photos of all the places on the eastcoast with sandy.


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010

new jersey below


i be back with more
beats me lol

i believe in the mayans, just not there predictions on the world ending.

islandman actually believes that i am the aztec guardian of the 13th level.

on a personal basis i detest the fucking mayans, bunch of twats! all this misleading end of the world bollocks. the mayans will not,could not and never will or could predict or decide when the world will end. bunch of cunts. only I can decide that, which is why i refuse to donate to such charities as green peace, who are also a bunch of cunts much like the mayans.
islandman actually believes that i am the aztec guardian of the 13th level.

on a personal basis i detest the fucking mayans, bunch of twats! all this misleading end of the world bollocks. the mayans will not,could not and never will or could predict or decide when the world will end. bunch of cunts. only I can decide that, which is why i refuse to donate to such charities as green peace, who are also a bunch of cunts much like the mayans.

lol *shakeshead*
i'm not worried about it....
if we die, we die... what can we do? nah mean, we're not superhuman

what you need to do, to ensure that some of you will survive.. is kill lots of people in human sacrifice.. before the sun sets... or bank giro transfer large amounts of gold to a suitable location in switzerland...

ignore the mayans, trust Mictlantecuhtli vote Mictlantecuhtli
what you need to do, to ensure that some of you will survive.. is kill lots of people in human sacrifice.. before the sun sets... or bank giro transfer large amounts of gold to a suitable location in switzerland...

ignore the mayans, trust Mictlantecuhtli vote Mictlantecuhtli

i agree & also cosign with ya'