Poems of the Night


The TC Bartender
Jul 12, 2002
This thread is for poems of a darker nature ... ergo "Poems of the Night"

Resting Place

Cold seeps over the silvered land
That lies beneath the moon so remote.
New fallen snow lies like crystalline sand,
It’s hard and gritty, a surreal overcoat.

Sometimes the snow is beautiful to behold
But on a night such as this it steals all your hope.
Of warmth there is none as midnight is tolled.
With many more hours before there is hope.

Boots shuffle along, too thin in the sole.
A coat is wrapped around a body rail-thin.
It was never meant for such a mid-winter stroll.
If only there was someplace that had taken him in.

New fallen snow lies like crystalline sand.
It covers the outlines of all that is vile.
Cold creeps over the silvered land
It blankets the man and his last, lonely smile.
Very thought provoking poem, SS... kinda reflects how I feel this morning...


As always your way with words amazies me..this is a beautiful poem! It may be dark but it is from the heart and it is very moving. truely wonderful poetry!
This is such a powerful poem, SS. You are so extremely talented. I truly look forward to reading your words. :rose:
Dark Lie The Shadows

Dark lie the shadows over this stubborn day.
Endless it seems when the light is so gray.
Hope is a tease, meant to give me false hope,
Lead me down a false path, such a slippery slope.

Ice rimes the trees, their boughs heavy weighted.
Creaking and cracking like my future ill fated.
I struggled so hard to avoid this fell calling,
But here I am still in a time most appalling.

Dark lie the shadows on the path that I walk
Above there circles a ravenous flock
Of dark eyed ravens just waiting their time
To have at my bones, put an end to my crime.

Grimly I continue though I know it for naught
This is a struggle that has already been fought.
I retrace my steps that lead to this end
With no power to change it, or otherwise mend
The rift that consumes me and leads me to stray
Away from the path and into dismay.

Dark lie the shadows over what I have done.
Would that I never, this path had begun.
Who will forgive the evil set free
My life all asunder, casting darkened debris.

Fear creeps in the alleyway
Like a bullet on a ricochet.
It’s almost unheard
Then like a hurricane stirred
It rises like the devil
Like a carnival revel.

Save my soul as it heads toward the drain,
Victim of spells and knowledge arcane.
I know that my fear is really absurd,
Yet I fear the bad karma that I have incurred.
Save me, I beg, I plead of thee!
Grant my voiceless, wordless plea.
Here is a poem of mine written in the angst of a broken heart.

Sister Night

Life nurtures and tears us down.
Love found and love lost.
The blindness brought by despair
brings to sight nothing but darkness.
I reach for the sun but the clouds and rain
chill my soul colouring the light gray,
happiness is someone else's reality.
Breathe life into me my love
let me bask in your glow.
Let joy take us however briefly
before slipping quietly into the night.
The abyss beckons, stark, cold and dark.
No light reaches there, no hope
Love abandoned, friendship lost
lying in a pit of our devising
the light up there appears farther
and farther away.
A beautiful face, a kind word falls on ears
going deaf and eyes that can no longer see
the beauty of the world.
Take me sister night, infold me into your loving arms and silence my crying heart.

Dark Shadows

Dark corners are out there, searching all about,
Looking for people in which to make a home
They will surround those poor souls and with no doubt
Infest them and pervade them, and their lives honeycomb.

Dark corners are hiding,
Just this side of the light.
Keeping to the shadows,
Just this side of the night.

Resist them if you will, it doesn’t matter you see,
The dark corners are a force that will crush you like a bee.
Resist them if you dare, and abandon your care!
Because you see, your chances are very, very spare.

Dark shadows never leave,
They haunt you all their days.
Dark shadows are a bane,
An insatiable malaise.

Though I know my words are hopeless,
Filled with dark and foreboding thought,
Please remember that this things
Are what the world has wrought.

Listen now my friend, to the shadow of the wind …
And to the hopes that flutter, aimless and chagrined.
Life weaves it web, a pensive survey,
Of all the people and their social parquet.

tell me ... is it the last stanza part of this poem? ... or the beginning of another?
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That is dark SS,brilliant but dark....light pierces the dark,always remember that!
the last stanza... yes and yes...

SS when your world is too dark to find your own way, remember that there are rays of light surrounding you. All you need do is reach out and touch one...

:heart: :kiss: :heart:
Here is another one....
I do not write too much dark stuff anymore, the way I see it is that life throws it at you....why cultivate it? I have a natural tendency of darkness...I have to focus elsewhere or else it consumes me. :)

Darkened Illusions

The wind feels cold and feeds my isolation.
Where is the comfort of a warm embrace
or of a soft voice calling my name in the night?
How to face eternity alone with a broken heart
and a darkened spirit?
The nocturnal wind softly moans stark loneliness
echoing through the blackness the dreams of times past.
Memories poison the present with mirages of a happier time feeding the delusions of a feeble fumbling soul
stumbling towards pinpoints of brightness
grasping for the stars.

Where is the glow
the darkness grows ever deeper
cruelty clear and cutting
Pretentiousness stings an open wound
feeding distrust, only the lonely can know.
Joy is empty, with none to share.
the light shys away
leaving misery huddled
in the shadows without heart

A little dark tonight..
1stTwistedSistr said:
What a sad poem... :(
I cry for you...
Thank you, but don't cry....darkness is an old thing for me and it comes and goes....
Fortunately my moods are not long lasting these days, but I was feeling sad the other night.:)
John Roberts said:
Thank you, but don't cry....darkness is an old thing for me and it comes and goes....
Fortunately my moods are not long lasting these days, but I was feeling sad the other night.:)

Well, if I can't cry then can I hug you instead? (((hugs))) I never have been one to wait for permission! ;)
1stTwistedSistr said:
Well, if I can't cry then can I hug you instead? (((hugs))) I never have been one to wait for permission! ;)

Hugs are most welcome:) :heart:


My poetry does come from the emotions and feelings inside...so what I lay out is me just not all of me....I have a light side too.
I suspect I may be manic but have the survival skills....
My dark stuff is an expression of inner anguish that is not the main event of my life these days thank god.

I know this is a thread for the dark but here is a lighter one.

Dancing with the flame

We dance as moths to a flame
sometimes too close and the fire scorches our wings
our desire for light brings us close again but our fear
holds us at a distance hovering in the shadows
until the cold and the night drive us to the blaze
to find a promising gentler illumination of hope
and turn the darkness into day

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Here is one written for my honey whspr, I miss her. And I also dedicate it to all those long distance relationships here at LIT


Grasping for the points of light
in a darkened sky
Where is my lady? My hearts delight?
Distant in more ways than one
Ever growing dimmer in the shadows
Obscured by the complexities of life
Will my glow capture her and bring her light?
Or in the distance falter and wane
to die in the night.
I miss her.
