So, submitted a story (several, actually) and this is the first time that this happened. I looked on th new stories for the day and found one that was pretty much exactly the same as a story that I had recently had published. I mean, it was almost word for word my story. There was no introduction that acknowledged me as the original author or that my story was the inspiratio for this 'new' story. I contacted the author, and he even admitted to me that he plagiarized my story. The only differ3nce was the characters. His characters were nit related, but t5he main story was word for word my story. I reported it three times as plagiarism. Noth8ng happened. Huis story was not pulled, and he actually posted three mote sequels to his unoriginal story. Seriously? What's the use of reporting a story for blatant plagerism if the mpderators and owners og this site are going to allow this to happen without doing anyghing about it> Obviously. Laurel and the others that control this site have no regaurd to intelectual property.