Phil Mickelson must say F-U CA & obama


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
I realize people like Merc and SeanR love the welfare but you lazy fuckers need to get a job

Word is, Phil Mickelson is mad as hell about rising tax rates, and he’s not going to take it anymore. What follows is a brief portion of an interview Mickelson gave earlier today after carding a final-round 66 at the Palmer Course at PGA West in La Quinta – which I assure you, is not associated with the La Quinta next door to your local Denny’s – in which the golfer hinted that he is considering drastic career changes because of a combined tax rate nearing “62, 63 percent:”

This just proves my point that government "crazy" and out of touch with reality, high on the incest obama juice
WORK HARD - wiz khalifa

that's the thing, thanks to the socialist obama so many American's do not want to work and feel that collecting welfare is a good thing

the other issues how those in government have become super greedy with their demands. sadly, since government work force is comprised of stupid people, well these managers don't realize what they have done by over paying the work force

I hope that CA falls as the money starts to leave. Time to 86 the pension ponzi scheme, fire 2/3 of all government workers and drop salaries back to 1990 levels.
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It's all over, had to be one of Zumi's kids who wrote in to FOX and Friends this morning to say that Phil owed the taxes to the government because, "they let him practice his golf a lot.":rolleyes::D

WTF is wrong with people? When did people like Zumi, Merc, SeanR get their heads wedged up some ass hat government anal canal?

government is never the solution, its the asshts failures like obama that create the problems!
They said we were putting lipstick on a pig when it came to Palin, but as we can see, the Democrats are smearing Chapstick on an asshole when it comes to Obama.

have to love the socialist liberals here on GB, they enjoy their double standards.
I realize people like Merc and SeanR love the welfare but you lazy fuckers need to get a job

This just proves my point that government "crazy" and out of touch with reality, high on the incest obama juice

Your Facebook page says you have no job. Are you lying there or are you lying here?
Your Facebook page says you have no job. Are you lying there or are you lying here?

again, unable to stay on topic. How does the overpaid CA and federal government workers and their ponzi scam have anything to do with me?

Thanks for playing, next!

let me help you merc...what if people like Mr. Mickelson retire or move out of CA due to taxes....what if they move to a different country to reduce uncle obama's taxes?
again, unable to stay on topic. How does the overpaid CA and federal government workers and their ponzi scam have anything to do with me?

Thanks for playing, next!

The topic is that other people need to find jobs but you shouldn't have to. Try to pay better attention to your OP.
The topic is that other people need to find jobs but you shouldn't have to. Try to pay better attention to your OP.

so you want people to live off entitlements and the welfare?

obama is a backwards potus, and a very bad one at that. He doesn't bring people together, he pours gasoline on them while smoking a cigar

by not defending high taxes, you are admitting that obama is wrong and that those in government are mentally defective. we need to reduce the payroll by 2/3 and end the ponzi scheme called pension.

I'm glad that we can agree on something
so you want people to live off entitlements and the welfare?

obama is a backwards potus, and a very bad one at that. He doesn't bring people together, he pours gasoline on them while smoking a cigar

by not defending high taxes, you are admitting that obama is wrong and that those in government are mentally defective. we need to reduce the payroll by 2/3 and end the ponzi scheme called pension.

I'm glad that we can agree on something

Nope, the conversation is still that you demand others work while you remain unemployed. Stay on topic please.
Nope, the conversation is still that you demand others work while you remain unemployed. Stay on topic please.

how can you retards support and demand a 62% income tax?!?!?!?!?!

once again, you drift off into that useless land called "government mental state of being" aka useless

thanks for playing, please try again. don't forgot to tip your server before leaving

how can you retards support and demand a 62% income tax?!?!?!?!?!

once again, you drift off into that useless land called "government mental state of being" aka useless

thanks for playing, please try again. don't forgot to tip your server before leaving


Why do you care? 62% of your income is $0.
Jen last time I checked you were giving your shit away free and no one wanted it. Since you're on welfare I wanted to know what do you do all day? You know, besides write shitty stories.
Jen last time I checked you were giving your shit away free and no one wanted it. Since you're on welfare I wanted to know what do you do all day? You know, besides write shitty stories.

non responsive

typical PERSONAL ATTACK when CONFRONTED with reality
when that's all THEY can do...that's all that THEY can do

another liberal epic fail

Reality is that you don't have a job and you're part of the 47%. And you're inflating the number of Americans not in the workforce that conservatives whine about.