please help me


Jun 1, 2002
I know someone here is smart enought o remember what the name of the loony tunes episode where the three little pigs are ina band and the wolf wants in. the three little hots maybe? someone has to know
I remember it but be damned if I recall the title.......something like "Three hep cats" ....... dated....
Okay, mystery solved......Now I want to know why Chef needed to know that.
guilty pleasure said:
Okay, mystery solved......Now I want to know why Chef needed to know that.

just love that song and all the little jokes that most people my age don't get
ChefChip said:
just love that song and all the little jokes that most people my age don't get

still can't find it on kazza, see if anybody has it, there's something in it for you if you are a chicky
ChefChip said:
just love that song and all the little jokes that most people my age don't get

Thanks, now I can get on with my life........ :)
ChefChip said:
so you don't have the song for me?

Go on Goggle or Dogpile, type in Three Little Bops, there's a bunch of websites that'll come up. The song's probably there somewhere.