Pig kills picketer


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Workers at General Electric (GE) are on strike, and already, in Louisville, Kentucky, one of the brutal racist thugs and goons known as "police officers" has killed a picketer by running her over with his car. Michelle Rogers was a single mother in her 40's with three teenage daughters. The police claim it was an accident, but I strongly suspect it was deliberate MURDER. They are withholding the name of the pig, which shows they have something to hide. The attack on the working class in America has intensified to the point where the government is now MURDERING striking workers.

The role of the capitalist state as an organ of class domination of the working class and the poor by the rich has never been more clearly revealed than now. Last week, a bankruptcy judge imposed a 14% pay cut on 35,000 mechanics at United Airlines. Encouraged by Bush's union busting (against the longshoremen and federal employees), a "growing number of US corporations are moving to tear up union contracts, impose wage cuts and slash jobs."

Workers at General Electric (GE) are on strike, and already, in Louisville, Kentucky, one of the brutal racist thugs and goons known as "police officers" has killed a picketer by running her over with his car. Michelle Rogers was a single mother in her 40's with three teenage daughters. The police claim it was an accident, but I strongly suspect it was deliberate MURDER. They are withholding the name of the pig, which shows they have something to hide. The attack on the working class in America has intensified to the point where the government is now MURDERING striking workers.

The role of the capitalist state as an organ of class domination of the working class and the poor by the rich has never been more clearly revealed than now. Last week, a bankruptcy judge imposed a 14% pay cut on 35,000 mechanics at United Airlines. Encouraged by Bush's union busting (against the longshoremen and federal employees), a "growing number of US corporations are moving to tear up union contracts, impose wage cuts and slash jobs."


It must be nice to be paranoid. If eveybody is out to get you than you can blame everybody for whatever problems you seem to beset you in life. I wonder how people liek you manage to survive in the world without a keeper or handler to look after them and tell them that thing are actually ok. By the way I think we should appoint Miles as your particular keeper. Makes it more fun that way.
I guess in your book of laws, there is no innocent until proven guilty philosophy.

And pigs, RED? That is a very poor choice of words.
Only one?

Well, it's a good start, I'd still write the guy up for doing a poor job. Maybe if they use steamrollers for crowd control. Aw, comeon! Even nectar would turn sour by your attitude about life. You really need some anger management dude. :D
A Desert Rose said:
I guess in your book of laws, there is no innocent until proven guilty philosophy.

And pigs, RED? That is a very poor choice of words.

It's ok, all cops are angry white males who make 200K+ a year. There's no such thing as a female. minority or a gay cop.

Innocent until proven guilty applies in a court of law, and is a principle the Bush regime appears to have done away with by arbitraily detaining people. A private citizen can always express his or her opinion about guilt or innocence. No police car has ever run over a manager or an owner during a strike; let's put it that way.

As to your other point, you're probably right: it's unfair to pigs to compare cops to them.

Innocent until proven guilty applies in a court of law, and is a principle the Bush regime appears to have done away with by arbitraily detaining people. A private citizen can always express his or her opinion about guilt or innocence. No police car has ever run over a manager or an owner during a strike; let's put it that way.

As to your other point, you're probably right: it's unfair to pigs to compare cops to them.

Your explanation is indeaquate and still beneath you.
No spankee?

So does this mean you're not going to let me spank you?
If it's the same general electric strike in louisville Kentucky as the one that they were showing on the ATV news tonight, not saying it is.

Does your article mention the woman jumping the control picket line diving under the wheels of the car. That is what they showed on the ATV news up here, well not the actually point where the car and woman connect but of her diving purposely under the front of the car.

Its likely a different general electric strike in louisville kentucky than the one your talking about so I will leave now


As to your other point, you're probably right: it's unfair to pigs to compare cops to them.

Next time Redrave is a crime victim, he's going to contact his local pig farmer.

Yeah, Todd, I'm sure she dove purposefully in front of the car, just like back youth in the ghetto are constantly smashing their heads against the windshields of police cars . . .
Re: Re: ADR

Ham Murabi said:
Next time Redrave is a crime victim, he's going to contact his local pig farmer.

You know, I think you have ass dimples....

Interesting post by Todd, too. I am sure there must be at least a half dozen strikes at GE in Kentucky this week.

You know the Kentucky state motto? 15 million people, 15 last names.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
If it's the same general electric strike in louisville Kentucky as the one that they were showing on the ATV news tonight, not saying it is.

Does your article mention the woman jumping the control picket line diving under the wheels of the car. That is what they showed on the ATV news up here, well not the actually point where the car and woman connect but of her diving purposely under the front of the car.

Its likely a different general electric strike in louisville kentucky than the one your talking about so I will leave now

You're way off Todd. Cops across the nation have had their ticket books revoked and body bags have been stocked in the trucks.

Red's onto something here. We are gonna save money on welfare, unemployment and medicare by having the people receiving these services stand in the street so they can get ran over by the Police.
The police claim it was an accident, but I strongly suspect it was deliberate MURDER.
I strongly suspect you had a double helping of Stupid Flakes for breakfast today.

Re: Re: Pig kills picketer

teddybear4play said:
I strongly suspect you had a double helping of Stupid Flakes for breakfast today.


I'm sure redwave will be calling the pigs if someone is breaking into his house at 3 AM.
Re: Re: Re: Pig kills picketer

miles said:
I'm sure redwave will be calling the pigs if someone is breaking into his house at 3 AM.

More likely he'll make that call when someone threatens his domicile with boxcutters.
Nonsense miles, Red will call the police if a striking worker is breaking in his house. The cops have a quota to keep.
Police violence against strikers

There is a long history of police and military violence against striking workers in this country.
Re: Police violence against strikers

There is a long history of police and military violence against striking workers in this country.

Same history is found in Russia with Marx. Except Marx violated the sanctity of the Church and pillaged it's coffers.
Re: Re: Re: ADR

A Desert Rose said:
You know, I think you have ass dimples....

I checked in the mirror, and you're right. Those cheeks also serve to draw attention from my prosthesis.
And I've seen one of your better AVs, ADR, and your ass is killer.

By the way, Redrave is posting under another name at Lit: Mousey Tongue.
The sig line reads "Chief Commie Pedophile."
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No police car has ever run over a manager or an owner during a strike; let's put it that way.

I suppose it would be alittle obvious for them to actually drive inside the plant and up the manager's office to run over him, wouldn't it.

Cold it be that the reason only strikers get run over is because only stirkers are out on the street throwing themselves in front of police cars?
Re: Re: ADR

Weird Harold said:
I suppose it would be alittle obvious for them to actually drive inside the plant and up the manager's office to run over him, wouldn't it.


Dammit, Harold, I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that.
Re: Police violence against strikers

There is a long history of police and military violence against striking workers in this country.

There is also a long history of striking workers getting violent.