Pink Champagne on ice.


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
Not really, but made like champagne. Who wants to enjoy the Gloria Ferrer Blanc de Noirs? My champagne bucket is in danger of getting dusty. Come, be a prisoner here of Sonoma's bubbly device...
Geeze.. the label is too pretty for words....

Will you soak it off and send it to me?
guilty pleasure said:
Excuse me LK........

Eummie, I love your new AV. :)

Carry on.......
Will do.

Bubbly is strange stuff, it SEEMS like it goes straight to the head (and sometimes the crotch) but it's typically a lower alchoholic content than other wines. My theory is the head is the main source of arousal, and the power of suggestion goes a long way.

So, soak a label? How could I refuse?
guilty pleasure said:
Excuse me LK........

Eummie, I love your new AV. :)

Carry on.......

Thanks! *beams*

That's how Nora sees me!

Thanks, Lucky. Should I bring the music?
Bubbly makes for giggling jiggles and flushed faces with silly smiles at the thoughts of love and lust that are set free when trapped in its veritable vortex.....

Another glass, please.:p
Eumenides said:
Thanks, Lucky. Should I bring the music?
Sure. Surprise us. Something with the kind of beat that makes us want to all dance naked.
I thought this was going to be a thread about the Hotel California.
Such a lovely place.
april-wine said:
Bubbly stuff goes straight to my head.......;)
That's the idea. You can never go wrong with bubbly, and it's FRIDAY.

Time to start the weekend rockin'