Please motivate me to get up before work to go to the gym


Sep 13, 2001
I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because I've been trying to get over a cold I couldn't shake. Well, I'm over it now, but tired as hell, and it's going to be really difficult for me to get up at 5 am after my hiatus from working out.

Please give me some incentive.
You know you feel so much better afterwards...sweat those toxins out!!!
get up get up!
although if you're really tired, get back to full physical health before you start going again!
So far, Sufisaint has the best incentive.

C'mon, give me something to wake up to in the morning- something to look forward to!
lilminx said:
So far, Sufisaint has the best incentive.

C'mon, give me something to wake up to in the morning- something to look forward to!

It might be free doughnut day at the gym. You could win the door prize.
Dollface, pretty soon, you'll be on that beach, wearing that skimpy little thing you call a bikini. Get up tomorrow and just go. You'll be tired, in a week or so you'll slide back into your routine.
Because, I love to work out. I love muscles rippling, one after another. Chasing. Teasing. Living.

Or, just let them atrophy, wither, die, and go gently into that good night...
Remember how you felt like you could handle anything, and take on the world after a workout Minx?
MorgaineLaFay said:
Dollface, pretty soon, you'll be on that beach, wearing that skimpy little thing you call a bikini. Get up tomorrow and just go. You'll be tired, in a week or so you'll slide back into your routine.
*Ding ding ding*

We have a winner!!!!

TY, Morgy- now if only I could tape this post to my forehead, facing my eyes so that when I open them in the morning I can read it and remember why I'm up so fucking early.

Ugh- and such a loooooong day for me- Parent-teacher conferences- blechhh.
Killswitch said:
Remember how you felt like you could handle anything, and take on the world after a workout Minx?
Actually, no. I usually feel like I got my ass kicked by 3 huge guys after a workout- especially cardio.
lilminx said:
I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because I've been trying to get over a cold I couldn't shake. Well, I'm over it now, but tired as hell, and it's going to be really difficult for me to get up at 5 am after my hiatus from working out.

Please give me some incentive.

Just look at your AV .....:p

and go HHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You can do it, I know you can.

I heart you. I wish I was going with you on spring break. I just started working out again last week. I won't see spring break until next year ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
You can do it, I know you can.

I heart you. I wish I was going with you on spring break. I just started working out again last week. I won't see spring break until next year ;)

she has the coolest name here.