Poetry and techique


ground zero
Mar 13, 2004
What is the relationship between?
Special guest lecturer coming up....
I can hardly wait.
But in the meantime, feel free to express your own opinions. And I'll go peel an onion or somethin'.
The more you read and write poems, the more you think about them. The more you think about them, the more you see you need to understand things about them. The more you understand, the better you are able to experiment and develop techniques, whether they are the simple things like using rhyme, alliteration, assonance and image or the more complex stuff. By complex I mean line breaks, use of space, rhythm and rhetorical devices that work to support the central idea of the poem.

I am eager to hear what the guest lecturer, you and others think. :)
are you saying 'think' oh mock horror. and I was halfway through the onion. and you are a bit of a spoil sport, you just about covered all the bases.( "covering all the bases" is an American term, I apologise in advance to all who come from non-baseball playing countries.)
are you saying 'think' oh mock horror. and I was halfway through the onion. and you are a bit of a spoil sport, you just about covered all the bases.( "covering all the bases" is an American term, I apologise in advance to all who come from non-baseball playing countries.)

Not trying to be a spoil sport, just my opinion. And I'm sure the whole game can be explained better than my few sentences. Any one of those briefly mentioned things is a big subject of its own, right? I think of it as a continuum that, at least for me, proceeds in inches. You learn one thing only to realize it opens up a whole new set of new things to consider. But I'm obsessed with it so I like that!

I have to go make lasagna. No onions (but I do have to peel and smash some garlic). I have a kid who complains about onions if they're even in the same room as him. :cool:
the relationship between poetry and technique must depend, surely, upon the poet's intentions (if they are aware of them at the time of writing)

i.e whether the poet wishes to engage the reader at an intellectual level above all else in order to deliver sharp imagery, contrast, and argument to sell the poem's concept

OR the poet wishes to get into the reader's mind by quite another route (slipping in the backdoor) whereby the reader comes away quite moved by a piece, convinced of its (often simplistic) message - like All you need is Love - and yet hazy on detail, perhaps not even sure of the main body of text but left with an abiding sense of 'yes! this is'.

then again, there's always the hybrid :)

your choice of tools will affect the outcome.
you need a chair to stand on (you can borrow mine if you like)

just butter :cool:
I'm already on your shelf. :rose:
might as well be in your chair as well. I'll make the popcorn. when does the show start?
I'm already on your shelf. :rose:
might as well be in your chair as well. I'll make the popcorn. when does the show start?


room for two :D i need the chair to try to reach the stuff i don't understand. somedays i feel my legs are getting even shorter or the ceiling's racing away from me exponentially!

popcorn? how could i refuse?
don't know - twelve's not chalked it up yet. he's being all mysterious . . . is it a puppet show?
the relationship between poetry and technique must depend, surely, upon the poet's intentions (if they are aware of them at the time of writing)

i.e whether the poet wishes to engage the reader at an intellectual level above all else in order to deliver sharp imagery, contrast, and argument to sell the poem's concept

OR the poet wishes to get into the reader's mind by quite another route (slipping in the backdoor) whereby the reader comes away quite moved by a piece, convinced of its (often simplistic) message - like All you need is Love - and yet hazy on detail, perhaps not even sure of the main body of text but left with an abiding sense of 'yes! this is'.

then again, there's always the hybrid :)

your choice of tools will affect the outcome.

What if the poet has no freaking clue and is just stumbling around spilling words all over the place :D
with him pulling the strings we should be prepared for Punch and Judy.. :rolleyes:
"That's one of the ways to do it !"

What if the poet has no freaking clue and is just stumbling around spilling words all over the place :D
i'd lay odds on it that most of us go through exactly this - without it, how else would we learn about control? it's how i wrote for way too long, and shows the great value of a forum like this for any writer interested in developing.
As I expected the pure poet didn't show, and I have this nagging suspicion that poetry is often written with technique. (the 10,000 things), so instead of me a mere Technician closing this thread, I'll close it with someone who was probably both.


'Tis better to be vile than vile esteem'd,
When not to be receives reproach of being,
And the just pleasure lost which is so deem'd
Not by our feeling but by others' seeing:
For why should others false adulterate eyes
Give salutation to my sportive blood?
Or on my frailties why are frailer spies,
Which in their wills count bad what I think good?
No, I am that I am, and they that level
At my abuses reckon up their own:
I may be straight, though they themselves be bevel;
By their rank thoughts my deeds must not be shown;
Unless this general evil they maintain,
All men are bad, and in their badness reign.

-Popeye Doyle
where is the 10,000 things? I know I've seen it. Could you possible link it to the mushroom page?
where is the 10,000 things? I know I've seen it. Could you possible link it to the mushroom page?
the 10,000 things is chinese shorthand for more shit than you will ever know.
go ask Ash, he's a poet that didn't show, I'm just the guy that rings the gong on the gong show, remember.
the 10,000 things is chinese shorthand for more shit than you will ever know.
go ask Ash, he's a poet that didn't show, I'm just the guy that rings the gong on the gong show, remember.

crap, only two more Whammy's left... :(
the 10,000 things is chinese shorthand for more shit than you will ever know.
go ask Ash, he's a poet that didn't show, I'm just the guy that rings the gong on the gong show, remember.

Oh for a poetry gong show.
I'll buy the beer.:rolleyes: