Pitty sex, does it work?


Aug 8, 2013
I've recently been on the shitty end of an affair and it seems to have brought about the end of my 20 year marriage. 5 months ago she moved out and even a month before that she moved to another room in the house. Needles to say we havent had sex is that long.when she moved out she took two of the kids with her.

We still have 2 school age kids and were struggling to keep my senior in the school she's in until she graduates. My youngest was just diagnosed with severe dyslexia and its goin to take a special tutor 2 years meetin twice a week to get him back to grade level learning.

A friend of mine pointed me to this sight along with another site with videos so I could at least masturbate to relieve some stress. It has worked to a certain extent but on a more intimate level I'm still missing something.

One of my favorite things to do in bed is to give her oral pleasure. I want to make sure she is getting everything she wants right up front before intercourse where I get what I want. I can go for hours and am quite pleased when my face comes up looking like a glazed donut. I love receiving oral too but haven't been the recipient of that is quite some time and fear I would climax way too fast.

My question is this, I know my story is sad because I'm living it but, does pitty sex relieve any of the stress of not receiving the intimate parts of sex I can find masturbating? I'm not an unattractive guy, I'm a 25 year professional in my profession and have built quite a good retirement bank. The future doesn't scare me so much as it should i think Nd I can tell you that my pent up need for physical intimacy is driving me nucking futs. Any ideas?
My two cents: you need an emotional connection with a woman because it appears that you wanted to please your partner, which is not usually the case with pity sex.

You can try pity sex, but I think you need a real connection with a woman that pity sex doesn't usually supply.