Pleasure Kingdoms OOC/Casting Call


Dark Magician Girl
Sep 16, 2002
Hiya folks. I don't see any other threads like this alive right now, so I thought maybe I'd try it... and see if I could garner some attention or interest. :)

I'm thinking of making a fantasy role-playing adventure similar to The Slayers (final fantasy style, basically, only with more humor and a wider variety of spells), only a lot more light-hearted... and with monsters who have slightly different interests. They'll eat you AFTER they're finished with you.

Anything goes, really -- if you want to play a human, an elf, even a dwarf if you please, or some sort of creature that's considered a monster, like a dryad or a goblin or a tentacled beast, go right ahead! -- and the spirit of the game will be anime-style. Spell chants, "white mages" and "black mages" (theurgists and thaumaturgists), shamans and summoners, mystic sword techniques and martial arts desperation attacks... whatever you please!

This is probably going to be a light-hearted thread. I might throw in a bit of philosophy every once in a while, just because I'm like that, but besides that, just fool around. Make your characters kind of silly -- anyone too serious wouldn't be able to survive in this kind of wacky world, after all.

If there's any interest, I'll hone down the world a bit more and create my starting character -- I think I'll play a guy this time around.

Anyway, if you have any interest at all in this type of thread, please post and say so! :)

If this'll help, here's a little bit more info on my ideas.

There are two sides to the universe -- a spiritual side and a physical side. The spiritual side has many names: Consciousness, the Aether, the Summerlands, Heaven and Hell... whatever you prefer. The physical side is an aftereffect of the presence of the spiritual side of the universe. The physical side is a pale imitation of the spiritual side, holding little meaning within itself -- but the physical side of the universe has one unique characteristic: individuality. The spiritual side of the universe, on the other hand, is merely One Soul... it is the birthplace of all the single creative sparks that fuel every being, but all those sparks are the same, contrary to some hopes that all souls are unique.

In any case, early in the life of the universe, Magicians began to appear -- those few who could create passages to the spiritual side of the universe through their own bodies. Depending on their personalities, they could summon the Ultimate Force in different manners; some could use the Fighter's Trance, where they enhanced their fighting abilities and could use mystical combat-based attacks, and others could use raw elemental energy for a variety of purposes, whether creation, destruction, healing, elemental attacks, or what have you.

However, constant spellcasting drained the Consciousness, and as a magistrate of the spiritual side, the Destroyer was born -- a governer of how magic was used. The Destroyer was the master of all magic, and He chose who was able to use magic and who could not at the days of their birth. Those who could not use magic relied on the various Elder Spirits that governed the different elements underneath the Destroyer; such as the Elder Spirits of Fire, Water, Death, Life, and so on. Beneath them still were the Elementals, minions of the Elder Spirits, and the Legendary Creatures, the subjects of summoning spells. And beneath them...

...were the Fiends... the Monsters.

Monsters are created from the raw force of Chaos. They have one purpose -- to rape, to pillage, and to Destroy, and keep the constant creation in the world in check. Heroes and Magicians quickly found themselves spending most of their time fighting these monsters instead of taking advantage of those who couldn't use magic, especially since the Destroyer now watched over all who used magic. The Destroyer is not compassionate -- rather, He only makes sure that magic is not overused so that the balance of the world is not shaken. When Monsters are destroyed, they vanish, their souls evaporating into the air, since their connection to this world is very slim.

However, some Monsters grow attached to the world. Sometimes, even communities form, and trading between the humanoid races begins. These Monsters live and die, and even live amongst humans, though sometimes their lusty urges must be kept in check violently. Oftentimes, these Monsters become adventurers, because they get in a lot of trouble in cities, chasing down potential rape victims.

As it is, many try to understand where Monsters come from, why Magic exists, and how it really functions. But the rest just live their lives, trying to handle such a strange and dangerous world...
Sounds great... if there's a bit more interest I'd be happy to start with the character creation... :)
Sounds like a great idea Jacobo, Id like to join as a playful elven maiden, white magic user probably... what do you think?
--- My Character ---

(I made a new one down at the bottom of the page. Editted so there's no confusion.)


Okay, I think that should be good. You guys don't have to be quite so descriptive as I.

Also, name your spells/fighting abilities whatever you like... make them nonsense words like "Gransas Bras!" or something if you prefer.

And don't bother to confine your characters to "classes" or anything. Just write what kind of elements/abilities they tend to be attuned to, and whether or not they manipulate energy into elements (like Shizu does) or get it directly from the One Soul and the Destroyer, with pure Holy or Unholy magic -- pure, unrefined Creation and Destruction.

And your character sounds fine, Queen! :) Anyone is welcome.
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Anybody else? I'll wait a week or so before I decide if this thread has enough support to go... but I just thought I'd give it a bump. ^_^
Name Raven
Age Unknown
Race Unknown
Looks: He looks human 6’6 200 pounds of well formed mussel raven black hear and dark depthless eyes with slitted peupils witch gives his nonhumanity away.

He's a wanderer never staying in one place for to long he hires him self out as a mercenary when it suits him not for money or glory but when he thinks the fight is worth fighting.

Powers: He is able to control his spirit energies so his punches carry more force when he hits you it feels like you were kicked by a very large and very angry bull. He moves with the grace and speed of a cat his spirit energy giving him increased stamina. He cares a sword that he can infuse with his spirit energy making it glow with white hot energy it can cut threw most anything not enphused with its one spirit energies and even then theirs not many things that could with stand it cut.

He’s also able to control fire at will making it do as he wishes even creating a fire golem though this tires him leaving him vownarable. He can walk in to an inferno and not be so much as singed.

His biggest weakness is water being so powerful with the fire element it levees him vonrable to water attacks. He avoids getting wet hating the feel of water around him.

How’s that? If it needs changing just let me know and I will change what ever needs it.
I love it! :)

One thing I would like, though (though you don't have to post them right now), is spell chants -- in Slayers, sorcerers can just shout the name of the spell to cast it, but if they want to cast it in "enhanced form", they say a chant along with it, and it usually adds a lot of drama.

I just really like that part about the Slayers, so for example, when your guy gets pissed off enough to create a fire golem (sounds like his ultimate attack, and it's quite original too, I like it), you should probably have a little dramatic sounding chant to go with it.
chant sound good not sher if I'll be any good at making them up I'm willing to try though. Smile glad you like it.
Thanks Nightray, I appreciate it. I guess not many people in SRP are interested in this kind of game though... I just came from ORP so I'm kind of into the plot, and I'm always into fantasy stuff... maybe this wasn't the best first thread to make.

But I'm hoping maybe someone else will discover this thread and be interested... :)
Well, it's been a month. Thought I'd give it a bump to see if anyone else is interested in the idea. ^_^
Hey, is this Slayers thing still a possibility? I love the Slayers. I'm thinking of a human warrior-princess. No magic, just a really big sword.

Or maybe a male werewolf who's normally shy and quiet but sometimes changes into a big hairy hulk and goes on lustful rampages. I guess I'd see how the gender balance was working out. I've got lots of ideas for a setting like this.
It might be, but I don't know if any of the old players are still interested. I was just hoping for a typical fantasy adventure, only with a deeper storyline and more sex. :D

I was also hoping for something a little lighthearted and softcore sex-wise, since I can't find very many threads like that...

So anyone interested in either of these ideas, please join... :)
Jacobo_Curious said:
It might be, but I don't know if any of the old players are still interested. I was just hoping for a typical fantasy adventure, only with a deeper storyline and more sex. :D

I was also hoping for something a little lighthearted and softcore sex-wise, since I can't find very many threads like that...

So anyone interested in either of these ideas, please join... :)

Sure, sounds interesting. I'd probably be playing my usual type of character; loner with a grudge/ personal quest/ dark past, but I could shoe-horn that concept into the others.
Awesome, guys!

Try not to make your characters too experienced in the beginning. I think I'm going to start with some basic quests until inspiration hits and I can connect them into a campaign.

So post your characters when you're ready! Check my character (or my first two posts) for help on constructing them if you need to.

WhiteQueen, are you still interested? :)

EDIT: Though I might change my character to a female... hmm... I'm still thinking about it. ^_^
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Kevin Wild

I'm really leaning towards the werewolf idea, although if Jacobo plays a guy I might still play a girl. Anyway . . . here's what I had in mind.

Kevin Wild, male human (cursed)

Shaggy brown hair hanging in eyes, cute puppy-dog look with a good build, tanned shin.

Kevin is a simple peasant boy who was in love with a magicien's daughter. They tried to run away together, but her father easily caught them and gave Kevin a horrible curse. Whenever Kevin is sexually aroused, he transforms into a hairy, hulking monster with a huge, silly, toothy grin (I'll try to post a picture soon). The monster is incredibly strong and tough, but all it wants to do is chase pretty girls (what it does when it catches them depends on how soft you want your core, Jacobo. I figure he just rips off their clothes, paws and licks them). He changes back if he is knocked out, or when he is "turned off" (by cold water, etc.).

Kevin can't face his true love until he's found a cure for the curse, so he falls in with a group of magical adventurors to go learn about magic. He doesn't really know anything about magic or fighting yet, but he knows all sorts of usefull, everyday peasant stuff that magicians and warriors won't.

Jacobo, maybe you have someone in mind for the evil magician? It could just as easily be a sorceress, of course.

I hope this works out! It sounds like a lot of fun.
Hahaha! I love your character idea. I might just play a girl just for a chance to have to deal with that personally... and I love playing cute magician girls anyway... ^_^

And don't worry about how softcore it is. I just figure an anime that's not quite hentai while still being raunchy, y'know? A la Knights of Ramunes or Variable Geo... ^_^

Basically, I guess I could've worded it better -- a game that isn't all sex, but since that's what monsters are usually interested in and that's what has become a common occurance, it's something that people deal with a lot. You see what I mean? :)

Anyway, your character is awesome! I'll have to post my modified character's appearance in a little bit...
Hey, NyghtRayne has been PMing me about making a magical character, so I'm gonna try and set down some guidelines for people usin magic. :D

There are:

A) Users of the Fighter's Trance

B) Users of the Elemental Spectrum of the Consciousness


C) Users of the Elder Spirit Spectrum of the Consciousness.

Fighter's Trance is just ki-powered abilities for martial arts, whether unarmed or armed, like superpowered arrows or making your sword glow with energy when you strike somebody. Think Charms from Exalted, if you know of that game -- or just like special moves from any fighting game.

The Elemental Spectrum is debated by scholars in this world as to whether it comprises Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind; or Matter, Energy, Body, and Mind; but either way, this is standard magic. Rather than "white magic" and "black magic," healing magic is usually found in the domains of water and earth, and attack magic can usually be found anywhere, but fireballs and lightning bolts are pretty common and strong versions. Everyone has their own variations, of course.

The Elder Spirit Spectrum draws from Gods/totems. These can, of course, emulate elemental abilities, such as when a summoner calls upon a Salamander to breathe fire, but they do not summon pure energy. Users of this spectrum include summoners and shapeshifters (magic-using shapeshifters, not cursed humans or monsters). Of course, these people have to deal with their respective totems and be accepted by them as well as the Consciousness itself.

So basically -- monks/psychic warriors, wizards, and priests. Or something to that accord. It's not that big a deal, but it's nice to know how the world works.

Anyway, my revised character (I figure being a girl would be more comfortable for my first time doing something like this ^_^):

----------------- My Character -------------------

Name: Shizura Relawell

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Outlook: Exuberant but curious, insightful when it counts but a little too cheerful to be cunning. Smarter than she seems sometimes -- but everyone in this world is goofy, so that's okay.

Appearance: Dark hair, hazel eyes, cute, girlish features but a very shapely body structure, with an ample bosom and hips, though not extremely so. Appears to be around sixteen or seventeen years of age. Around 5'6", and weighing in at 125 pounds. Wears figure-hugging white hakima (martial-artist's) pants and pale leather boots, a soft cotton shirt with some flexible leather torso armor, and a light purple cloak. She keeps her long hair back with a dark headband, the image of a sun and moon dancing on the front.

Abilities: Minor Fighter's Trance, Water Magic (healing and attack aspects), Air Magic (lightning attack aspects), Minor Earth Magic (attack aspects)

Example Spells: Frozen Heart, Ice Lance, Lifeblood Heal, Solar Spike, Earth Maw, Crush Punch

Shizura is a relatively unskilled Magician with a good heart, a high level of empathy and insight, and a youthful charm that brings people to her. She tends to specialize in elemental magic, his soul being connected to the planet rather than the spiritual side itself, and the pure Creation and Destruction within. Thus, Shizura has no Holy or Unholy spells, only Elemental Magic and a little bit of Fighter's Trance ability from her own latent aura.

Right now, she's only recently left her village, and she's trying to find quests to complete. Surely there are naughty, bad monsters tramping around and violating maidens SOMEWHERE! And wherever this happens, Shizura is there!

Right now, though, she's contenting himself with blasting the occasional Goblin and trekking toward the next town, whistling to herself cheerfully... and completely unknowing of the true, pure power she contains inside her feeble mortal shell.

---------------------------------- End! ------------------------------

So yeah. And here's more world info, as if there isn't enough (but my imagination runs wild):

When monsters die, they do not fade away, even though they are crafted from the void by the Lord of Darkness to challenge humanoids. Thus, it is possible to skin dragons and cut off orc ears and turn them in, or whatever it is you want to do. However, as bodies decompose, they leave behind the crystalized Consciousness that was the monster's soul. Because they are creatures of magic, they can do this, and these crystals can be used for many things, depending on what kind of monster was slain. This can become an adventurer's currency, though monster corpses do not necessarily decompose quickly. And it smells icky, anyway.

These do not happen to the races made from primal energy rather than void energy, such as humans, elves, and dwarves; yet it is said that heroes that gain enough power to render themselves legendary start to grow their own crystals, and when they die, these crystals are prized beyond compare -- there are rumors that some very rich people and some very powerful monsters hold some of these crystals, but few claim to have ever seen one.

The normal currrency is still Gold Suns, Silver Moons, and Copper Stars, though. No worries on that part. :D
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Yay! Absolutely, GM! *huggles* :D

Read through and post your character whenever you like. Hopefully when most of the people get their character ideas posted we can get the story thread started! :)
Name: Logan Kaine
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Outlook: Adventurous, bored with is usual somewhat mundane existence.

Appearance: Dark Brown, amber eyes, Tall at 6’2”, and has a muscular build at 195 pounds. At 19 he is still kind of boyishly handsome, but does not like to be considered boyish. He mostly wears a brown loose fitting shirt and snug black jean-like pants. He wears a silver chain around his neck that holds a small charm with the etching of a unicorn on it and the horn of the unicorn is a chip of amethyst crystal.

Abilities: Shapeshifter, of the Elder Spirit Spectrum.

Logan has only recently come into his abilities, and merely by accident. (Which should come to light in my first post for the story). He is currently looking for away out of his predicament. (Which will of course be explained later). Logan is somewhat outgoing and can be a good friend, he considers himself loyal, and protective. His friends consider him friendly unless provoked, and somewhat vain about his appearance.