Pictures of last weekend's anti-war protests

Even in Antarctica!

An event of world-historical significance, likely the most massive and widespread outpouring of popular protest in all of human history . . .

If Bush dares to launched his unprovoked aggression against Iraq despite this, I call for massive civil disobedience and political strikes against the war. No business as usual! SHUT IT DOWN!
While impressive for sure, the protests will not likely change the adjenda. Hussein disarms or he is faces military action.
I think I see REDWAVE.

Crap, I can't attach pictures. Well, that's okay. It can wait.

Are you the same people that complained after 9/11 that our government is not doing enough to protect us, and should have know before the thin tower disaster that their was something coming?
milwwi said:
Are you the same people that complained after 9/11 that our government is not doing enough to protect us, and should have know before the thin tower disaster that their was something coming?

Never forget the thin tower disaster.
Gunner Dailey said:
While impressive for sure, the protests will not likely change the adjenda. Hussein disarms or he is faces military action.

Hussein disarms, signs over all land rights to America, sends his family to a remote country where they promise never to attempt to rule even in a factory foreman position on pain of death, and shoots himself in the face with shotgun, he might not face military action. NOTHING is stopping this war.

I didn't see one sign saying "Saddam - Disarm" or "Saddam - Stop Slaughtering your People".

Imagine that.
JazzManJim said:

I didn't see one sign saying "Saddam - Disarm" or "Saddam - Stop Slaughtering your People".

Imagine that.

I'm so sure that from those small, singular pictures that you can acurrately assess all the signs and all the protests.
Spinaroonie said:
I'm so sure that from those small, singular pictures that you can acurrately assess all the signs and all the protests.

Were you right in front of me, I'd put a hundred bucks that you couldn't find one protest that weekend demanding that Hussein either disarm or stop slaughtering his people.

I suppose that 1.5 million dead isn't quite enough, though. Maybe when he hits 3 million.
JazzManJim said:

I didn't see one sign saying "Saddam - Disarm" or "Saddam - Stop Slaughtering your People".

Imagine that.

Jim, that's a silly argument and you know it.
Weevil said:
Jim, that's a silly argument and you know it.
Silly for why? True, it doesn't prove the case for Saddam's disarmament, but it does show that there are a great deal of reasons why a great deal of people oppose the war than simply pacifism.

Weevil said:
Jim, that's a silly argument and you know it.

C'mon Weevil it goes a great length to showing how these stupid so called pascifists don't really understand the Great Satan.
JazzManJim said:

I didn't see one sign saying "Saddam - Disarm" or "Saddam - Stop Slaughtering your People".

Imagine that.


I haven't heard any US government officials apologize for funding/supporting/putting into power regimes as brutal - or more than - Saddam.

Imagine that.
teddybear4play said:
Silly for why? True, it doesn't prove the case for Saddam's disarmament, but it does show that there are a great deal of reasons why a great deal of people oppose the war than simply pacifism.


The idea that protestors, who are protesting the war would have signs like that is silly for two reasons

1) It's a given. A sign like that is akin to a politician saying he's Pro-Children.

2) One of the basic goals behind this, or any protest, is to try to influence people in your own country. As a citizen of a country you have a right(responsibility, duty, etc.) to make a difference in your country and its policies and actions. An American protesting against the policies of a foreign leader, let alone a crazy one, is not only futile it presumes a right to tell another country how to do it's business.

Now you can argue that what Saddam is doing makes it the business of Americans, and that certainly is one of the viewpoints in question. The idea that because signs like that were absent is somehow an endorsement of Saddam is ridiculous.
Weevil said:
An American protesting against the policies of a foreign leader, let alone a crazy one, is not only futile it presumes a right to tell another country how to do it's business.

So by default, all the countries protesting against American foreign policy should just cut it out?
Pyper said:
So by default, all the countries protesting against American foreign policy should just cut it out?

Were I telling them how to be effective protestors you bet your booty I'd say that.

A) It's futile and B) it implies a "We Are the World" kind of sentiment that the US has never been on board with.