Picture test thread

Some really nice shots there. I am very impressed with your water shot.

I am an amateur, with a decent camera. It can do all the fancy stuff but it also has newbie settings you can just select, which are the ones i use. ( like indoor shots, action shots, night time, waterfall, things like that)

i assume you have to use a short exposure to capture water (not in waterfall mode, i like it but it looks fake and fairytale ish, i like some that are more accurate). like in your pic it looks like actual water. whenever i try that its always really dark... do you know if you can lighten the picture afterward and still get the detail?
Some really nice shots there. I am very impressed with your water shot.

I am an amateur, with a decent camera. It can do all the fancy stuff but it also has newbie settings you can just select, which are the ones i use. ( like indoor shots, action shots, night time, waterfall, things like that)

i assume you have to use a short exposure to capture water (not in waterfall mode, i like it but it looks fake and fairytale ish, i like some that are more accurate). like in your pic it looks like actual water. whenever i try that its always really dark... do you know if you can lighten the picture afterward and still get the detail?

I'm not an expert, but knowing what camera you're using would help with the answer. Changing the ISO will lighten or darken the picture along with shutter speed and aperture. I tend to use the aperture and ISO more than the shutter speed.

You can lighten the picture to a degree after the fact but you may lose some detail.
Great photos again. Love the detail of the feathers on the first bird. :)

Thanks, I got a free rental for a lens and used the Nikon 400mm 2.8. It's way too costly for me to buy and it weighs about 10 pounds. Nice to play with though.:D

It sure is sharp though.
great pics...

I thoroughly enjoyed your pics...I am into photography as a hobby (not professionally & self taught). Utmost respect for the types of photos posted here. I usually use imageshack.us for resizing. Have you tried that? Thanks for sharing your talent here! Total 'earth porn'. Loved it.

Thank you ML. I haven't tried anything but my old Adobe CS2. I should look into something different. :)