Pmann's How to Improve the PG Thread

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
Hi gang.

Lit has been a little bit tense over the last few weeks. Between the man-hating, rape jokes, Grant55's kick-ass thread and accusations of racism, it's time for some healing. 💔 And there is no better way to do that than to read some of my ideas and writings.

1. I think we should implement a passive-aggressive like button. It seems the like button is used more ironically than not. Like, if you're going to bitchily like a post, press that button.

2. Maybe we could have a pile on button. Like the 💩 emoji. Maybe a dump truck. I'm open to ideas.

3. I liked the old buddy list thing, but it seemed to have gotten replaced by followers. Perhaps we could have a friends list, a "friends" list and an enemies list. Or maybe a "I follow them because I want to keep tabs on them to know if they're fucking my man" list.

4. Perhaps someone could provide a printed copy of the forum rules for the PG moderator to read. This could ensure that posts aren't removed just based on her whims and are only removed for actual rule violations.

5. Maybe we could send a virtual Care Bear Hug when someone says something that confirms our bias(es).

6. Ban people for using the term "pick me girl". I'm normally a big free-speech person, but damn this term is stupid. And the irony is thick.

7. Look up the words "strong" and "independent" so people stop improperly using them.

8. Add a tiny feelings icon. It could be a very soft vagina or a very tiny dick, depending on a person's preference. That way, we will know, in advance, if you're going to be offended easily and adjust our words accordingly.

Let's hear your suggestions, Lit!
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Here's a suggestion.....

Every time there is a dialogue where some one is disagreeing (*cough, controversy thread)

....make it a rule where they have to include the statement...

"..*throws a banana cream pie at *insert name* and it splatters all over their *insert anything*

As the dialogue continues, obviously the food item changes. And a multi post? Oh yea, the food fight gets real

Forgetting or omitting to do this invalidates their arguement and everyone can ignore it

Makes even argueing kind of silly and takes the heat out of it.
Hi gang.

Lit has been a little bit tense over the last few weeks. Between the man-hating, rape jokes, Grant55's kick-ass thread and accusations of racism, it's time for some healing. 💔 And there is no better way to do that than to read some of my ideas and writings.

8. Add a tiny feelings icon. It could be a very soft vagina or a very tiny dick, depending on a person's preference. That way, we will know, in advance, if you're going to be offended easily and adjust our words accordingly.

Let's hear your suggestions, Lit!
I just want to say that if we add a dick button. I'll be slapping that thing on every post :love: :nana:

Can we add (yes I know this isn't real) a SJW ( I already forgot Fara's preferred name) section while we're at it? Then they can go hate men in 1 area instead of every thread. (here comes the eye roll/ passive aggressive like button)
I'm not on tik tok, but I think in the anals of myspace there's a teeny tiny vag viola.

Now you've got me wondering if pubic hair is an appropriate substitute for horse hair 🤔

Engage that brilliant scientific mind of yours. Experiment Experiment Experiment

I might know an able bodied volunteer to help
Engage that brilliant scientific mind of yours. Experiment Experiment Experiment

I might know an able bodied volunteer to help
I don't know if I can will them to grow that long.
It's gonna be a tiny viola.
Are you dexterous?
Okay, serious Aussie.

I think it's worth reminding people that every single user here is human. We're all just trying to get through life and navigate the fucked up shit we were taught about sex and the greater social issues surrounding it. Everyone is somewhere along that journey. If in doubt, extend grace and compassion.

1. When someone says something stupid or offensive, address it. If someone has already called it out, don't add additional commentary unless it's meaningful. This isn't Reddit or Slack. We don't have the ability to thread messages. There's no need for eight people to say the same thing. It's awful to experience. It's also fucking brutal to witness. Don't kick someone once they're down.

2. Don't insert your opinion into someone asking a question of another litster. It drives me fucking crazy when I'm having a great discussion with someone about a differing point of view and a third person comes and answers a question I've asked with their ill informed understanding.
Litster 1: "pineapple belongs on pizza"
Aussie: "what makes pineapple good on pizza?"
Litster 2: "they are deep state Russian bots who are trying to make America sweet again"

It's annoying, unproductive and rude. Cut it out. Let people answer for themselves and check your own fucking assumptions.

3. Don't call each other names. Engage in conversations as debates of thought. Stay open to new ideas and don't hold a difference of opinion personally.

4. Take lit breaks. Schedule time with people offline.

5. Don't take this place seriously. It's a porn board. Go have an orgasm and try again.
Okay, serious Aussie.

I think it's worth reminding people that every single user here is human. We're all just trying to get through life and navigate the fucked up shit we were taught about sex and the greater social issues surrounding it. Everyone is somewhere along that journey. If in doubt, extend grace and compassion.

1. When someone says something stupid or offensive, address it. If someone has already called it out, don't add additional commentary unless it's meaningful. This isn't Reddit or Slack. We don't have the ability to thread messages. There's no need for eight people to say the same thing. It's awful to experience. It's also fucking brutal to witness. Don't kick someone once they're down.

2. Don't insert your opinion into someone asking a question of another litster. It drives me fucking crazy when I'm having a great discussion with someone about a differing point of view and a third person comes and answers a question I've asked with their ill informed understanding.
Litster 1: "pineapple belongs on pizza"
Aussie: "what makes pineapple good on pizza?"
Litster 2: "they are deep state Russian bots who are trying to make America sweet again"

It's annoying, unproductive and rude. Cut it out. Let people answer for themselves and check your own fucking assumptions.

3. Don't call each other names. Engage in conversations as debates of thought. Stay open to new ideas and don't hold a difference of opinion personally.

4. Take lit breaks. Schedule time with people offline.

5. Don't take this place seriously. It's a porn board. Go have an orgasm and try again.
No. 5, especially. If it’s not pure fun, what’s the point? And a corollary to No. 4: if you are taking a break, even if you think it’s forever, don’t announce it, just do it
Okay, serious Aussie.

I think it's worth reminding people that every single user here is human. We're all just trying to get through life and navigate the fucked up shit we were taught about sex and the greater social issues surrounding it. Everyone is somewhere along that journey. If in doubt, extend grace and compassion.

1. When someone says something stupid or offensive, address it. If someone has already called it out, don't add additional commentary unless it's meaningful. This isn't Reddit or Slack. We don't have the ability to thread messages. There's no need for eight people to say the same thing. It's awful to experience. It's also fucking brutal to witness. Don't kick someone once they're down.

2. Don't insert your opinion into someone asking a question of another litster. It drives me fucking crazy when I'm having a great discussion with someone about a differing point of view and a third person comes and answers a question I've asked with their ill informed understanding.
Litster 1: "pineapple belongs on pizza"
Aussie: "what makes pineapple good on pizza?"
Litster 2: "they are deep state Russian bots who are trying to make America sweet again"

It's annoying, unproductive and rude. Cut it out. Let people answer for themselves and check your own fucking assumptions.

3. Don't call each other names. Engage in conversations as debates of thought. Stay open to new ideas and don't hold a difference of opinion personally.

4. Take lit breaks. Schedule time with people offline.

5. Don't take this place seriously. It's a porn board. Go have an orgasm and try again.
I have to disagree with #2 a little. It’s sometimes hard, for me at least, to tell when someone is asking for information or opinions vs. when they want an answer only from one person. If it’s the latter, since this is a public discussion forum, I feel like the person asking should indicate that or take it to PMs.
I have to disagree with #2 a little. It’s sometimes hard, for me at least, to tell when someone is asking for information or opinions vs. when they want an answer only from one person. If it’s the latter, since this is a public discussion forum, I feel like the person asking should indicate that or take it to PMs.

It is quite hard to navigate this in certain threads when things move quickly and multiple topics are going on at once.
Wait, you don't like pineapple on pizza?

Then you are correct. That IS hate speech.

No. Pineapple is a sweet fruit. Pineapple has great uses, even though it is one of the least fuckable fruits (ouch!). It's good for upside down cakes, throwing on a grill, fruit salad, making my semen taste even more delightful (ALLEGEDLY), etc.

One of it's uses is not pizza.

You have engaged in hate speech and should be banned.
No. Pineapple is a sweet fruit. Pineapple has great uses, even though it is one of the least fuckable fruits (ouch!). It's good for upside down cakes, throwing on a grill, fruit salad, making my semen taste even more delightful (ALLEGEDLY), etc.

One of it's uses is not pizza.

You have engaged in hate speech and should be banned.
No need for a ban. I'm gonna take a timeout and put myself in the corner for being a 🍆. Or is it a 🍍?