


Do readers complain about plausibility?

And, what's really over the top in a story?
Another ask ten people get ten answers question.

As a reader I can stretch my imagination to a degree. After all this is fiction and most erotic cliches are a little far fetched and incest is pretty damn implausible.

But there are limits, but every body has different ones.

For instance as has been discussed many times saying a guy has a 10" cock as thick as a coke can or a woman has 42 triple d's make my eyes roll.

In incest I can put reality on hold that a mother would seduce her son, but when dad finds out and jumps on in and little sis comes home and says "yay!" and jumps inon the pile its too much

But those stories have their audience so for some it doesn't matter.

So the default answer is there is a readership for everything here.
For me in story plausibility I can over look a bit. When it hits me is when someone writes something that is physically impossible that I just stop and go... nope I'm done, thanks for playing.

I had a post a few weeks back when someone did something like that i didn't mention then what it was because His story was still in the new list and I didn't want him getting a ton of bad comments over my comments.

The writer had his character carrying 5- 55 gallon oil drums worth of gas, 25 cases of water, 10 cases of dehydrated food, 8 cases of MRE meals, plus enough clothes and "Other necessities" for a three month stay in a cabin up in the mountains. He listed the place as so remote that "the power company trucks had problems getting up there."

All on a small trailer.

That one still gets me.
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Another ask ten people get ten answers question.

As a reader I can stretch my imagination to a degree. After all this is fiction and most erotic cliches are a little far fetched and incest is pretty damn implausible.

But there are limits, but every body has different ones.

For instance as has been discussed many times saying a guy has a 10" cock as thick as a coke can or a woman has 42 triple d's make my eyes roll.

In incest I can put reality on hold that a mother would seduce her son, but when dad finds out and jumps on in and little sis comes home and says "yay!" and jumps inon the pile its too much

But those stories have their audience so for some it doesn't matter.

So the default answer is there is a readership for everything here.

I collect stuff from my own experiences to toss in the bowl. Like the aunt and uncle who come to town for a visit. He's an alcoholic, and when he forgot to stock up for Sunday; so he tapped my old mans supply, and before too long my aunt wanted a ride back to the motel. And at the motel she turned on the radio and wanted to dance, and moved my hand down on her ass.

And if I put it in a story I'll get BULLSHIT COMMENTS. I'm writing one today about an MD who sold her pussy. True story. She was married, we met online, I tapped her a few times, and she started selling it. This will get BULLSHIT too.
I collect stuff from my own experiences to toss in the bowl. Like the aunt and uncle who come to town for a visit. He's an alcoholic, and when he forgot to stock up for Sunday; so he tapped my old mans supply, and before too long my aunt wanted a ride back to the motel. And at the motel she turned on the radio and wanted to dance, and moved my hand down on her ass.

And if I put it in a story I'll get BULLSHIT COMMENTS. I'm writing one today about an MD who sold her pussy. True story. She was married, we met online, I tapped her a few times, and she started selling it. This will get BULLSHIT too.

You could write a story directly from the news and some asshat will say it isn't possible. I ignore what the reality anonymice say and do what the story calls for. As long as you don't have unicorns and dodo birds as pets fuck it it's plausible.
Most things are plausible if they say within the internal logic of the story.
You could answer the first question as posed just by going through and looking at the comments appended to X number (whatever number would satisfy) of stories posted to Literotica. My guess--from what I've read and written that is posted to Literotica--is that, no, plausibility doesn't come up in the comments very often at Literotica. It's not really a question that requires speculation--just some research--preferably by someone who is curious enough about the question to do the research.

And "what is over the top" is pretty much subject to the individual views of a mass of readers.
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For me in story plausibility I can over look a bit. When it hits me is when someone writes something that is physically impossible that I just stop and go... nope I'm done, thanks for playing.

I had a post a few weeks back when someone did something like that i didn't mention then what it was because His story was still in the new list and I didn't want him getting a ton of bad comments over my comments.

The writer had his character carrying 5- 55 gallon oil drums worth of gas, 25 cases of water, 10 cases of dehydrated food, 8 cases of MRE meals, plus enough clothes and "Other necessities" for a three month stay in a cabin up in the mountains. He listed the place as so remote that "the power company trucks had problems getting up there."

All on a small trailer.

That one still gets me.

Your comment reminds me of a story here where the author wrote in a couple of fight scenes.

I tend to be a little critical of them, because I have a very good idea of what will, won't, can and cannot happen in a fight.

The first was a one on one and an eye roller where the main character dares the other guy to hit him in the face and the writer describes the guy hits him in the nose and he hears it break.

then goes on into this ridiculous flurry of punches. My problem was, ever get your nose broken? When it happens your eyes tear up and you are blinded for a few seconds. No description of that or any follow up of any blood.

Also they went on to say our awesome pugilist was not even winded! he was breathing slow and steady. No, he would be sucking wind through his mouth because of his blood clogged nostrils.

The second fight was even worse this time him onto four guys. I could not even attempt to visualize the crap he was doing, it was more ridiculous than one of those kung fu theater movies.

I never understood a person writing what they don't know, or if they are going to, at least do a little research.

Of course it was full of comments like "wow ^%&^ is a real bad ass! I bet he could have beaten up twice as many guys!":rolleyes:
Your comment reminds me of a story here where the author wrote in a couple of fight scenes.

I tend to be a little critical of them, because I have a very good idea of what will, won't, can and cannot happen in a fight.

The first was a one on one and an eye roller where the main character dares the other guy to hit him in the face and the writer describes the guy hits him in the nose and he hears it break.

then goes on into this ridiculous flurry of punches. My problem was, ever get your nose broken? When it happens your eyes tear up and you are blinded for a few seconds. No description of that or any follow up of any blood.

Also they went on to say our awesome pugilist was not even winded! he was breathing slow and steady. No, he would be sucking wind through his mouth because of his blood clogged nostrils.

The second fight was even worse this time him onto four guys. I could not even attempt to visualize the crap he was doing, it was more ridiculous than one of those kung fu theater movies.

I never understood a person writing what they don't know, or if they are going to, at least do a little research.

Of course it was full of comments like "wow ^%&^ is a real bad ass! I bet he could have beaten up twice as many guys!":rolleyes:

True. Rory Miller warns that a street hard kid will kick your ass while youre warming up, because that's how its done in his hood. And I've seen black dudes knock out Koreans with a quick sucker punch. A buddy from Philly said pretty much the same, when the homies send a punk to start shit with you clobber the kid with a hard sucker punch and haul ass before his friends come to his rescue. He said they figger white boys are gonna talk rather than fight.
True. Rory Miller warns that a street hard kid will kick your ass while youre warming up, because that's how its done in his hood. And I've seen black dudes knock out Koreans with a quick sucker punch. A buddy from Philly said pretty much the same, when the homies send a punk to start shit with you clobber the kid with a hard sucker punch and haul ass before his friends come to his rescue. He said they figger white boys are gonna talk rather than fight.

A huge myth is that you should never hit first.

Yeah, sure.

If a guy is in your face and pumping himself up(and they do especially the guys buds are around) you just hit fast and hard an in a way he will not be getting up from.

My first Sensei taught me "Honor in the ring, is an honorable thing. In the street honor's for dead men."
A huge myth is that you should never hit first.

Yeah, sure.

If a guy is in your face and pumping himself up(and they do especially the guys buds are around) you just hit fast and hard an in a way he will not be getting up from.

My first Sensei taught me "Honor in the ring, is an honorable thing. In the street honor's for dead men."

Rory Miller says the same, TAKE THEM OUT FIRST. He devotes lotsa ink to his prison work. If an inmate resists, take him out.
I remember watching an episode of Banacek once

in which he figured the crime was perpetrated by uncoupling a boxcar just in time for it to be sidetracked to a spur rail while the train was in transit.
Now, being the son of a railroad switchman, I knew that was impossible; as soon as the car was uncoupled then train would go into an immediate emergency stop. Knowing this ruined the entire episode for me and I no longer watched Banacek.
It too was fiction.
Now, I realize writers for Literotica do not have the same presumed responsibilities as someone writing for a TV cop show, but I do believe some plausibility in stories is essential...unless it is a fantasy story, of course.
I like LW stories but I stop reading when they get so far out it becomes ridiculous.
All I can picture is the guy sitting up and sounding like the chef from the muppet show.:eek:


Back on-topic: Outside of the physical descriptions, bad dialogue, and half-dimensional characters, it usually doesn't get to me. Part of it will depend on how good the rest of the story is. A great story that has one scene, such as the one described with oil drums above, isn't gonna drive me (more) insane. But the third or fourth occurrence, or even the first in a lesser-quality story, is enough for me to back-click.
When it comes to story cats like Sci Fi & Fantasy, Non-Human and such, there is no top to go over, which makes them such fun to write. Using biggus dickus and hugueus boobus descriptions in any story goes without saying as do the Non-Cons beginning to enjoy being raped halfway through it. Love at first sex is a tad implausible too, although it does happen on occasion, often among adolescents.
I occassionally (rarely, but it happens) get dinged by making some aspects of stories too realistic--I've been told that sometimes the realism and plausability actually pull the reader out of the story (especially when it's a short stroke piece).
Re: Biggus Dickus

Of course, any good story involving Biggus Dickus has to include Thamthon the Thaduthee Thrangler...

Now for something completely different.

I kinda give sci-fi a pass for significantly well-endowed characters, but really only if they are not human. An alien or even a werewolf with a ten inch cock isn't as "yank me out of the story" as a human with a niner (or what can seem worse at times, eight inches but "my cock is average").

But again, that's just my opinion.
Those reading on Literotica for plausibility in the sex act probably just don't understand what Literotica is all about (and we frequently have threads on the forum showing that is so). ;)
I like this argument:

Most things are plausible if they say within the internal logic of the story.

As a writer you define the premise, the environment and the actors for your story. If you stay true to all three your story will always seem plausible to your readers.
Of course, any good story involving Biggus Dickus has to include Thamthon the Thaduthee Thrangler...

Now for something completely different.

I kinda give sci-fi a pass for significantly well-endowed characters, but really only if they are not human. An alien or even a werewolf with a ten inch cock isn't as "yank me out of the story" as a human with a niner (or what can seem worse at times, eight inches but "my cock is average").

But again, that's just my opinion.

I've lived a long time, and thru school and the military I cannot recall seeing any dicks I thought were humongous or even impressive. Mother Nature doesn't like long schlongs.
Your comment reminds me of a story here where the author wrote in a couple of fight scenes.

I tend to be a little critical of them, because I have a very good idea of what will, won't, can and cannot happen in a fight.

The first was a one on one and an eye roller where the main character dares the other guy to hit him in the face and the writer describes the guy hits him in the nose and he hears it break.

then goes on into this ridiculous flurry of punches. My problem was, ever get your nose broken? When it happens your eyes tear up and you are blinded for a few seconds. No description of that or any follow up of any blood.

Also they went on to say our awesome pugilist was not even winded! he was breathing slow and steady. No, he would be sucking wind through his mouth because of his blood clogged nostrils.

The second fight was even worse this time him onto four guys. I could not even attempt to visualize the crap he was doing, it was more ridiculous than one of those kung fu theater movies.

I never understood a person writing what they don't know, or if they are going to, at least do a little research.

Of course it was full of comments like "wow ^%&^ is a real bad ass! I bet he could have beaten up twice as many guys!":rolleyes:

The reason he wrote it that way is because he saw it on TV that way. In the fights on TV there is hardly any blood, the guy that gets his nose broke fights like a wild man without getting winded.

I could name a few recent movies that prove the point.

The first to come to mind is Parker. The second is Jack Reacher. There are many more like this where you actually have to suspend your disbelief in order to enjoy the movie.

As for TV shows...Person of Interest is a good example.
My first story has been submitted, so even though I am not officially an author yet, I hope you don't mind me posting my two cents

Some implausibilities that bother me:
1. A good-looking man/woman with a great personality who is looking for romance but has no romantic interests
I started Angels and Demons and when the hero met the gorgeous Ph. D. physicist in the CERN lab with no love interests, I put it down. I find it lazy writing to have the perfect mate basically come into being when the hero walks into the room. Of course, this happens all the time on Literotica.

2. Good-looking women are almost always bisexual
I enjoyed the Home for the Holidays series. In it, the only daughter of a couple invites three female friends home for Thanksgiving. It turns out that all five women in the story are bisexual, four of which discover it over the weekend. My understanding is that true bisexuality is rare and causes a lot of problems because each gender partner feels betrayed when the bisexual person goes off with the other gender. I am not saying that it shouldn't be in a story, but it should be treated as something unusual like incest. This too happens all the time on Literotica.

3. A person is happy to share their Significant Other
I enjoyed The Pool Payments series. In it, over a summer the husband boffs several of his wife's best friends as "payment" for using his pool. Later on, it turns out that wife had encouraged the first fling, knew about the others and was mildly disappointed in him. Seriously? If he cheated so quickly and easily in just one summer, who often did he cheat on her before? Won't he cheat again? It would totally destroy the trust in the relationship. Any time a partner strays, the other partner feels threatened and the relationship is strained. To treat it like the husband forgot to stop by the grocery store again diminishes the story. This too happens all the time on Literotica.

4. Mother and daughter look like sisters
A common trope in incest stories and it never happens. The writer is too lazy to figure out how to make the Mom attractive, so he/she makes her look like she is twenty years younger. Mature women can look damn attractive, but they don't look like they did when they were twenty. See Angelina Jolie.

5. Someone has sex over and over again in the same day
Any time a writer has someone come more than three times in the same sex session, my eyes start glazing over. Too much is just too much.

6. A couple has no relationship problems after the first time they have sex
In Friday by Robert Heinlein, the heroine picks up a married guy in a bar for a one night stand and they are instantly best friends for the rest of the story. Commitment and trust are things that are earned, not instantly bestowed just because you fuck once. Love doesn't mean that you no longer have problems with the one you love, it means that you are willing to work through the problems.
My first story has been submitted, so even though I am not officially an author yet, I hope you don't mind me posting my two cents

Some implausibilities that bother me:
1. A good-looking man/woman with a great personality who is looking for romance but has no romantic interests
I started Angels and Demons and when the hero met the gorgeous Ph. D. physicist in the CERN lab with no love interests, I put it down. I find it lazy writing to have the perfect mate basically come into being when the hero walks into the room. Of course, this happens all the time on Literotica.

2. Good-looking women are almost always bisexual
I enjoyed the Home for the Holidays series. In it, the only daughter of a couple invites three female friends home for Thanksgiving. It turns out that all five women in the story are bisexual, four of which discover it over the weekend. My understanding is that true bisexuality is rare and causes a lot of problems because each gender partner feels betrayed when the bisexual person goes off with the other gender. I am not saying that it shouldn't be in a story, but it should be treated as something unusual like incest. This too happens all the time on Literotica.

3. A person is happy to share their Significant Other
I enjoyed The Pool Payments series. In it, over a summer the husband boffs several of his wife's best friends as "payment" for using his pool. Later on, it turns out that wife had encouraged the first fling, knew about the others and was mildly disappointed in him. Seriously? If he cheated so quickly and easily in just one summer, who often did he cheat on her before? Won't he cheat again? It would totally destroy the trust in the relationship. Any time a partner strays, the other partner feels threatened and the relationship is strained. To treat it like the husband forgot to stop by the grocery store again diminishes the story. This too happens all the time on Literotica.

4. Mother and daughter look like sisters
A common trope in incest stories and it never happens. The writer is too lazy to figure out how to make the Mom attractive, so he/she makes her look like she is twenty years younger. Mature women can look damn attractive, but they don't look like they did when they were twenty. See Angelina Jolie.

5. Someone has sex over and over again in the same day
Any time a writer has someone come more than three times in the same sex session, my eyes start glazing over. Too much is just too much.

6. A couple has no relationship problems after the first time they have sex
In Friday by Robert Heinlein, the heroine picks up a married guy in a bar for a one night stand and they are instantly best friends for the rest of the story. Commitment and trust are things that are earned, not instantly bestowed just because you fuck once. Love doesn't mean that you no longer have problems with the one you love, it means that you are willing to work through the problems.

I'm guessing youre young, cuz all of what your find incredible is common.