

Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
If anyone wants to add me to their Pinterest, PM me and I will give you my name on Pinterest.

Does anyone else Pin?
Papers on a board, wrestlers.

It's a cool board. Got the app on my phone and I barely use it...check a few people's pins on my main comp from time to time although I did have plans to make a pin page for myself.
Well there you go. I hate to say it but thats probably the most productive thing you've done all day.

It's a start.

No, it's just I'm not going to take any of your shit. Your little jabs. Yes, we all know you work 100 hours a week and the rest of us are pieces of shit.
Pinterest is a gateway drug...

one drag won't hurt you.
Pinterest is another one of those social media networks whose reason for being totally escapes me.
well, it is helping me prepare for the zombie apocalypse...
First it was Pinterest.

Then came tumblr.

Then it was the tweeting.

At least I'm not on the fb very much.
Where do you all find the time?

I'm not a pinner but you ppl are making it sound tempting.