PM Asshattery: Mad Libs Edition

From the asshat thread. Apologies if I missed anyone.
My partner in crime was OTcurve. :)

it's Trevor from Birmingham, AL, had to get a new screen chair, massage me?
Remember me? I'm Trevor, 17.M.- fluffy hair, bumpy eyes, 12'0 and knobby.
My friends know me as the wet, sticky, big, and driven one of the group who has a bit of a gassy camera. They know I like to squeeze and have fun, though they have no idea how oozing or itchy I am, or how far my keyboards go. I'm not sure they would ignite me even if I caressed them.

I love to kick, poke, be outside, play and watch feet, go out with friends, explore quick acts and have pustule.

I hope we can kiss soon.

Please feel free to play along.


it's Johnny from Los Angles, CA, had to get a new screen unicycle, dress me?
Remember me? I'm Johnny, 52.M.- bloody hair, flaccid eyes, 3'0 and drab.
My friends know me as the jittery, sore, anxious, and driven one of the group who has a bit of a terrible skillet. They know I like to suffer and have fun, though they have no idea how vapid or zealous I am, or how far my hula hoops go. I'm not sure they would collect me even if I washed them.

I love to confirm, repeat, be outside, play and watch ears, go out with friends, explore yellow acts and have tree frogs.

I hope we can weep soon.

Can you tell I loved MadLibs when I was a kid? :eek::rolleyes:

I'm a beginner at MadLibs, but I'll give it a shot.

it's Kevin from Tulsa, OK, had to get a new screen horn, kick me?
Remember me? I'm Kevin, 68.M.- combed over hair, ghostly eyes, 4'0 and melancholy.
My friends know me as the skittish, boring, mama's boy, and driven one of the group who has a bit of a asthmatic hamster. They know I like to skip rope and have fun, though they have no idea how cranky or compulsive I am, or how far my trombones go. I'm not sure they would like me even if I paid them.

I love to sit on the couch, watch cartoons, be outside, play and watch toes, go out with friends, explore balloon acts and have flowers.

I hope we can sniff soon.

OK, this is fun. :D

My husband supplied the words. :)

it's Ralph from Jackson Hole, WY, had to get a new screen piano, burn me?
Remember me? I'm Ralph, 36.M.- flaming hair, inky eyes, 90'0 and immense.
My friends know me as the tremendous, infinitesimal, squeaky, and driven one of the group who has a bit of a drippy rooster. They know I like to thrust and have fun, though they have no idea how sparkling or muddy I am, or how far my couches go. I'm not sure they would spit me even if I punched them.

I love to throw, stumble, be outside, play and watch cats, go out with friends, explore slippery acts and have ball.

I hope we can rock soon.
I do seem to get my best ideas when cranky. :D

Thanks for starting this thread Eilan. I must admit, I was already eyeing up the new one SassySheDevil posted. It looks like it may have potential.
I do seem to get my best ideas when cranky. :D

Thanks for starting this thread Eilan. I must admit, I was already eyeing up the new one SassySheDevil posted. It looks like it may have potential.
Ha! So was I! :D
Mining the asshat thread for older stuff:

Hey. My ex recently talked me into <verb ending in -ing> on a show at her friend's <noun>. I should start off by saying, my ex is <number>, I'm <number>. She had me dance in a <article of clothing> and <noun>, let them <verb> my <noun> up, strip, start <verb ending in -ing> off, and one of them actually put her <part of the body> in my <part of the body>. And that's just the start. Care to <verb>?
Mining the asshat thread for older stuff:

Hey. My ex recently talked me into zipping on a show at her friend's walrus. I should start off by saying, my ex is 98, I'm 42. She had me dance in a rabbit fur muff and water closet, let them wiggle my dustbuster up, strip, start guffawing off, and one of them actually put her elbow in my spleen. And that's just the start. Care to enunciate?

I just love mad libs. :D
My two youngest helped me with this. Of course, they have no idea what site I'm on.

Hey. My ex recently talked me into pooping on a show at her friend's bed. I should start off by saying, my ex is 42,000, I'm 24. She had me dance in a sweater and television, let them run my clock up, strip, start learning off, and one of them actually put her arm in my legs. And that's just the start. Care to spin?

Saucyminx said:
I just love mad libs. :D
Me, too. I can remember a brief period in 7th grade when many of us brought Mad Libs books to school. We had a lot of fun with them when we had free time.

I'm actually thinking of incorporating Mad Libs into one of my developmental classes this spring, maybe as a fun icebreaker activity at the beginning of the term. Many of the students who take this class aren't able to identify parts of speech. :(
my french teacher from high school once used mad libs to illustrate grammar for the class. my sister, also a french prof, has done the same. :>

This is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

My contribution.

Mining the asshat thread for older stuff:

Hey. My ex recently talked me into filming on a show at her friend's pap smear. I should start off by saying, my ex is 74, I'm 14. She had me dance in a suit of armour and feather boa, let them sniff my sword up, strip, start sneezing off, and one of them actually put her colon in my ear. And that's just the start. Care to whistle?

Entertainment of this caliber would be a steal at twice the price! Some gems here already.

Reading some of these makes me wonder if some of the Asshat PMs posted in the other thread were not created in this fashion originally, using some sort of an Asshat PM template, perhaps found on the interwebs. The difference between the originals and these being that the Asshat creators were limited by a lack of imagination and creativity, and a vocabulary range that rarely exceeded two syllable words.
And they only breathe through their mouths.
Reading some of these makes me wonder if some of the Asshat PMs posted in the other thread were not created in this fashion originally, using some sort of an Asshat PM template, perhaps found on the interwebs.

I believe the Nickelback fan forum is full of templates like these; I'm sure of it.
I believe the Nickelback fan forum is full of templates like these; I'm sure of it.

That makes perfect sense. Asshat & Nickelback go together better that chocolate & peanut butter, or Gangnam Style & The Dirty dot Com.
Hey. My ex recently talked me into sailing on a show at her friend's lamppost. I should start off by saying, my ex is 41, I'm 0.0. She had me dance in a scarf and spatula, let them peel my trailer hitch up, strip, start swimming off, and one of them actually put her ear in my nose. And that's just the start. Care to drive?
courtesy of my wife...

hey. my ex recently talked me into shaving on a show at her friend's potato. i should start off by saying, my ex is 7, i'm 34. she had me dance in a fur and wax, let them spin my spine up, strip, start burning off, and one of them put her hair in my weapon. and that's just the start. care to shine?


Lots of body parts here, folks. Get our your anatomy textbooks and try to mix it up a little! ;)

i want to bury my < body part> in your < body part>, feel you <verb> my < body part> with your < body part>, <verb> your < body part> around my < body part> and pull my < body part> deeper into you. have you <verb> up on all fours and <verb> your <food> from behind, working my way up to your <adjective> <adjective> < body part>, making <noun> to your < body part> with my < body part>. i will get on my <noun> under you and <verb> you down onto my < body part>, you will <verb> up on my < body part> and i will <verb> my <noun> on your < body part>, letting your <noun> fall into my < body part> until you can no longer stand it. you will beg me to stop but i wont until you <verb> over totally spent from <noun>.

Lots of body parts here, folks. Get our your anatomy textbooks and try to mix it up a little! ;)

i want to bury my eyelashes in your navel, feel you titillate my mucus with your uvula, insinuate your ass crack around my earlobe and pull my big toe deeper into you. have you jump up on all fours and regurgitate your porridge from behind, working my way up to your grimy hirsute armpit , making haste to your elbow with my foreskin. i will get on my whoopee cushion under you and squash you down onto my bald patch, you will pucker up on my nose hair and i will wash my socks on your kneecap, letting your detergent fall into my eye until you can no longer stand it. you will beg me to stop but i wont until you keel over totally spent from asshattery.

I love this thread. It got me at rabbit muff!

Lots of body parts here, folks. Get our your anatomy textbooks and try to mix it up a little! ;)

i want to bury my feet in your nose, feel you alleviate my bladder with your thumb, playing your elbow around my nostril and pull my armpit deeper into you. have you grazing up on all fours and gyrating your goulash from behind, working my way up to your dripping pulsating rectum, making microsoft to your bunion with my eye socket. i will get on my high horse under you and slither you down onto my stomach, you will hallucinate up on my boobs and i will agitate my icecream cone on your eczma, letting your ham sandwich fall into my buttcheek until you can no longer stand it. you will beg me to stop but i wont until you trip over totally spent from moshing.

He wasn't trying to be an asshat and I EVEN received an apology. Further exchange has revealed he can carry on a decent conversation.
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bumping cuz i'm sure there's a whole new crop of leg humpers on their way.

ed didn't see that eilan linked it in the blurts thread i'm guessing? :D

[shuts up]

you're welcome!
