Pointy-toed shoes


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
Went shoe shopping today. Noticed the pointy-toed shoe trend is back with a vengence. Tried on a pair. Laughed my ass off. Those things should not be made above size 5. Everyone else looks like a malformed clown.
Sorry, but being a 5 1/2, I like them. They make me look like I actually have feet.
OK, I'll be lenient up to size 6, depending on the person. I saw a gaggle of size 8s trying them on, though, and unless they plan on growing a foot, the proportions just don't work.
Ok Ok wait, I have a size 7 and paired with the right flared jeans they look great....especially with the very thin stiletto
really pointy shoes are great for killing roaches in the corners...;)
Gawd, there's nothing I hate more than finding a pair of shoes and thinking "Oh, those are cute" and then seeing them in a size 10. They're never cute in a size 10.
If they're ruby red, can you click them together 2 times and say "There's no place like home?"

pagancowgirl said:
Gawd, there's nothing I hate more than finding a pair of shoes and thinking "Oh, those are cute" and then seeing them in a size 10. They're never cute in a size 10.

At least you can see them in your size. Guess what the selection is like in 5 1/2? Twelve years olds have more choices.
mytasteislikecandy said:
Ok Ok wait, I have a size 7 and paired with the right flared jeans they look great....especially with the very thin stiletto
Sorry, but I've seen way too many of that combo. A style loses its punch when everyone in the place is wearing the same thing.

Ditto with the Burberry plaid. That should have been retired last winter.
pagancowgirl said:
Gawd, there's nothing I hate more than finding a pair of shoes and thinking "Oh, those are cute" and then seeing them in a size 10. They're never cute in a size 10.
I know what you mean. Size 11 just screams "transvestite!" in most trendy styles.
Listen you two, we need to start a big feet club! I'll bet we can get glam to join and then we'll have some kick ass shoes!
I wouldn't recommend kicking anyone in the ass with those ugly shoes. They might get stuck.
Rambling Rose said:
Listen you two, we need to start a big feet club! I'll bet we can get glam to join and then we'll have some kick ass shoes!

YAY! Is Glam on teh trail of said 'kick ass shoes' right now?

Ya know what sucks... my stepdad used to dress as a woman every halloween (don't ask) and we never had a difficult time finding cool looking heels in his size. He's a 14 extra narrow!!!!!

Now, why do I have a hard time finding shoes?
pagancowgirl said:
Gawd, there's nothing I hate more than finding a pair of shoes and thinking "Oh, those are cute" and then seeing them in a size 10. They're never cute in a size 10.

So true, size 10 here too :(

Hey RR, I can be in your big feet club!!!!
Add another member to that club! We may have clown-like feet but our legs look great!
SexyWench said:
Add another member to that club! We may have clown-like feet but our legs look great!

if I had smaller feet, I wouldn't be able to balance this gadunkadunk.

And I heart my pointy toed boots. Of course I wear them with my chalk striped gansta pants, it's the whole seventies pimp look I'm going for. It works for me.
Another size 10/11 here. And I for one love pointy toes shoes. I was furious when my quarter boots died and I went looking for a replacement and all I could find was freaky looking boxy shoes. Until I got my thigh high fuck me boots. :D
You know, when I look down at my feet they don't look so big to me. I swear we ought to have a major trade-off. I think Risia's in our club too!