothing. To say the way she looked as she glanced over we shoulder was sexy would be a massive understatement. Sam was really beginning to realize that she wanted this. She really did and he would give it to her

"Good, nothing like a round of high card" he said as he steppe closer to her, his waist bumping into the full roundness of her ass pressed against him. He reached around we, letting his thick fingers slide against the flesh of her breasts as he caught the neckline of her shirt. His breathing was hot an heavy in her ear as he looked down over her shoulder, gazing at the full expanse of cleavage that came into view as he stretched her shirt. He pulled it down and apart, a slight groan escaping his lips as her tits inched into view. There was the soft sound of tearing as the neckline began to give. Then in a quick jerk, the short tore in half, and her delicious tits came jiggling free as the material split over her tits, falling to her waist in rags. Now ah couldn't put it back on and cover up, Sam thought with a smile. He let his hands slid up her waist catching the flat toned stomach, her flesh was hot and silky smooth. He turned et around to face him

He was standing so close that her full tits slid against the hard thick muscles of his chest

"Go ahead and draw darling, now that you've paid up"

Brock sat there frozen. He had no clue what was going on or why. By he watched as sans hands came around Abby. The gripped the lose neckline of her shirt, and in moments the cute blonds full tots jiggled into view. Her nipples were hard at te peaks of her full firm perky breasts, and she seemed a little abashed, the slight blush suffusing her skin. But Brock's cock throbbed a the soggy of her slender toned stomach, her curving hips, and her full perky breasts. They were big heavy creamy orbs. Firm and pert with youth and vigor He wanted to touch them and taste them. But he didn't. This was so wrong, but his cock was on control now, an if Sam lost him his blow job he was gonna be pissed

He saw Sam spin her around and he looke longingly at e full firm ass, her toned thighs showing from the short cut offs she wore

Brock watched her draw a card, then he and Sam followed

"Alright let's flip on three", Brock said, "1-2-3!" And tey flipped